The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4580: This is our life

Chu State, Wuyue Coastal Area. The place near the coast is usually the richest place in the Wuyue area of ​​Chu State, where there are a large number of banks and high-end hotels. This is not a place for ordinary people to consume. Many Chu people just work here, and they may do some other business here. In short, the money here is easy to make, but it is also difficult to make. This is a good place for the rich.

"Chu's development is much better than we thought." Li Su wrote in his notebook. This is something I did because of my boring behavior. Li Su was the daughter of a literati and nobleman in the Kingdom of Yan. But there are many children in the family, and he has many older brothers. But the relationship is not so good. His mother was from Chu State, so when the family was in Yan's domestic turmoil, they came here by boat. Everything here makes them feel unaccustomed.

Because even if his mother is from Chu, Chu people have their own small circle, and Yan nobles like them are not the place to be treated by them. There is a lot of narration.

"The country of Chu is developing very well. It is very clean, and the speed of economic development seems to be very favorable. But I don't like it here, because the relatives here make me feel unfamiliar. I hate the people on my mother's side. They seem to be hypocritical. I don't know if this is the characteristic of the Chu aristocracy. This makes me very uncomfortable." Li Su wrote.

The Li Su family had to flee here in order to avoid the disaster. Their family property was filled with a boat. It is said that their tribe has spent all their energy, and all of them got on the boat. The situation became very unfavorable for them. The Northern Army brutally killed and persecuted all the nobles, which made us very worried. In addition, Yan's army could not resist, and we had no choice but to retreat. Although it is a retreat, it is more appropriate to say that it is escape. Many noble clansmen are constantly running away. They left here desperately, it seems that many of them will be killed here. In fact, it is almost the same. Such a situation makes it difficult for them to cope. If such a situation can be maintained, they will suffer a large amount of losses as a result.

Li Su still doesn't know all of this, and she is at best a freshman student. School can't come now. She doesn't want to go to school, but she likes to write something and contribute. Everything here is for her. Very strange.

"We must take down those factories. You have to beg your brother. We need factories. Without factories, we can't survive. There are many people here, and everyone has to eat. If this goes on, we will I can only go to the slums." Li Su's father said anxiously.

Then the mother and father started talking loudly, and she didn't like to listen to the content. Because they are all around the factory. Although she didn't know exactly what was going on. But this has something to do with money, in the final analysis.

If the nobles of Yan State leave Yan State, it means they have lost everything. This is the result they least want to see, and the most helpless place, because they are too clear about the consequences of doing so. The aristocrats of Yan can be called aristocrats in Yan, and they have their own system. Have its own foundation. The country of Yan is their soil. Without such soil, they can't survive for too long. They are like flowers growing out of that land. This makes them unable to adapt to coming here all of a sudden. Without the foundation, they are naturally unstable.

They left in a hurry. The factory just took away most of the funds. All the things are lost in the local area, and the factories are not sold. You know, with these factories, they can do many, many things. They have a stable source of income, and they don't have to worry about food at all.

But now, they have nothing left.

"After coming here, the whole family has a lot less people. My cousins ​​are busy vying for the family property, and a lot of things that were not much are taken away at once. I really don’t know that our family is like this. By nature, they actually steal. One of my cousins ​​contacted a local thief to steal our things. Our family lost a lot of money. If they were in the country of Yan, they would be deprived of it. Noble title. But now we are in the country of Chu, and we are nothing. The police can't play a bigger role at all. This makes us extremely disappointed, but it is also useless. Because the situation is just like this The situation." Li Su said. After the nobles lost all their foundations and their economic sources, their cohesion began to collapse instantly. Many aristocratic children have actually made some unbelievable moves. Such a move made everyone feel unbelievable. But such a thing did happen. For Li Su, this is a change, and such a change is an unbearable result for them, but in this way, what can be resolved? Obviously they found it by themselves, and perhaps they shouldn't leave Yan Country. But what should they do after leaving the country of Yan? To save lives.

After the father lost a sum of money, he hoped to make it back. The nobleman on the mother's side just expressed sympathy, but they did nothing. In other words, they want to help us. But in fact, it is extortion. No results at all.

"My aunt is a big bad guy. Such bad guys should be punished, but they are still nobles. I don't think they should be nobles, because such nobles don't look like nobles at all. They behave like rascals. They worked with the police to blackmail, and then kept asking for all kinds of fees. As a result, the case did not progress at all. This kind of thing had to be ended with a loss of money. My father was very angry about this, but for my mother. He still needs the people on the side, and he also needs financial resources to solve all our survival problems." Li Su said.

"I've heard about the slum area. But I haven't seen it. I heard that it is very dirty, there are feces everywhere, and the smell is terrible. There are only a lot of civilians, lowly people there. This may be related to the workmanship of Yan Guo Like people, their situation is not too good. In short, many things are not so advantageous. Under such a situation. Many things become difficult to proceed. Under such a situation, I really don’t know. What kind of things will they encounter to do such a situation?" Li Su wrote.

Her diary is very thick, because there are still a lot of bad things to write down, it seems that these bad things make her do not know what to do?

Few of the nobles of the Yan Kingdom like them can go along with them. They bring a lot of wealth, but this wealth also brings them a lot of trouble. Although they can spend money all the time, they can spend money like this. The way has fundamentally changed. They enjoy the best treatment. Even if they bring a boat of good things, under such a situation, they will become disadvantaged. I heard that some little nobles have lost their possessions, and they can’t Don't mix with the locals. This may also be a decline for the nobility.

Li Su can’t explain what these things are. She can’t say clearly. Perhaps, the changes in this family haven’t caused all of her reactions. She is still full of curiosity about this world, but he doesn’t know this world and can do it. How many things are there. Anyway, he didn't know anything about such a thing. This is the situation now. Nobles have troubles with nobles. Although they don't have financial troubles, there are still many things moving and worrying about them, and Li Su still can't seem to understand all of this.

Yandu Yandu.

The Yan people are busy with one thing, that is, voting. More than 95% of the people think that they can keep the Yan King, but the Yan King’s expenses must not be used to support them. Yan Palace must also be taken back. As for their King Yan, maybe they can consider letting him feed himself. This is something that the Yan people decide by themselves, anyway, most of these things have little to do with them.

"The existence of King Yan is an extremely serious intervention for us. You know, under this kind of interference, many things are actually impossible for us to do. If such things continue to happen, our Many situations are actually in an extremely unfavorable situation. If such things continue to develop, we will suffer heavy losses as a result." Wei Yong said.

The attitude of the Yan people is extremely determined. They think that King Yan is an extremely serious burden, and such a burden is too great for them. They don't want such things to exist.

"Yeah. Maybe you are right, but treating King Yan like this. Isn't it too cruel?" Zhao Yong said worriedly.

After all, the State of Zhao also has its own King Zhao, is that the same for their king? If this is the case, they themselves don't know what to say. In short, many things are not as simple as they thought.

After all, this has a great impact on many countries with kings.

"I think doing this is our greatest kindness. We didn't kill each other. If it were the Northern Army, they might kill them. We just let them feed themselves, and so did we. He should come here. Accepted such a hard-working exercise. After all, we came here too, this is our life." Wei Yong said.

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