The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4349: Persia situation

Port of persia. The largest port in Persia. A large number of merchant ships enter here every day, and then unload the cargo. Loading goods, it seems unusually busy here.

Persia's economy is developing rapidly. The government actively introduces some labor-intensive enterprises, because such enterprises can solve their labor affluent problem to a greater extent. In addition, there are engineering, metallurgy, and mining. There are rich mineral resources, chromium and nickel. There are more rare metals. Tupley relied on these to increase his financial income.

The chromium-nickel ore is mainly exported to Zhao, because it is no secret that the people of Zhao need such special metal, chromium-nickel. This is an important material for manufacturing large amounts of stainless steel. Without these, the output of special steel will be reduced to a large extent. As for Persia, it happened to meet some of their needs, and such needs were really beneficial to them.

In addition, there is a large number of braids. For example, Persian carpets, this is their most important product. Such carpets mainly focus on luxury goods, because they found that the Central Plains countries seem to have a special interest in such carpets. This kind of completely hand-made carpets are seen by those wealthy people. Come, this symbolizes their status and wealth, so the export of this kind of carpet is very popular. In Persia, there are more than two thousand such carpet factories. Such a large number of enterprises have brought them huge foreign exchange income, and at the same time, they have also increased the government's fiscal revenue. After the war, a large number of people gathered and gathered a large amount of cheap labor for them. Especially women. This has provided them with great help in establishing such a factory. Rely on such cheap labor. These factories are increasing rapidly.

These people gathered mainly because of the war. According to a survey of Koreans. In Persia, the losses suffered by the residents of rural areas and towns and villages will be very great. In such a situation, a large number of people were killed by the war, or wealth was lost. Not only that, they also suffered from hunger. Because of the unprecedented loss of food and their cattle and sheep, people had to flee their homes and were forced to come to cities. Because only cities can provide safe areas and provide them with adequate food, provided that you have money. In order to survive, many people are forced to enter the city to develop. This is a test for them, but also a great encouragement for them, you know. Only under such a situation can they develop. Otherwise they will face nothing. Everyone knows this point. What it means. Therefore, the best way is to follow the instructions here. They do whatever they want. This is the only way they can survive. No one can replace them at this point.

of course. A large population alone is not enough to develop this market. Most importantly, capital. South Koreans bought and sold a large amount of bonds. They sold a large amount of Persian bonds to the Persian government again. After converting them into a large amount of funds, they established banks with local upstarts and carried out large-scale loans. The emergence of banks solved the problem of corporate funds. A large amount of lending has brought about the initial prosperity of the economy. If there is no bank. Persia's economy will not develop at all.

Persia finally stabilized. Although there are still some guerrilla areas in the north and some areas. But there is no longer a huge threat. The economy needs rapid development. Project erection, urban infrastructure construction, economic infrastructure construction. Many projects require funding.

At the same time, there are a large number of upstarts in the Persian National Army, most of them are officers, they can finally not buy their lives. Those high-ranking generals who took refuge in the Great Purge sought to cooperate with the Koreans. They established banks, retired from active service, or entered government departments. In short, as long as they did not control the military power, they would guarantee their lives. During the Great Purge, most of the middle-level officers had their own ideas. They happened to be an intermediate force, but they thought too much. Tupley didn't want his officers to think too much, because he was a lesson in himself. With regard to thinking, he controlled very strictly, so in such a situation, he quickly suppressed it. Otherwise, some of these situations will appear, and the situation will be resolved in short. That's it.

This is the reason for the emergence of banks, because a large number of upstarts need to avoid political cleansing. Tupley doesn't want to meet too many people who are unfavorable to him. He hates such a situation, because it will be very unfavorable to them. His idea is very simple, but very realistic. The Koreans also need a large number of collaborators. They cannot control all their power because they have already controlled the Persian central bank through the issuance of legal currency. In particular, Koreans have a large amount of Persian bonds, and the government is unable to repay them. They can only participate in the issue of paper currency, and it is far from enough to control the Persian Central Bank. They also need a large number of agents, because only they can solve most of their problems. Without these agents, many things are actually difficult to solve. Faced with such a situation, the Persians can only accept that those government officials and retired senior generals are suitable candidates. They need it too much.

These are upper-level businesses. And underground, there are still many shady businesses appearing.

For example, Yapian, this kind of business is full of depravity and decay, but people like this kind of thing very much. Because they are inseparable. The business of pornographic films usually brings crime. They stole and transported a large number of cultural relics, treasures, mainly stolen goods. In addition, there are women, and the development of the Se love industry will bring them more profits, and these profits are very substantial. There are also gambling and underground banks. In short, these things will solve such a series of problems for them. Although these businesses look very disgusting and dirty. But these are all needed, they can bring profits, as long as they know this, it's fine. As for other things, this is not something they can consider, because these things are not things they need to pay attention to. In such a situation, a large amount of business has been generated.

In addition, the Persian army also began to reorganize. For the Persian warlord’s army, they maintained a total strength of about 400,000 troops. Through reorganization, Tupley provided part of the military supplies, materials, and military equipment, because the provision of military equipment can jam the opponent's logistics supply line. He purchased Korean ordnance from the Koreans for more than twenty infantry divisions. In this way, more than 100,000 people can be cut through reorganization. The army of Persian warlords can be drastically reduced to about 300,000 people. Although the largest warlord still exists, they rely on the Zhaoxie infantry division provided by the Zhao people and have formed a confrontation, but Tuplei's military pressure has been reduced a lot. Because Tuplei established a regular army unit of more than 240,000 people, he reorganized the original infantry army into an infantry division. In this way, about eighteen integrated infantry divisions appeared. They are uniformly equipped with Korean rifles, machine guns, and artillery. At the same time, an aviation force and a junior navy were established, and the reorganized army was forced to retire, that is, they were given three months of military salary, so that they could make a living on their own. Most of the officers were shot or thrown into prison. In this way, the Persian National Army has basically completed military rectification. Politically, militaryly, and economically become unified. But in fact, there are still many places where Persia does not have a unified state, but for the Persian National Military Government. This is good enough. This usually shows that their combat effectiveness will increase a lot, which is their current most advantageous point.

Tuple is very proud of this. Persia's economy is on track. Their trade with the Koreans is increasing. At the same time, they can expand abroad and transfer domestic pressure when necessary. It seems that everything is quite normal. But there are many things that are truly abnormal.

such as. The reorganization plan of the Persian National Army was only carried out for less than a quarter, and there were still many weapons provided to the local warlord forces, and some officers colluded with each other to seek benefits, and the war was over. However, the benefits given to them by the government did not materialize. They began to plan for their own interests. In fact, they were the largest smuggling gang. The reorganization means the elimination of a large number of arms and weapons. Although most of the preparations of the Persian National Army are purchased from South Koreans, after all, it takes a long time, coupled with improper maintenance, and a large number of arms need to be replaced. Taking advantage of this time, these officers reported a large number of weapons to a scrapped state, but in fact they sold them through gangs and smugglers to the guerrilla zone, where a large number of weapons, women, and pornographic films were needed. Cultural relics, gold and silver. As long as it is valuable, they will all be transported. This means that their business is even more prosperous.

And such behavior further stimulated the vitality of the guerrilla zone.

There were also some reorganized soldiers. Through the establishment of empty salaries, more soldiers were retired. They did not get the salary on the order, and they were eaten by the officers. They are very angry, but no one will call them the shots. The only way is to go to the guerrilla zone. They are unwilling to enter the factory. Because they are very clear about the situation there, the oppression is even worse, they are soldiers, and they have become accustomed to military life. They have been unable to re-enter the society.

Weapons, experienced soldiers, these will pose a great disadvantage to the Persian National Army.

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