The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4343: Anti-submarine warfare

Qingcheng, South Korea. Inside a high-class hotel.

"As long as there is a war, the production of munitions is a major business. Such a business can ensure that many people make a lot of money." said a munitions manufacturer.

"That's right. We like war more than peace. Peace and war exist relatively." said the director of a medium-sized arsenal factory in South Korea.

This hotel is hosting a meeting of munitions manufacturers. They come here to display related products, light weapons, individual equipment, and in addition to various munitions. Military blankets, military boots, clothing, etc.

Wars occur every day in the world. Peaceful areas are only relative. It seems that the world cannot stop wars. For people in a peaceful state, wars are a way of stimulating their lives. Maybe no one likes war, but what they like is that they make money through war. War is another way to make money.

In South Korea, there is a group of people who made their fortunes through wars. They are arms dealers who started from the war. There are so many such groups. Many of them are forced to go abroad. They started a legal business. For example, they sold some ready-made clothes, shoes, cloth, pots and pans, and even condiments. In their view, this is the most normal business. But what is the situation abroad? After they arrive, everything is clear. Things are not as good as they thought. In other words, there is simply no way to make that much money.

Take seasoning as an example. Only Koreans, Chu people, and even people from Central Plains will buy such condiments, and the condiments they produce are basically the department that meets such a demand. Everyone is well aware of this. It can be said that they are forced to do so. . Become an arms dealer. They all understand what the local situation is, that the locals are poor. They can't even buy tea, so don't talk about sugar. Only a small number of nobles and wealthy businessmen can do this. This situation sounds terrible. But their market is extremely narrow, which is an inevitable result. They go to such a far place and do this kind of business without making any money. They may not be able to return home, they feel very frustrated, and they feel that all this work is not very good.

In the extremely helpless situation, they can only do arms business, starting with a rifle, some bullets, and even buying a grenade with the money for food. Relying on this kind of arms business, they started a very big business at once. In fact, it proved that under such circumstances, only such businessmen can do more business like this, because they can do this. This is Some situations that all of them must do.

Arms dealers are a special group of businessmen. Large arms dealers may have no evil. However, arms dealers are closely related to evil. They have not brought a lot of peace to the local area. The balance of power may produce peace. But they didn't do that. On the contrary, they did everything that could sell arms. They did a lot of unscrupulous things, such as selling a rifle to someone, then selling bullets, and then selling more ammunition, and for his enemies, he would sell mines and sell grenades. Then he would take a pistol to sell it. And the profits they got, from the gold at the beginning, turned into silver coins. Then a lot of other things began to do other businesses, these businesses, including slaves, from men, to children, and women. As long as there are valuable things, everything they think is valuable will be included. This may be the most profitable business in the world. Such a business will solve many, many things for them. This is their most advantageous point.

"Our business has come to a standstill. Our profits have risen to a certain peak. Such things are the worst." An arms dealer said at the meeting.

"But, I want to believe that in the next period of time, we may have other things to do something like this. We will change things like this." The arms dealer said.

Yes, they are doing more and more business. However, the local economy has not recovered much, and the fiscal and taxation of many areas has fallen into a vicious circle. The local government needs more and more funds, and they need to buy arms. But their area is already extremely poor. They raise taxes and buy more arms. Look at what they bring is huge financial deficits and poverty, so the regional economy is out of balance. They will be in a state of poverty for a long time. Such a state is difficult for them to maintain. They do not have much funds to continue. There is also not much money to buy more or more arms. This is the status quo faced by all arms dealers.

The local wealth has been absorbed cleanly by them. Under such circumstances, the purchasing power has fallen severely, to the point where it is unbearable for all the wicked. They think this can reach such a point. But the result. There is no way. Many things cannot be resolved further.

The reason for this situation is that the local finances are also in trouble. There have been many situations in the arms growth situation. This is the biggest loss.

Arms are not unlimited purchases. They need a cycle and need to handle such things properly, only in this way can they enter the next cycle of making money, but now, they don't want to do this. They hope to resolve such things as quickly as possible, because only in this way can they satisfy their growing material desires, which they already desperately hope to do.

Arms dealers can't wait for this situation. However, the war seemed to be deliberately joking with them, and everything came to a halt. But some things are still going.

South Korea's Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"Damn, I never thought that something like this would happen. They attacked our merchant ship with Koreans all over it. Suddenly we were killed by more than 57 people, all of whom were buried on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Damn it." Han Shu was very annoyed when he saw the submarine attacked the Korean merchant ship. The submarine can't distinguish between those merchant ships who are Koreans, and those merchant ships who love a few people, and even those who love a few people are the Koreans' own merchant ships. Such losses have been unbearable for Koreans. They hate the continuation of such a situation. Such things will cause them to lose more and more merchant ships. This is the biggest disaster for Korean merchant shipping in the Mediterranean region.

"My lord, we have already protested against the Zhao government. But the Zhao government refused to admit that the submarine was a matter of their navy. They thought it was a matter of the Carthaginians. Under such a situation, many of their things were It can go on. This is the first time, and they need to do such a thing for the second time to solve some of these situations." The Minister of Defense said.

"What did the Carthaginians say?" Han Shu asked the Minister of Defense.

"They said that they think they have some special circumstances, they don't know about such things, and naturally they can't make a correct evaluation of such things. This is some of their current situation, I'm sorry. King." The Minister of Defense said Speaking of. He hoped that their king would calm down.

"Find a way to sink those **** submarines to me, no matter what method is used, we must completely solve these **** submarines." Han Shu said angrily. The submarine’s offense was blind, because it was impossible for them to run to the merchant ship for identification, and they could not even make a call. This directly caused their offense to be blind, and they could not recognize the flag on the mast at all. National, in their opinion, those are just rags, yes, rags. It had no effect on them, so they attacked. Launch all attacks.

South Korean merchant ships sank one by one, which made it impossible for a large number of merchant ships in the port of Aiji to sail. Their situation will become extremely different.

Some of the crazy practices of the people of Zhao have seriously affected the navigation of the Koreans and their merchant ships, but the people of Zhao simply did not admit it. They insisted that this was done by the Carthaginians, while the Carthaginians insisted that they did not know. They did not have such a submarine force at all. In this way, the two sides insisted on wrangling, and the Koreans did not get any benefits. Han Shu didn't want to wait, he didn't want to watch his loss continue. Therefore, dealing with anti-submarine operations has become extremely important.

Admiralty. Inside the minister's office.

"I know it’s a bit difficult to do such a thing, but it’s the king’s order. No matter what Ouni’s method is, we must solve this kind of thing as soon as possible. This kind of thing cannot be delayed. We cannot continue to delay it. Yes. You know, under such a situation, our affairs are not going well. Do you know?" The Secretary of the Navy said to one of his navy colonels.

"But sir, there are still some difficulties in anti-submarine warfare," the colonel said worriedly.

"No matter what method you can do, and financial matters, I don’t know how much you can do. You can win over some allies, such as the Roma people, and let them do some things we need. "The Secretary of the Navy suggested. The Roma suddenly became useful to them. Because they suddenly discovered that the South Korean Navy could not accomplish such a thing, they still need more allies to join it, which is a different way of corporate management.

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