"Tututu. Tutu." Qin's machine gun shot faster and faster, of course. The temperature of their barrels is getting higher and higher. Some machine guns had to stop to replace the barrel because of the high temperature.

"Change the barrel." A Qin Jun pilot shouted loudly. The deputy shooter on the side wore thick gloves to open the bridge and then replaced the barrel. The heat from the barrel turned into white mist in the cold weather.

"Hurry up. People from Qi rushed over." Qin Jun's pilot shouted loudly.

"Don't wait. Get those bulky water-cooled machine guns quickly. Hurry up." a lieutenant shouted loudly. Now the Qin army is in urgent need of firepower, and their machine guns cannot be stopped. The water-cooled machine gun can provide a considerable amount of firepower in extreme time in shooting. But the continuous shooting time is not very long. But now that Qin Jun had red eyes, they couldn't care about anything. Because Qi Jun's charge was too powerful.

"Charge." Under the reprimand of the officer, a soldier of the Qi army rushed forward with a bayonet quickly, and they charged as they did before. However, now that we have entered the era of hot weapons, what war needs is firepower. Rather than a senseless sacrifice.

"Boom." The bullet hit the soldier's chest directly. Then it penetrated, and the soldier's chest immediately turned into a large, **** hole. Then, the soldier fell feebly. And where the soldiers fell. There are many such corpses lying there.

The soldier's eyes were not closed yet. People behind stepped on the soldier's body and rushed forward. And the soldier who had just stepped on the soldier's body was shot by a machine gun. Then fell again. So one after another. The soldiers of the Qi army rushed forward one after another in this way. Qi Jun's loss was exceptionally staggering. But they can bear such a loss.

"Hurry up, all of us are dying in battle." The **** officer took the improvised assault team and plunged into the depths of the Qin Army. Their task is to stop the Qin Army's machine gun from continuing to shoot the Qi Army soldiers' charge. The existence of the machine gun gave the Qi army the greatest cost of casualties when charging. And for now. This is the last trump card of Qin Jun not being captured by Qi Jun in the core position, in order to keep this trump card. The soldiers of the Qin Army had to work hard.

"Shoot. Hurry up. Shoot." Lieutenant Qin Jun shuttled back and forth among the ruins. He wanted to check the various situations that might appear in the Qin Army's machine gun positions.

"Hurry up and change the bullet. Qi Jun rushed over." The lieutenant shouted loudly. Qin Jun also gradually realized his situation, and they began to gather some soldiers, or recruit non-combatants to fight on the front line. In this way, the manpower available to the Qin Army is more sufficient.

"Pull like this." As he said, a ground crew's machine gun jammed. However, ground crews are familiar with aircraft repair and maintenance, and they do not understand or understand machine guns at all. This caused the Qin Army ground crew to suddenly join the battle team, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

"Crack." The lieutenant saw the machine gun jam. Move forward and pull the bolt.

"Continue shooting." The lieutenant shouted loudly to the ground crew.

"Bang." A bullet from Qi Jun came. The deputy shooter on the side was hit by a bullet. Then fell to the ground and couldn't afford it. Unfortunately, it was shot in the chest. The bullet hit the soldier's lungs directly. Normally, this requires surgery, but now there is no time and energy to do it.

"Here, I, we, are here." The ground crew saw his partner lying on the ground, suddenly wondering what to do.

"Puff." The blood from the shot spurted out from time to time. And the ground crew man operating the machine gun looked stupidly.

"Pull the trigger. Don't look here, shoot." The lieutenant shouted loudly.

The ground crew was still staring at the wounded.

"Pull the trigger. Shoot." The lieutenant said, grabbing the ground crew's hands. Then he squeezed his thumb hard and held down the shrapnel of the machine gun.

"Tututu. Tututu. Tutu." And the ground crew opened fire mechanically. It doesn't matter if the bullet hits the Qi people who charge up. Because he didn't know what happened in the situation. But one thing is certain. He was shooting, and he kept shooting.

"Damn it." Lieutenant Qin Jun looked at a wounded soldier. The injury is serious. There is no possibility of salvation anymore. Qin Jun’s current situation is that their company medical soldiers took up arms and joined the battle. There are no medical staff anymore. The injured can only simply bandage themselves. Then continue to fight.

"It's just trouble." As the lieutenant dragged the shot, the wounded soldier with a little breath left. After dragging to the side. He went to check the situation in other positions. The reason for dragging the wounded away is because the situation of the wounded often interferes with the combatants. Especially morale. This is currently the biggest problem for the Qin Army. The Qin army was fighting to keep fighting. Had to do this.

The suffering of wounded soldiers is generally the most destructive weapon to destroy morale. The wounded were the first group of injured in the war. There is no pain for the dead, and they will not feel all the consciousness of the war. However, the soldiers who are alive and continue to fight have their own consciousness. Most likely, they will accept the pain brought by the battlefield for the first time under the pain and groan of the wounded soldiers. A perceptual sympathy produced by vision. This sympathy will soon turn into a kind of self-suggestion, and they will worry about whether they will be treated the same at that time. They think that war is not fun anymore.

"Go forward. Hurry up." The Qi Jun assault team was slowly approaching Qin Jun's position. In this regard, the Qin Army still maintained their strong machine gun shooting.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The sound and flames of the machine gun shooting allowed the Qi army officer to see the specific location of the machine gun position.

"It's on our left." said a Qi army veteran.

"En." The officer just nodded.

"We have to find a way to get close to them," the officer said.

"Close, can we rush in. If that's the case, then we will directly collide with Qin Jun's machine gun." The veteran said.

"With explosives, we need to use explosives to open a gap." The officer said after thinking about it.

"Okay. But we are running out of explosives," the veteran replied.

"As long as a gap is enough," the officer said.

"Okay. Don't say more. Let's start." The officer ordered.

"Hurry up with explosives," the officer shouted loudly.

"Here. Here." A short soldier who followed the team stepped forward.

"Get out of here. Turn left to the side of the machine gun position. Blow up the machine gun position." The officer said briefly.

"Understood." The short soldier said. Then he climbed out of the trenches.

"Suddenly." The Qin Army's machine gun was still shooting. The cost of casualties for the Qi army has been high. Qi Jun's charge temporarily stopped. Many veterans Yuzi knew that this battle was a tough one, so when they charged, they deliberately fell down. Then he lay motionless on the ground. Or use the corpse of your companion as a shield for yourself. This practice allows many veterans to learn life-saving techniques, and they would rather be stepped on by young people. Stay still there too.

"Damn it." A recruit stepped on the veteran and rushed forward.

"Go to hell." The veteran hurts. Then he cursed loudly.

"Puff." A bullet penetrated the recruit's body. Then the soldier fell.

"Deserve it. Let you step on Grandpa." The veteran scolded and secretly rejoiced that he could save his life.

"Hide all. Hurry up." The charging officer also realized that such a charge would only be futile. They don't have many bullets. It is simply impossible to suppress Qin Jun's wasteful bullet tilt.

"All the dead are getting on the ground." The officer said, gestured. Then let the soldiers get down.

"Hurry up, all the dead will get down." Since the officer gave such an order. The soldiers could only do so. They don't care if the order is right or not, they just take care of their own lives. Look at the corpses on the ground that have piled up so much. But those who are high officials at the back do not care about the life and death of these cannon fodder.

"Get down. Get down." The officer gave a wiser but stupid order at this moment. Because they wisely considered the sacrifice of the soldiers. Although this saved the lives of the soldiers, the price of a large number of soldiers lost by the Qi army was wasted. Because Qi Jun’s forward was already very close to Qin Jun’s core position. They can even cooperate with the Qi Army assault team to attack the Qin Army. But at this time. The attack stopped suddenly. This made Qi Jun unable to follow up.

Worst of all, these soldiers were lying on the ground. Immobile. So that the soldiers of the Qin Army can use the machine gun to shoot at ease. This gave Qin Jun a rare respite.

"Bang." There was a clear gunshot.

"Qi Jun doesn't seem to move anymore." The Qin Army Marine Corps soldier who was shooting with a rifle said loudly.

"Really?" Qin Jun veteran asked.

"It seems to be," the soldier replied.

"Okay. Let our machine gun rest." The veteran stopped shooting. Then check the situation of Qi Jun. Talking back to carry a box of new ammunition to change ammunition.

"Our situation is not optimistic," the soldier said.

"Not very optimistic. But very pessimistic." The veteran said.

In the core position and the Qi Jun's charging team, there were also some fighting teams spontaneously formed by the Qin Army in action.

"Qi Jun doesn't seem to move anymore," an veteran said in a low voice.

"Hush." ​​The second lieutenant hissed softly.

Then carefully stretched his head to check the situation.

"Don't move around casually," the ensign warned in a low voice. They are very close to Qi Jun. Even the voice of speaking can be heard.

"Wait and see." The ensign whispered.

The second lieutenant's luck was not bad. The squad's situation can also be temporarily concealed. And in some places. The situation of the other teams is not optimistic. It can be said that bad luck.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded.

"Ah." A soldier of the Qi army commando screamed, and they suddenly encountered each other on the way forward. The soldiers of the Qi army had no time to shoot. Qin Jun was the first to shoot. Then was hit.

The purpose of the Qin Army's organization of the small team was only to support their frontal machine gun positions and provide a reasonable side cover for the machine gun positions. However, after they stepped out of the position, Qin Army's own frontal position was breached. Their role no longer exists.

What Qin Jun advocates is offense. They will not passively conduct passive defenses, especially some of their young offenses. Full of enterprising spirit. Strong sense of offense. Therefore, such a small team is under an active defensive strategy. Began to be born. This is different from the role of the Qi army as a commando, but their main purpose is the same. Mainly used for offense. Rather than simply defending.

"Suppress the enemy." A trainee officer of Qin Jun shouted loudly.

"Tututu. Tututu. Bang." The Qin army's combat squad was equipped with strong firepower. Especially the short-term suppression made Qi Jun feel very uncomfortable.

Bullets swept by the machine gun. And the powerful caliber bullet of the rifle.

"Boom. Whoosh." The bullet flew directly. Some Qi army soldiers who did not dodge in time were hit directly. One of the soldiers hit a shotgun. The structure can be imagined, and his shot happened to be in the abdomen. The entire abdomen was beaten to **** flesh. The blood kept flowing out. There were some intestines leaking out of some damaged places.

"Grenade." The trainee officer shouted loudly.

"Throw." The trainee officer shouted again.

"Boom. Boom." The grenade stayed on purpose for a second or two. Then he threw it out and exploded just on the heads of Qi army soldiers. The Qi army suffered heavy casualties.

"Retreat. Hurry up," the trainee officer shouted.

"Retreat, retreat." The soldiers of the Qin Army shouted loudly. They began to retreat.

Qin Jun's trainee officer is very assertive. He believes that it is impossible to entangle Qi Jun for a long time. Because of the entanglement. It is very unfavorable to myself. First, they do not carry a lot of ammunition. They are already small in number. The mission is only to strike once, giving the enemy a short attack. Let the enemy retreat. This gives yourself a chance to breathe. Therefore, their firepower is very strong. But again, their ammunition consumption is very large.

After Qin Jun's frontal position was breached. Some of these teams did not choose to retreat immediately. Because their position is far away from the core position. In order to make one's own person safe. The officers believed that they should take the initiative to abandon their positions. Approaching the Qin army on the other side. Only in this way can they have a chance to live.

Therefore, they began to take the initiative to retreat. Then they were as close to their own side as possible, so after the Qin Army squad collided with the Qi Army assault team, they chose the strategy of hitting and running.

"No, there is Qi army ahead." An veteran said in a low voice.

"We met the Qi army." Another soldier with a rifle said.

"There are tigers in front and wolves behind. Damn it," the trainee officer cursed.

"Fight out," the officer roared loudly.

"Tutu. Tutu. Bang Bang. Bang." The Qin army concentrated its superior firepower and gave a burst of firepower to suppress the Qi army troops who came to support. Under the suppression of powerful firepower, the Qi army suffered heavy losses. Many Qi army soldiers were killed before they knew what had happened.

"Grenade." The officer had just finished shouting. Qin Jun's grenade threw it over.

"Boom." There was an explosion. Qi Jun was bombed and killed many people.

"Retreat." The officer tried his best to avoid contact with the enemy because he was in contact with the enemy. The cost of casualties will be even greater. This is what he wants to avoid now. Entangling with the enemy will cause more people to lose.

Then this Qin Army squad temporarily disappeared. However, facing the Qi army's almost crazy offensive. It is difficult for them not to meet Qi Jun. Because the Qi army is gathering more and more toward the core position.

"Come on." Qi Jun officer shouted loudly. A soldier of the Qi army ran out with a pack of explosives.

The short soldier just jumped out from behind a concealed object and was hit by a bullet from the Qin army. The soldiers of the Qin Army had spotted the soldier of the Qi Army who was trying to approach, and then waited where he was about to be dispatched. Kill him with a single shot.

Without any choice. Qi Jun had to send another person to step forward.

"Suddenly." The soldier had just jumped out of the trench. Qin Jun's machine gun was spotted. Then under a crazy burst of fire. The soldier was knocked down. The dynamite packet was also thrown out.

"Tututu. Tutu." Qin Jun's machine gun began to hit the soldier's body non-stop.

"Fight at that package." A trainee officer shouted loudly.

"That's an explosive pack. It must be blown up." The trainee officer shouted loudly.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gunner began to fire at the position of the explosive pack. But the bullets hit the body of the Qi army soldier who had just been killed. His body was just blocking the blind spot of the machine gun's perspective. This makes it difficult to explode the explosive package.

"Come on." The officer shouted loudly.

"We don't have any explosive packs anymore." The veteran reminded the officer.

"What?" the officer asked loudly.

Then the officer looked up. He just looked up. The bullet hit the edge of the trench.

"Damn it." The Qi Jun officer cursed loudly.

"Pick up the explosive package. Continue to explode." The officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Go," the officer urged loudly.

"Go." A younger soldier rushed out on his own initiative. He threw away all his weapons. These things are cumbersome.

"Swish." The bullet flew over. The soldier stretched his head cleverly, then retracted to avoid the flying bullet.

"Rush." ​​The soldier yelled at this moment, then rolled over. Pick up the explosive package. Then hide behind a hidden object.

"Tututu. Tutu." The bullet followed. The concealment was surrounded by dust from bullets.

"Rush." ​​The soldier yelled again. He rushed out.

"Suddenly." The machine gun sounded again.

"Ah." The soldier let out a scream.

"Punch." The bullet hit him directly. It penetrated his body directly.

"Ah." The soldier fell slowly.

But Qin's machine gunner has not stopped shooting. His goal is not to kill people. Instead, he exploded the explosive package.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The dynamite bag was blown up. The huge explosion was used to blow the young man's body to pieces.

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