However, the Anxi people don’t care about this. They don’t care how much profit is made in the middle. What they care about is how much benefit they can get from the Persians. If they can’t open the situation as quickly as possible and get a huge victory If they do, they don’t even have the qualifications to borrow money. This is not alarmism, but a fact. In such a situation, there are really a lot of things they need to do. What they need to do now is naturally to do many, many favorable things to make their situation more favorable.

"The war can't end all at once, the situation of the rest is too optimistic." Shang Wen said to Meng Tian in this way. Meng Tian took some reports and handed them to Shangwen. These reports are some assessments made by the Sabbath Army. The result of their analysis is that the Persians have poor combat effectiveness. Although they have several infantry units that are very powerful, in fact, their combat effectiveness is not as strong at all. Under such a situation, their condition is not as good as their military strength has increased.

"Yes, I admit that Persia has many problems, and their officials are more corrupted. It is even more serious than we thought. In addition to him, they still have a certain fiscal deficit. In addition to this, In addition, their army’s combat effectiveness, enthusiasm, and combat support capabilities are not very high. But don’t forget. There are also Koreans. Koreans support the Persians, and there is a close relationship between Koreans and Persians. Contact, once Persia destroys their main situation, it will have a great impact on South Korea’s entire overseas system. Koreans absolutely do not want to see such a situation, and the ethnic conflict between Persia and the Parths cannot be reconciled. In short, once this war cannot be ended within a year, it is likely to be delayed. In that case, the rest will enter a state of financial exhaustion, and their war will become more and more difficult to continue. ." Shang Wen does not work in the prime minister's house, but has a different perspective to think about the overall situation. He saw a weakness in the Parthian. time.

Time is extremely fair to both Persia and the rest. Regardless of the great offensive of the Parthians, what they lack is time. Once a certain amount of time has passed, their situation will become extremely unstable. In many cases, their situation will become extremely unstable. Extremely difficult. Under such circumstances, they could not continue to fight. Under such circumstances, their state seemed to be the most unfavorable one.

"Yeah." Meng Tian nodded, and Meng Tian also agreed with Shang Wen's view. After all, this view is very new. And there is a certain factual basis. Indeed, if the Shah government becomes a battle, they may still have a certain chance of victory, but once a full-scale war breaks out, the result will be a complete collapse. Such a collapse will directly lead to a complete loss of control of their situation.

"However, it's not easy to say about such a situation at present. After all, the situation is still under the control of the rest." Meng Tian said.

"The Persians may be able to solve this problem as long as they delay their offensive. If the delay cannot continue, the result will be very unfavorable. We should see the disadvantage of such a situation. Whether it can change is their own. Now." Shang Wen said.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command. The Koreans paid too much attention to the Persian total war. Too much attention has directly caused them to ignore a problem, that is, many of their overseas systems, such as Indy and Bangla, are somewhat uncomfortable.

There seemed to be countless disasters and tortures, which made those people accept all kinds of hardships.

War, hunger, and the Indians have completely become a mess of sand. It can be said that the Indians don't need the Koreans to send troops, and the Indians are finished. The Koreans controlled the entire Indy, they controlled taxes, and at the same time gave each other food that they would never die of starvation. At the same time, Koreans grow what they need according to their own preferences, cotton, sugar cane, and a large number of cash crops followed, and their agriculture was completely transformed by the Koreans. And what they exchange for is just the rice that makes them full, and a large amount of rice from Yuezhou and other rice-producing areas enters here. The Indian society began to stabilize.

A factory appeared where the local nobles lived. A large number of Indians who had lost their land gathered, entered the town, and they walked into the factory. They were separated from the production of labor on the land. They became industrial workers, which is a very good situation. In such a situation, their state is still extremely favorable. In such a situation, their development will become extremely advantageous.

However, the development of the towns of the Indians is extremely backward. They just expanded the old city, and the dilapidated city wall became the inner city. All the money earned by the nobles was used to buy luxury goods. Or form their own guards. And the size of their guard is limited. Just guarantee that the tax is paid, and then give it to the majority of the Koreans. They keep a part of it for themselves, and the remaining money will not benefit the town at all. For example, repairing some of the roads and bridges they pass through, no.

The population is gathering more and more. At the fringe of the city, the inner city is a commercial area and a place where nobles live. Only the rich can live there. Outside the inner city are a large number of factories, where the poor work. , They work for a day, and they just keep their food and clothing. Outside the factory area is a large number of shanty towns. The Indians who have lost their land gather here. They live in a very simple, messy, messy, and urinate. There was a smell of feces mixed in their air. But people are used to it. The factory is located in the upper reaches of the river, and the downstream is actually a large number of shanty towns. Not only that, people's living water comes from that river.

Those who are able to come to India are all polluting factories, such as leather factories and chemical factories. The products they produce are the most polluting products. South Koreans are desperately making money. Many core investors specialize in acquiring some particularly polluting companies in the country. Not only South Korea, they also went to Qin and Zhao to buy. Then transport all these factory equipment here.

Indy has a great advantage. It has rich coal resources and a lot of human resources. As long as they are given three meals a day, they will work. They are very obedient. This gives the Koreans a chance to squeeze them, and a large number of polluting companies have moved here.

With more and more factories and more and more people in need, standing on the castle in the inner city, their nobles can see the endless low shanty towns. The people there simply cannot survive.

This is Indi, an ancient one. Modern, poor, rich, full of contradictions, but self-reconcilable country, this country is very strange, strange. Many people think this country is too magical.

Originally, there were not many problems with Indy’s development. At least they solved most of the employment problems. At the same time, their development is also in an extremely favorable situation. In this situation, their situation is considered to be the most favorable one. Happening. It is a pity that many, many problems will arise in their situation.

For example, pollution is caused by Koreans deliberately. It seems that Zhao people are also aware of this problem. A large number of polluted factories are intentionally relocated to other places, such as Goguryeo, and Goguryeo people will relocate to mountain people. Even, they think they can relocate to the place they think is suitable. In short, a large number of polluting companies leave here, and then quickly come here to develop.

They have their own problems. In addition, they are densely populated, and the annexation of Indy land is very powerful. Many villages disappeared completely. They were not completely killed, but moved to towns as a whole. The urban population was suddenly deformed. In development, there are nearly four million towns in Indy. And the population is increasing. Because more and more people lost their land, they were driven into the factories, and they lived an unacceptable life. But even so, they are living a numb life.

The Indians have no extra financial energy to solve other problems, such as roads, pollution control, and so on. They don't have many ways to solve such things.

So the problem arises. The plague, no one knows where the plague comes from, but what they know is that some people die from a strange disease in the shanty towns, and their health problems often get more and more injuries. Under such a situation, they are in many situations. In an extremely unfavorable situation, in such a situation, their situation is in an extremely unfavorable situation. Therefore, under such a situation, the outbreak of the plague broke out naturally.

With so much pollution and dense population, there seems to be no reason not to happen.

"This kind of thing is very tricky. Thousands of people died all at once. It's really troublesome." Han Shu said.

When Han Shu received the report from Indy, she also had a headache. Why, because the situation is really not good for them. The population there is extremely dense, coupled with the emergence of various unfavorable conditions. The household registration system in India is extremely bad. Many people don't know if they die. In terms of time, Han Shu has a lot of data on thousands of people, because their officials usually report according to their own ideas. For example, if it is a bad thing, more people will die. They will all underreport. For example, in the past, there were hundreds of people drowning. However, they removed the last number and changed the previous number to become dozens of people. This way they I have done it many times, and this time too. It was nothing to die a few hundred people a day. The local officials didn't care about them at all.

But gradually the number of people rose. When there were one or two thousand people, they still didn't care, but the number suddenly rose to tens of thousands, and suddenly there was a panic. The nobles panicked. They know that there is something wrong with the situation and hope that some investigations and positive measures will be launched as soon as possible, so that their situation can get better. In this way, their situation improved a bit. But this situation cannot be changed properly. The reason is simple, many situations are far beyond their expectations. Because many situations make their situation unfavorable.

This is their current situation, unfavorable, or even unsatisfactory.

It can be said that the report in Han Shu's hand actually adds a zero to the end. It was not a few thousand people, but a scale of tens of thousands of people. Even if it was so large, this problem was enough to make Han Shu a headache.

"My lord, we can only give them some medical support. For others, we can't free our hands for the time being." Zhang Liang said.

Indi, they have to manage because it has a lot to do with their finances and taxes, otherwise it will affect their finances and taxes. However, it is difficult to accomplish such things just by supporting some drugs. This means that they need more other things to meet their needs. Otherwise, they would not do it this way.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded. Trouble, the trouble lies here, they still need to deal with a lot of things properly, and they don't have much energy to deal with such things one by one.

"First give them some medicine to control the plague. At the same time, send some medical experts there to check and see what the situation is. Those **** Indians, their report is very undetailed." Han Shu Speaking of this. There is no way, Han Shu doesn't believe in the situation of those people, because he is too clear about the virtues of those people.

However, the difficulty of the plague is still relatively large. In the world, there are various plagues in various regions. For example, on the black continent, there are many plagues that are not known there, usually one tribe, and one tribe is eliminated. Sometimes, the Koreans themselves don't know what kind of situation they are in, and they end up in such situations. In short, this is how the situation arises.

These actions of the Koreans, to a certain extent, are not very likely to solve the problem, and even in many places, their impact is extremely limited.

You know, they just gave some medicines and got rid of it. For other things, they simply have no other way to deal with such things;. This is their situation, and they don't care about it at all. This is how the Koreans responded to the plague.

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