The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 921: It's a heavy artillery!

"Cough cough cough." Shang Wen could only answer his feelings at this time with a painful cough.

"Go." Shang Wen just wanted to catch his breath, when he was forced to walk around by the cold bronze sword.

"Where to go?" Shang Wen asked innocently.

"Bang." Just when Shangwen wanted to ask where to go. Suddenly he felt his head dizzy. Then I don't know anything. The man who broke in knocked Shang Wen unconscious. Of course Shangwen didn't know anything.

"Boom." "Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom."

"Kill. Shoot, fast. Shoot." A fierce battle sound came from outside the window. The explosion of explosives, the firing of rifles, and the blasting of machine guns. The soldiers of the Qi army came over by shouting "Kill." On the other hand, the Allied forces shot as much as possible, killing those Qi soldiers who tried to approach. The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce.

The Allied forces must guard the railway station. This is their only hope to the outside world. And on the other side. The Qi army wants to occupy here. They suddenly realized. Occupying the railway station is of great significance. As for the specific meaning, they don't know. But they know. The Allied forces across here are tightly guarded. And they also attacked extremely fiercely.

Maybe the battle is too fierce. The train station guarded by so many people has forgotten the important figure of Shang Wen. Everyone seemed to focus on this fierce battle.

"Quick. Go over there." A sergeant Zhao Jun shouted loudly. A group of militiamen who had just been recruited by Qin State took refuge behind a wall. They held their heads, and the loud explosion made them feel unusually scared.

"Hurry up. Follow me." The sergeant yelled loudly. While grabbing a soldier with his hand, he followed him.

"Reinforcement. Reinforcement. Reinforcement is needed here." An Allied soldier shouted loudly.

"Get up. Soldiers, we want to fight." The sergeant encouraged.

"Hurry up." As he said, the sergeant pulled the soldier to the battlefield.

"Wow." Just when the sergeant was pulling the soldier. Zhao Jun on the side quickly reinforces a platoon. They are Zhao Jun's reserve team.

"The fighting is now at a fierce time. Qi Jun is launching an offensive on all sides. They are trying to make us unable to defend." Li Zuoche said to a lieutenant.

"So, now we must try our best to transfer some reserve teams. As soon as the fighting there stops, we will take a break and draw the reserve team to the most critical place." Li Zuoche said.

The Allied forces are not very strong, but rely on tight fortifications and reserve forces to make adjustments. The Allies miraculously completed their defense mission. This catch is due to the use of the phone.

The fast communication allows Li Zuoche to analyze and judge the situation of each front calmly. Then, according to the urgency of the situation, it sends its own reserve team so that the Allied forces can achieve the purpose of mobile defense. In this way, the Allied forces can form a defensive circle with sufficient strength on a certain front.

The fight was extremely hard. The Qi army could not enter the railway station defended by the Allied forces, and the Allied army temporarily stabilized the entire railway station's defense line with the help of the reserve team.

"Tututu. Tutu." A machine gun frantically fired at the retreating team of the Qi army. The corpse had already covered the obstacles arranged by the Allies. It was covered with a thick layer of corpses. The Qi army's attack was met with great resistance.

"Bang Bang." The rifle was also firing non-stop.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." An ensign Qin Jun shouted loudly.

"Bang." A Zhao Jun soldier was still pulling the bolt and shooting.

"Hi, I said stop shooting." The ensign quickly stepped forward and grabbed the soldier's hands.

"I said stop shooting." The ensign looked at the Zhao Jun soldier with cold eyes.

"Save bullets." The ensign shouted loudly at this time.

"Save bullets" shouted the ensign. Then I went to see other fronts.

And the opposite Qi Jun. The offense was also very tired.

"It's been a day of offensive. We are too tired." An officer said to another officer.

"We really can't afford such an attack. We have already thrown a third of our people there. We really can't afford to lose." The officer complained at this time.

"Hey." And another officer smiled bitterly.

"There is no way. We have to take the train station. This is an order." Another officer said.

And the officer looked at his own soldier who was exhausted. They are all looking at themselves. And the officer really couldn't bear to let his men attack like this.

The battle went too fiercely. Both sides are fighting as hard as they can. Such battles are often extremely fierce. Neither party is willing to take a step back.

"Suddenly. Bang Bang." Shang Wen gradually gained some consciousness unconsciously. Shang Wen gradually felt a little cold in his body. At the same time, the fierce fighting gunshots in the distance made Shang Wen slowly regain a little consciousness.

"Ah." Shang Wen felt that he slept well. He stretched.

"Ah cut." Shang Wen sneezed. Shang Wen said, rubbing his arm with his hand. He suddenly felt that winter was a bit cold.

"Don't move." At this time, a woman wearing an ancient hat with a hat and a veil pointed at her neck with a bronze sword.

"Oh." Shang Wen said oh. Perhaps at this time, he only knew. I was kidnapped. But someone hijacked it. Shang Wen didn't know.

"Assassins, knights, or other people from the rivers and lakes." Shang Wen said to himself.

"Don't talk nonsense." The woman said fiercely at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen said again. As he said, Shang Wen rubbed his shoulders while looking around. This is a huge wooden palace. The decoration of the palace is extremely luxurious, but the ground is messy everywhere. All kinds of furniture, cloth strips and all kinds of other things that Shangwen can't say are randomly placed on the ground. Not far away, there are still a few pieces of broken glass standing there.

"This, it seems to be the Yan Palace." Shang Wen said.

Shang Wen remembered clearly. Those big pieces of glass. Only Yan Palace has it. Because the earliest commodity exported by Qin State was this kind of large glass. At that time, Qin State didn't produce much by itself. Qin Palace only used a few pieces. Most of the glass was ordered by Yan Guo. Later, after Qin's technology of glass manufacturing rose. After the emergence of tempered glass. The Palace of the Qin Palace can be regarded as fashionable.

"Those glass. We all exported from Qin State." Shang Wen excitedly pointed at the broken glass and said at this time.

"What glass?" At this time, the woman looking at Shangwen asked curiously.

"It's the transparent and shiny things. Those are produced by our Qin State. At present, only our Qin State can produce this kind of thing." Shang Wen said excitedly.

"Oh." At this time, it was the woman's turn to say "Oh." Shang Wen smiled. See some familiar places. Shang Wen was a little relieved. At least I know where I am now.

"Huhu. Huhu." Just when Shangwen felt relaxed. Several dull whistles flew in.

"Wow." The woman with a white voice and her face covered by a white veil suddenly drew out her bronze sword and knelt down to guard.

Shang Wen also lay on the ground subconsciously.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Then there were several sounds of cannon landing. The earth was trembling because of the shaking.

"Wow." Not far away, the broken glass in the Yan Palace. Under the huge shock. It was thrown on the ground and shattered with a crash.

Hear the sound of a cannon on the ground. And a sharp, harsh sound. Shang Wen only calmed down a bit.

"Don't be afraid. This is the sound of heavy artillery bombardment." Shang Wen said to the woman with ease at this time. Perhaps it was the reason for the question just now. Shang Wen thinks this woman is easy to get along with. So proactively said.

"Huh." Then two roars of cannons flew. The woman squatted down nervously.

"Listen. We can hear the sound of the cannonball. This shows that the cannonball flew over our heads. Don't be afraid. We should be afraid when we can't hear the sound." Shang Wen explained.

"Oh." At this time the woman slowly stood up.

"You know a lot." The woman said at this time.

"That's it? I'm the Prime Minister of Qin." Shang Wen said at this time.

"It turns out that I am...". Shangwen has not finished introducing his identity.

The cold bronze sword pointed at himself. Shangwen panicked all of a sudden.

"If you are not the prime minister of the State of Qin. I would have killed you long ago." The woman suddenly changed her previous attitude. This surprised Shang Wen very much.

"Oh." Shang Wen raised his hands subconsciously. Make a gesture of surrender and nod at the same time. I understand it myself.

"Huh." The woman said nothing more. Shang Wen also slowly lowered his arm. Shang Wen didn't know who kidnapped him. And it turned out to be a cold weapon. This makes Shang Wen very confused.

"Boom. Boom." Qi Jun's position outside the city in the distance. The shell exploded on the fortifications of the Qi army.

The huge explosion sounded huge smoke. The soldiers of the Qi army ran around to avoid the bombardment of the shells.

"Boom." Then a shell fell again. After the shell fell this time. No more shells fell.

"It's a heavy artillery." And in the defensive circle of the railway station. Said a Zhao Jun veteran with rich combat experience.

"This is the sound of heavy artillery." The veteran said to the officer in surprise.

"What. Heavy artillery." A second lieutenant asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's heavy artillery. Only we have this thing. Our reinforcements have arrived." At this time, the Zhao Jun veteran exclaimed happily.

"Yes, our reinforcements have arrived." The veteran exclaimed happily.

"Hahaha. Haha." The Allied soldiers began to cheer as they spoke.

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