Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"Qin people's economic sanctions and blockade warnings, what do you think?" Li Lin asked his economic minister.

"Very bad. Mr. Prime Minister." The Minister of Economy replied. Goguryeo still needs to export a large number of industrial products to various countries. At present, Goguryeo has established its own merchant shipping trading system. They have signed cooperation agreements with many countries, such as providing some ammunition to the Persian warlords, because it is cheaper to buy from the Goguryeo people. There are also some agricultural equipment in other areas, as well. Goguryeo’s economy still needs a lot of export trade to maintain. If the people of Qin and South Korea decisively block their merchant ships, the result will be very bad. It was so bad that it was in an uncontrollable state. Therefore, the Minister of Economy said so simply. In his opinion, this is indeed the case, and the situation is really bad. It is so bad that many places have to deal with the situation.

"Okay, okay, I know many things. If there are major changes, I will naturally do such things, but the situation is that this situation continues to happen." Li Lin got Such an answer is not surprising at all, but he felt it was a pity that he did not intend to help the mountain people, but the warning from Qin and Korea smelled very strong. This made him have to consider some specific consequences. For example, after sanctions, the economy of Goguryeo would enter the expansion stage again. In that case, the entire economy would fall into a huge unfavorable situation. He could not see this. This happens, so you can only accept such warnings.

"All things in the mountain country should be blocked, and we must not let the other party know. In addition, tell the Qin people some information about the mountain people through a third party, and we should keep it confidential to prevent us from thinking that we are going to the mountain people. Hand, we will never do such a thing, to show that it looks like this." Li Lin said. The Minister of Economy believes that these are all secrets, but this is not surprising. In the face of the country's interests, everything is incomprehensible. In such a situation, many things actually need to be solved by themselves.

The impact of economic sanctions is very, very large. Because the various raw materials needed by the industry still need to be met by the Qin people and Koreans, plus market development and demand adjustments, these are a series of things they need to do. If they don’t have these things, Many of their things cannot be carried out effectively. Faced with such a situation, it is extremely important to make a correct choice.

On the mountain battlefield.

Yang Lai was ordered to come to a virgin forest fringe area. They didn't know what they were doing here. The above order was only for them to protect the engineers from anyone's offensive and encroachment. So they established a defensive position here to make more space for the engineers below, at least to keep them out of the range of the rifle, as for the mortar.

"Fuck it." Yang Lai said by digging the trench. Fortifications are not easy to build, and the primeval forest is extremely dense. This makes their work more difficult.

"Bang Bang. Bang." Several explosions came from behind them, and Yang Lai looked back. The engineers used explosives to blow up a large number of big trees. Then they will use a tractor to clear all these trees to one side, and then a new road will be formed. In such a situation, their situation will develop even more. They can create new roads.

"What are they doing?" a private soldier asked puzzledly.

"Building roads. We are going to fight in a roundabout way." said the sergeant. Indeed, under the intervention of the people of Qin, the Koreans began to actively seek solutions to the current problems. They started building roads according to Qin’s suggestion and used roundabout methods to divide the positions of the mountain people. In this way, a large number of casualties during the advancement process could be avoided. As for things other than siege, they decided to adopt a siege method. , So that the opponent’s fortresses can’t function. In this way, their situation can be improved even more. The Koreans quickly took action. They mobilized the Yan Guomen’s advance team from the side of the battlefield. Start to build roads. In order to speed up road construction, they provided engineers with a large amount of explosives.

The trees in the virgin forest are thick and numerous. If they are cut down one by one, it will be difficult to build roads. The only way to speed up is to use a lot of explosives. After blasting those trees with explosives , And then use the tractor to clean it up, it's all right. This speed can basically meet the needs of road construction. How fast this speed can be depends on how many explosives they have and the progress of the project. These big trees are difficult to explode.

Some more than four people may not be able to hold the results, such a situation is very difficult for them. Because such things will put their situation in a very unfavorable situation.

It takes a lot of time to blow up these big trees. First, they have to punch holes. This is the fastest way to blow up those big trees, because some big trees can be blown up even if they are bundled with explosives. The solution is to blow up from the inside. This is the fastest solution. This solution can help them solve many practical problems as much as possible. If this is not the case, many of their things are actually not very good.

The Yan people are actively changing their tactics, and this tactical change is the best situation for them. Because in this way, many things can be carried out very smoothly.

In addition, they have many other things to do.

Colonial army training camp. Koji became a soldier here again. He hated going to the battlefield. At the same time, he hated the current rank even more. Sergeant. He is not a sergeant, but a sergeant, which means he can take a squad. But in his opinion, the sergeant died faster. Because many tasks are directly transferred to the monitor level.

There are colonial troops from many places in the training camp.

There are more people, they look lower than themselves, and they are weak, they seem to be the target of bullying. The corporal is a Sikh soldier, serious, with a lot of beards, and there are many, many headscarves. They don’t need to wear them. hat. But it is very waste fabric. It is said that their headscarf can be made into a piece of clothing. Koji didn't want to say anything about this. After all, the people who came here were poor people. There was no need for such a bit of irony to finally lead to such a result, which was very unfair to them. Because such things will only make their situation more unfavorable.

In addition, there are many Indian soldiers. Koji didn't know where this Indian land was, but it seemed that they had no energy. They are also very thin. Only when they are eating can they look like they are alive. In other places, they have no energy, their eyes are dull and lifeless, and their reaction speed is very slow. The officer above makes him quick. To train these people. For Koji, this was a difficult problem, because he never knew how to train these people, how to do this. This is too difficult for him. But his chief doesn't care about these, he wants the result.

Koji borrowed some of the practices of other troops, clubs, and punishments.

Most of these Indian soldiers did not understand the command. This is a very headache, but they know what to do? In the first time, Koji will speak well, and in the second time, he will teach him directly with a stick, and the wrong person will be beaten badly. Making mistakes again, even having a severe beating, and even being unable to eat, was a disaster for these poor Indian soldiers. But this kind of thing is not a disaster for Koji, because he likes to see the painful expressions of those Indian soldiers. If this is the case, he is a little happy instead. I don’t know why he did it. Maybe he himself is a pervert, or it is said. , All the excitement on the battlefield made his situation become better than that. If everything can be done with such things, his situation will be greatly developed. This is the result they least want to see at the moment.

The beatings and the hungry are unforgettable for these Indian soldiers. They finally know what they should do. They are like a group of circus monkeys. If they don’t do well, they won’t have the chance to eat. Beating, if done well, they will become very advantageous. Under such a situation, their situation will develop more advantageous, and under this condition, their situation will develop even more. favorable.

Because they have formed the same training method as conditioning. The stick training seems to be very fruitful. It won’t take long. Those **** Indian soldiers have learned how to receive training. Even if they don’t speak the language, seeing sticks is the best way to communicate.

Soon they began to receive rifles and assassination training. The reason for the assassination training was that the Koreans were unwilling to provide them with more bullets. Each person only had 20 bullets at most. Twenty rounds, after a fierce cross-shot may be gone. Therefore, in the next battle, the only way is to assassinate, and the bayonet becomes the last weapon they can rely on. Such tactical training is simply a big disaster for the Indian soldiers. But these are just the beginning.

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