"Where is our support?" A telegram of the besieged stronghold was sent to the Qin State Staff.

"Tell them that our support will arrive as soon as possible and let them hold on." Wang Jian said after taking a look at the telegram.

"Yes, sir." The staff officer saluted and then withdrew.

"Tell them, hurry, I don't want any major effects, as long as I can drop the bomb on their heads." Wang Jian took the phone and said to the other end of the phone.

And in the besieged stronghold. The chief officer of Qin Jun was anxiously waiting for orders.

"Is there any news?" the field commander asked.

"There is no commander yet," a second lieutenant replied.

"Oh. I see. Tell me as soon as I have news." Said the officer.

"Yes, sir," the second lieutenant replied.

New changes are happening all the time on the battlefield, and these changes are enough to cause some new changes to appear. Qi Jun's pits were dug more and more.

"This is the **** winter. These Qi troops are like mice. Do you want to hollow out all of this place?" The field commander passed through a very hidden place. Observing Qi Jun's movement with a telescope, said.

"Sir, the enemy's movements have become elusive, and they have been digging. We have nothing to do with this." said a sergeant of Qin Jun.

"I know, but what can we do about it. Our machine guns can't shoot them, we don't have heavy artillery to bombard them continuously, and we don't have many people. What can we do." Said the lieutenant colonel.

The sergeant didn't say anything, the facts were like this, and the Qi people began to become patient. They received the above order, asking them to wipe out the besieged Qin army at all costs. It is best to capture a group of Qin troops alive. As for the above intention, that is what the generals considered. For those soldiers who dig pits, they don't need to think too much, they just need to dig the pits honestly.

The battle began to benefit the Qi army. Although the Qin Army has advanced weapons, their weapons and ammunition. There is no shortage of food. The Qin army had hoarded a large amount of materials before, and the appearance of canned food, biscuits and other foods gave Qin State sufficient food and ammunition to face the long-term siege. Even medicines are not lacking. As for the water source. Qin State can use drilling technology to drill deeper groundwater. Even if they do not use groundwater, the snowfall in winter ensures that they have enough water to use in a short period of time. The airport has a lot of fuel to provide them with heating. These fuels were originally used by planes to take off, but now they have become their heating fuel.

However, Qin Jun's morale is not too high. Although they have experienced two fierce battles. They were all victorious as a result of the battle. But they are still not happy.

"Damn Qi people. Let us stay in this shabby place." Qin people shouted.

"They don't care about you, they are busy digging holes every day." A sergeant teased.

"Digging a hole, do you want to bury yourself alive. If that's the case, we don't need to stay here." The soldier cursed.

"If this is the case, we don't need to be here." The sergeant said. When he said that, he wrapped his coat tightly. The weather is a bit cold.

"Be careful of Qi Jun snipers. Don't stick your head out of the trenches." A Qin Jun officer said repeatedly.

"Who is going to die?" some soldiers said.

Qi Jun's snipers became more frequent. They used all the methods that could hit the Qin army to shoot the Qin army continuously. For this reason, the Qin army could only hide in the trenches, and they could only observe with telescopes extremely concealed. The machine gun will not fire continuously. After shooting. Will immediately shift positions. Qi State's snipers made the soldiers of the Qin Army very annoyed, but Qin Jun could not do anything about it. In this regard, the morale of the soldiers of the Qin Army can only stay in the trenches with a depressed will, and can do nothing.

When the war entered the stalemate stage. The morale of the soldiers dropped little by little. Normally, soldiers have the highest morale in the first thirty days. In a hundred days, their morale will gradually deplete. At this time, there will usually be new troops to replace them. The current situation of Qin Jun is. They have no new troops to succeed, they are surrounded. They have been under siege for some time. Morale is weakening bit by bit.

"How's the communication situation over there. Have we resumed contact?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Not yet. Qi Jun has set up a lot of trenches there. We can't get in touch with that side. What's worse is that our people can't pass there and inform each other of the communication methods we have fabricated." A second lieutenant said. .

"Oh. I see. We can only look at the actions on the opposite side and take corresponding actions." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yes, sir, that's all we can do for now. We can't do anything now," the second lieutenant replied.

"En. That's it," the lieutenant colonel said.

"Qi Jun is digging holes everywhere, and our cables are also starting to dig holes. I think our communications..." the ensign said hesitantly.

"Our communication is going to be cut off, right?" the lieutenant colonel said calmly.

"Yes, sir, it won't take long. If you look at Qi people's own progress, it is estimated that today or tomorrow..." the ensign said.

"Who knows that we can send more killer telegrams. The reinforcements mentioned above have not arrived. Koreans, Yan people. Zhao people. Where are our people. When can we leave this **** ghost place." The lieutenant colonel scolded. Tao.

Just when the lieutenant colonel cursed. Their telegraph operator is responding to an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

"Near our telegraph cable, Qi Jun is digging, and our communication is likely to be interrupted." This telegram is being sent. And in Qi Jun's place. The young man is venting the resentment in his heart.

The war caused him to lose a lot of small partners, they have little to do with the war. He died in the hands of Qin Jun.

"Boom." The soldier digged with all his strength.

"Save some energy, you won't have the energy to get food in a while," the veteran persuaded. The reason why the veteran cares about this young man is because he does not want to see more people die in this war. Many people died because of this war. Those young people didn't know what war was. They were not afraid of death at all. They thought war was fun. But they didn't realize it at all.

War is dangerous, and the most terrifying thing is that they will only realize this after losing their lives. Many officers put young people in front when they charge. And those veterans are all behind. A habit used by veterans. they know. Moreover, they know that the victim is the first one. It will not take long to die. Don't worry about anyone.

The young man knows nothing. I don't go back to listen if I know it. Because of this, the veteran sees more people. Most of them are dead. Many young people have not been here for many days, and they are gone in one battle. Maybe I have seen more. Conscience is overwhelmed. The veterans began to hold some young people, and when they were charging, they tried to drag them back. Even so, many young people rushed forward desperately.

It is precisely this way, the veteran feels a little sorry. Therefore, there is no alternative. Veterans can only look at young people who are pleasing to the eye. Use language to ridicule. Then try to keep them.

"Puff." The young man pushed his **** into the soil hard. It just so happened that there were cables buried in this pile of soil first by the Qin military. The **** struggling to cut the ignition wire broke.

Young people also feel that war has become unconscious and boring. Cruelty, indifference, and the most destructive aspect of human nature are shown. People only know killing. Keep killing.

This is war. Young people only know that war is not fun at all if they have experienced the baptism of war.

"Sir. Come and see our telegram can't be sent out." a signal soldier asked.

"En. Let me see what's going on." The ensign walked over to check the telegraph transceiver.

"Papa." The ensign sent a telegram immediately. The indicator light is not on.

"Damn it, it's estimated that the telegraph machine is malfunctioning, or it is a line problem. How many telegrams have been sent?" the ensign asked.

"There are still three yards that haven't been shot." The signal soldier said.

"Oh. The problem is not too big. I have to send someone to see." said the ensign.

Then the second lieutenant sent two soldiers to check the line. And he was going to tell the lieutenant colonel the latest situation.

"Sir, our telegram..." the ensign said hesitantly.

"Oh. What's the problem?" The lieutenant colonel put down the telescope and asked.

"There seems to be something wrong with our telegram. Or our line. There is a problem." The ensign said cautiously.

"There is a problem with our telegram?" the lieutenant colonel asked rhetorically.

"Yes, that's the problem when we sent a telegram just now," the ensign said.

"Have you found out the reason?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"The reason, we are in the process of finding out. I believe it will not be long before we will have a result." said the ensign.

"Sir," said the sergeant next to him.

"What's the matter?" the lieutenant colonel asked, looking at the ensign.

"I think we don't need to check what's going on. Look there, we will know." The sergeant said.

"Well, give me the telescope." The sergeant handed the telescope to the lieutenant colonel. The lieutenant colonel finally saw what he didn't want to see through the telescope.

"Damn, they cut our cable." The lieutenant colonel saw a section of Qin Army's cable in the mud excavated by Qi Jun.

"These **** Qi troops broke the last piece of our cable." The lieutenant colonel yelled angrily.

The lieutenant colonel couldn't do anything except lose his temper. There is no way. This is how Qi Jun digs, digs and digs. All cut off Qin Jun’s communications. The lieutenant colonel really didn't know what to say about these **** Qi people.

The people of Qi didn't even know the idea of ​​cables again. Even Tian Heng, a civil official, had only seen Qin Guoguo in the newspaper. As for what it looked like and what the specific situation was, he didn't know at all. The worst thing is that Qin’s newspapers have no reporting principles, which means that cables need to be connected to telegrams. He didn't know at all.

As a civil official, Tian Heng didn't know, let alone the people under him. They didn't even know what it was. They thought it was the root of a big tree. Some soldiers even used these dug out cables as their belts. Don't even mention that, in addition to being a little thin, the cable is also very strong, that is. The inside is wrapped with copper wire, and it is made of a mixture of multiple strands of copper wire.

If the people of Qin people see Qi people holding their cables as belts, they will definitely be furious. But things have happened. The people of Qin were about to face a situation where communication was completely cut off.

And in the distant Qin State Staff. The staff are reporting this important situation to Wang Jian.

"Just now, we got this telegram." A lieutenant colonel's staff handed the telegram to Wang Jian.

"What is this?" Wang Jian asked, looking at the telegram that had only been shot and sent.

"The telegram was taken before it was sent out?" Wang Jian asked.

"Sir, in fact, we only received half a telegram like this." The staff officer replied.

"Oh. What's the reason?" Wang Jian asked.

"We see from the content of the telegram and our own experience. It is very likely that our cable was destroyed by the Qi people." The staff officer looked at Wang Jian and said.

"En. Keep talking." Wang Jian said.

"Our communications have been destroyed. That is to say. We have completely lost contact with the more than 300 Qin troops." The staff officer said.

Wang Jian just took a deep breath.

"Okay, I see. I will report this situation to King Qin. This matter must be kept strictly confidential. Send me the communication technicians and ask them to find a way to solve this problem." Wang Jian said.

"Yes, sir." The staff officer saluted and left. Subsequently. Wang Jian used the phone to inform King Qin of the news. At the same time, the news also informed Shang Wen and others.

Shang Wen was surprised to hear this news. Because the cable is something that people in Qi don't know. Could it be that the people of Qi have mastered the secret of the telegram. Shangwen then dispelled the doubt. It was the people of Qi who unintentionally dig up.

After Wang Jian consulted the technicians on how to restore communication. Then order people to make a corresponding plan.

There are two schemes given by the technicians. The first is to send technical soldiers to repair the telegraph line. Or reconnect to the original cable. Re-lay out a piece of cable. But it takes a lot of courage. And it does not meet current requirements. The advice given by Wang Jian is. Because what the Qin Army is currently facing is the heavy siege of the Qi Army. Think about the tens of thousands of people in the Qi Army, and the trenches that can dig trenches to cut the cables. This has already shown that the Qi Army has already taken the Qin Army. Surrounded by. Fortunately, Qin Jun had a good reserve of logistical materials. Without these, Qin Jun would really be dead.

The second is to use new technology to replace this old-fashioned wiring cable. This new technology is radio technology. but. A problem arises. Qin needs to transport some technical equipment to the front line quickly. There is also a new radio receiving device built there. Then receive the radio signal. Then convert it into a cable code and send it over again. Moreover, someone needs to transport this equipment in. This set of equipment is huge. How can it be shipped in is still a problem.

"By airlift, let the airship enter the encirclement." Wang Jian directly gave the plan.

"But sir, there are a lot of Qi state artillery around us. These cannons pose a great threat to our airship. Do we consider other methods? Or wait for the Yan Arms to launch an offensive by the Qi army." The staff officer put forward his opinion.

"Well, we have to complete this task as soon as possible and restore unblocked communication to solve more people. This is what we have to do. However, we can provide some firepower support or provide some material supplies." Wang Jian said.

"En." Everyone thinks that this can be done. Then Wang Jian began to mobilize and deploy. Qin's air force only has a small number of troops to enter the country of Yan, which is bad news at present.

But there are also two good news. That is, a large number of aircraft are approaching. In addition. In the local area, the Qin Army has a certain number of armed airships modified from commercial airships. These airships have enough voyage to reach the sky above the besieged Qin army. With their large payload, they can be equipped with more machine guns and provide powerful fire support.

Commercial airships do not value ruggedness like military airships. And extremely large weapon performance. Commercial airships value cargo volume and speed. Therefore, there are two types of commercial airships, one is light. It's mainly speed, but this aspect gives way to airplanes. However, there are also, these are mainly used for special purposes, because light airships are cheap. Can accept it.

Heavy airships are mainly cargo. Their carrying capacity exceeded that of military bombing airships. This has to be said to be a miracle, because the north lacks railways. Some large objects are difficult to carry and transport by road. The level of machinery in the north is far lower than in the Guanzhong area. So, in order to transport some special things. The people of Qin chose to use an airship. Therefore, these heavy airships are used to transport some special things. Their load capacity has risen a lot at once.

However, it is precisely because the load capacity has risen a lot. Therefore, their weapons have a large load capacity. This gave them unexpected space with more weapons for shooting.

This is a very beneficial thing for Qin State. This can be said to be a small accident. At the Qin Army Airport of the State of Yan, the Heavenly Army of the State of Qin received a telegram from the General Staff. But in the face of this telegram. The air commander was a little embarrassed.

"Recently, there will be a cold air going south, which is very unfavorable for flying. But the above gives us an extreme time to support the besieged Qin army. This order is just a headache." The commander took it. The conflicting results and orders said.

"What should we do. Don't care about the life and death of the pilot. Still. Wait and see." The commander said hesitantly.

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