Mountain country, sky above. Han Xin is making final preparations in a plane that has been converted from a transport plane to a bomber. He wants to check the fuze. of

After checking, Han Xin looked down. They have entered the mountain country. I hope they don't fall.

In order to force the mountain people to sign an armistice agreement and withdraw from this **** war as soon as possible, Qin and South Korea had to come up with such a way to deal with such a situation. A large number of transport racks were converted into bombers. In this case, it will increase the satisfaction of the number of bombers. The important thing for the team is that because these transport planes are temporarily modified, their ammunition load is very large. Of course, their self-defense weapons are also very few. The pilot said so. If they encounter a mountain fighter, the only thing they can take out to fight is their own pistol, a wrench to repair the plane, and various screwdrivers.

The reason why the people of Qin and the Koreans dared to do this boldly was that they had already calculated that the mountain people did not have very good air defense weapons, and the tightness of the blockade caused the mountain people to obtain very few resources. Their only anti-aircraft guns could not be used due to insufficient shells. The Central Plains have an absolute advantage, and this advantage allows them to obtain greater offensive opportunities. This is why they dared to convert the transport plane into a bomber in this way.

However, some transport planes that have been modified will not work without a pilot. Han Xin was temporarily transferred here under such a situation. Became a bomber's co-pilot. The man who drove the bomber was a captain. It turned out to be a transport plane. No one knows how to drive these big guys better than him. And Han Xin was flying fighters, and they needed to go through special training, but the time given to them was too late. Therefore, the only way is to let him be the co-pilot and attack together, while the original co-pilot drove a bomber and bombers together. Suddenly more than a hundred bombers appeared in the sky, which was quite huge. With so many bombers, they mainly attacked Luocheng's industrial facilities and residential areas.

"We are about to enter the Luocheng area. We are all ready." The cockpit shouted loudly. Their navigator shouted loudly. Han Xin nodded. Following them were South Korean bombers. They also participated. Although they carried out bombing at night, the effect of night bombing was not very good. It was just a roll of dice. If you are lucky, they will drop bombs over the industrial area. If not, they may drop them to the suburbs. All they blow up are small wooden houses, and a lot of bombs are wasted. In fact, the effect of night bombing is not very good. The only way is for them to follow the Qin people to carry out daytime bombing. In this way, the bombing effect and accuracy will be greatly improved. This is for Koreans. The best choice. Because they can end this **** war as quickly as possible.

The participation of South Koreans can increase the number of their bombings, and the efficiency may be greatly improved. This is the largest number of bombers assembled in the current bombing. Such a huge scale will cause huge losses.

Buzzing. The bomber soon reached the sky over Luocheng. Did not encounter any resistance. The mountain people's anti-aircraft guns were gone even for a symbolic attack. Because their anti-aircraft artillery can't hit this high. They want better anti-aircraft artillery. Perhaps they could refit themselves, but many of their industrial facilities suffered huge losses during the bombing. Faced with such a huge loss, they simply could not produce such weapons in a short period of time. The only The solution is to find a way to achieve such a situation. This means that they may be able to do this.

"Prepare." The bombardier waved his arm continuously to signal the captain. The bomber still has not reached the point of automatic control. The bombing requires the close cooperation of the captain and the bombardier, because they cannot effectively control the aircraft. At this time, there is no such device as the Norton bomber, and the bomber cannot control the aircraft. The way to do this is to cooperate with the captain for such a flight. Otherwise they can't do this at all.

"Pull a bomb." The bomber shouted loudly. Then the bombs fell one after another, and the plane suddenly became a lot easier and pulled up. The aircraft behind will follow the same action. The moment the bomb was dropped, the aircraft obviously moved greatly. Such shaking is very normal.

"Swish swish." The bombs fell one after another with whistles. After the pilot plane dropped the bomb, the bombers at the back dropped one after another at the target. In this way, they could repeatedly bomb the target.

"Our mission is complete. We should return for ourselves," the captain said. And Han Xin leaned on the window and watched the explosions and then a lot of smoke. They can see the red flame, burning out in the thick smoke. What they threw this time was a large number of incendiary firebombs.

Because high explosive bombs have been unable to form effective damage. In order to create greater damage. They must take some important measures to deal with such situations, how to deal with such a situation, this is what they have to do at present, under such circumstances, what they are doing will be very beneficial.

"Boom. Boom." The explosions continue to come, which means that after the explosion, a large number of fires will instantly spread to more places, and the billowing fire will put their situation in a more unfavorable situation. Among them, under such circumstances, they can do a lot.

The Daligu family has moved to the fringe of the city. They rented a house in the suburbs.

On the day of the big bombing, he saw more and more planes in the sky. The number of these planes was quite large and scary. He didn't know, he thought the sky was full of big birds. Because the Qin people have never had such a large number of bombers. They knew that Luocheng would face a huge disaster.

"Boom boom. Boom boom." The deafening explosion sounded continuously, as if thunder was continuously not far away from them. Then came billowing smoke, more smoke than ever. Da Ligu ran to a nearby mountain to watch such a situation. He saw an unprecedented bombing. The destructive power of the explosions produced by the bombing was quite astonishing. It was astonishing to an unbelievable level. Under circumstances, many people would think that this is extremely scary.

Da Ligu also saw what he thought was the most scary scene. Fire. There was a fire under the thick smoke. Even standing on the mountain, he could feel the terrifying temperature in the city center, and their faces were warm. He saw many people running out constantly on fire. They had become fully alive. They fell to the ground without taking a few steps, and then burned to ashes. The firefighters couldn't get close at all. The fire is too big. Water sprayed on it will vaporize instantly. The fire cannot be extinguished at all, the only way is to let them burn everything. In this way, their situation can become more favorable.

This is a **** fire. Such a fire has caused them a lot of great losses. Facing such a loss, it will put their situation in a more unfavorable situation. This is the current situation they just don't want to face. Under such circumstances, their situation will be even worse. This is the disaster they are currently encountering.

The fire is strong. Very big. Even Han Xin in the sky could feel the burning sensation below.

Driven by the huge heat wave, the aircraft is constantly rising. The captain is constantly controlling the aircraft. Many aircraft can only fly around the core area of ​​the bombing. Because flying inside, you can feel the air being drained all at once. . In such a situation, the human body will become very uncomfortable. I really don't know how they endured such a state in such a situation, and I really don't understand some of these things.

The heavy smoke prevents them from seeing the bombing effect, but what they know is that a large number of incendiary bombs are constantly burning, which will cause their situation to be in a highly unfavorable situation. In such a situation, many of their Things will put them in an unfavorable situation.

The mountain people have been bombed like never before, and such bombing will leave them in a kind of bumps.

Da Li bone looked at all this helplessly. Many people ran out constantly, and they didn't take anything, which means that more people will be displaced. They lost their homeland. The effect of the bombing will be very crazy, so crazy that everything is difficult to deal with, this is the situation they are currently in.

The bombing is still ongoing. Faced with such a bombing, everyone is in an absolutely unfavorable situation.

More people lost their homes, jobs, and life all at once. The cities that the mountain people had just built were buried in the fire. For them. This is unfair, but can such unfairness be able to deal with such a situation? It's definitely not something they can think of. If this situation can't continue, their situation is really bad.

"Boom. Boom." The explosion went on from time to time. That was the direction from the factory. The mountain man's factory was caught in a disaster. Their industrial production capacity has reached a low point.

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