The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4664: Corruption is terrible

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"The Southern Mountain Government has finally stabilized. If this is the case, it can be considered to have some benefits for us. We have many things, at least we can easily solve some of these things." Li Lin said.

After Yan and Goguryeo reached a certain agreement, the situation began to stabilize. There was no conflict between the two sides, and construction began naturally, but the social order was stabilized at once, and a great stabilizing force was still needed to resolve such problems. But the current situation is how they maintain such an order.

The Mountain Coalition government is overwhelmed by this. Because of the skyrocketing prices, many of the next things will be a very remarkable move for them, and even many of their situations are in an extremely unfavorable situation. The high prices will eat up the order that has just been established at any time. They really don't have too stable means to deal with such things, because there are some situations where they can stabilize the two by not thinking about stability in this way. Many things need to be handled properly by them.

"Mr. Prime Minister, the prices of mountain countries are too high. Their paper currency is like waste paper. The paper currency has basically lost its role. Under such a situation, they have recovered the metal currency by themselves, but the materials are scarce. Still unable to stabilize the current situation." The Minister of Economy said.

Wars have sequelae. For example, soaring prices, devaluation of paper money, wars will consume a place’s financial situation and directly lead to the complete collapse of most of their financial systems, and this collapse still requires the establishment of a new order. In such a situation, many of their things need to be done by themselves. In this way, most of their things can be done easily.

"Do you have any countermeasures?" Li Lin asked. He doesn't know exactly how to do it, but what he knows is that if measures are not taken as soon as possible, many of their things will not be easy to do.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I think we should learn from the people of Yan. Weiman did just that. He sold a lot of gold in exchange for considerable materials. These materials were all obtained from Koreans, and these materials were obtained from the Koreans. Entering, it satisfies the situation of the northern mountain people to the greatest extent. In such a state, they can complete such a situation to the greatest extent. In this way, the situation they can satisfy will be completed to the greatest extent. ." The other party said so.

"At the same time, they adopt new currency, recycle the past paper money, and then adopt other methods to deal with such various crises. In this way, most things will become extremely beneficial." The Minister of Economy said.

The same problem also happened in Yan State. Countries without gold reserves can easily fall into such a situation. Fortunately, the mountain people have gold mines, which gives Wei Man a lot of confidence to solve such problems.

If prices cannot be stabilized in time, it will be easy for all kinds of ** to appear. Such ** will completely suppress many of their current disadvantages. Faced with such a situation, they are the best. The solution is to take some active measures to solve some of these problems. If such a situation is reached, they will need to do a lot of things on their own. For example, put their situation in a favorable situation.

Selling a large amount of gold, although the price of gold has begun to fall, it is still at a high level. Under such a situation, many of their things are actually in a favorable situation. The sale of these gold can be exchanged for a large amount of gold. Foreign exchange, and they can buy all the economic materials they want. In this way, the price of the mountainous north and the economic order first stabilized.

But there is no such situation in Goguryeo. Their products are not very competitive, and they mainly rely on low prices in exchange for large amounts of materials. Once there is no order, it will have a great impact on the result. For example, they simply cannot get enough foreign exchange to purchase such a large amount of materials, and the price of goods cannot be calmed down naturally, and the new financial order, the monetary system cannot be implemented.

If this is the case, the Goguryeo government needs to use fiscal funds to calm such things. But such a thing is not easy to talk about. It is not a situation that can be done all at once. Under such a situation, it wants to complete such a thing. Things are not a simple thing at all.

"We have to accept more military orders. Are there such many orders in the world? Our finances are still unable to reach such a situation." Li Lin is also very embarrassed. He is too aware of the importance of these funds. But the problem is that he himself can't achieve such a situation.

"Prime Minister, I think, the southern government of Yan State, they may have such a situation, besides, we all have a clear opponent to face, this opponent is the northern government of Yan State, a person like Wei Man, very ambitious. As long as we unite them with the northern government of Yan State, there will definitely be some orders.” The Minister of Economy said.

"You should develop in this direction, yes, you should develop in this way. If you continue to develop in this way, it will have a great impact on us, and even make our situation more favorable. This is what we should pay attention to. What happened was good, and I did a very good job." Li Lin said. The Minister of Economy nodded. Perhaps only by cooperating with them can they enter the fast lane of development. Such a situation is still very beneficial to them, and even in many cases, it will have a significant impact on them. An influence can put their situation in a favorable situation.

The southern economy of Yan State is the most developed among the regional economies. Such a regional leader may be able to develop with the other side's rapid development. That's what Li Lin thinks now.

Africa. Carthage, the Twelfth Infantry Regiment, this infantry regiment is stationed at the edge of the rebel defense. It seems that such a situation cannot be seen in this area, so the soldiers here have become more rampant.

Hannibal and Li Wei came here to inspect. Hannibal did not investigate with great fanfare, but inspected the situation as a senior staff officer and various coverts.

"Let's go. Let's go." A lieutenant officer waved his hand. Several trucks were loaded with various materials, and they passed the checkpoints generously, and then entered the actual control area of ​​the rebels.

"They let go of those supplies?" Hannibal asked Li Wei. This is what Li Wei found. Li Wei took Hannibal to check out a batch of important military materials and how they smuggled them to the rebels. Within the control area. Because of such things, it is easy to find out, because Zhao Guoren also do such things, what kind of virtue, Li Wei is very clear.

"Yes. This is only the last link. The captain has already got the benefits he wants, gold bars, or more money. He is only responsible for the last link on the border, and before, you also see Here comes the senior staff of the military, they will unintentionally participate in such things. In their view, these are extremely easy and can be done. Under such a situation, many things can be done. To succeed, what our officers need is money, and life in Africa needs more money. The salary we pay will only make them even more impoverished. Under such circumstances, they will naturally have no fighting power. Therefore, This situation is hard to avoid." Li Wei said.

Hannibal nodded. Many things surpassed his imagination. His field troops were corrupted in a very short period of time, with unprecedented speed. This is true for officers, and so are soldiers. Money, women, and the whole of Carthage are full of luxury. Under such influence, many military officers need a lot of money, but wherever the money comes from, they simply don't have that much money.

Smuggling and fighting have caused many prices to rise. Arms, weapons, medicines, and all kinds of materials can be sold as long as they can think of things. In their view, these things are easily acceptable things. They do not need to store these materials. In exchange for money, they can enjoy everything they have. In this case, many of their problems can be solved easily.

Therefore, such a situation can easily happen.

And the rebels, the funds obtained through illegal means, also bought such a large amount of materials, and let the Carthaginian warlords generously send them. Everything seems to be so smooth.

This is the power of corruption. In a relatively short period of time, many senior officers have reached such a situation. They need women and high-end cars. Not only that, they also need villas to satisfy their various material needs. enjoy. Their spirit is empty, and in many cases they are enjoying all kinds of situations. Under such circumstances, even greater disasters will occur in their situation, and under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to proceed. Faced with such a situation, it will make their situation more difficult to control. This is where they are in an unfavorable situation.

"These forces are terrible," Hannibal said. Li Wei nodded in agreement.

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