The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 927: Rising overseas business

This practice of Qi State has damaged the sovereignty of North Korea to some extent. But Qi is currently in a strong state. North Korea also suffered from frequent harassment by Yan and Qin's hired armed forces.

Under the principle of the lesser of the two evils. North Korea had to choose to enter into an alliance with Qi, and they wanted to use Qi's strength to resist the invasion of Yan and Qin's armed forces.

Qi State provides a strong backup force. Of course, Qi is not all free. A large amount of gold and silver will be transferred from North Korea to the state treasury of Qi. Qi will use the real money to support the war against Yan. At the same time make up for their increasingly weak treasury.

At the same time, Qi can also contain its own enemies by taking advantage of North Korea’s attack on Yan and Qin’s armed forces. One side made a fortune in war. This idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone. Naturally, Hou Sheng made such a choice.

This approach seems reasonable, and it also meets the interests of Qi. But this has brought potential safety hazards to Qi.

First of all, if Qi is exposed at this time, then Qi will fall into a passive diplomatic situation. This situation is very unfavorable for the country. In the Warring States Period. China is naturally called civilization. The barbaric tribe is the object of China's contempt. The people of Qin were ridiculed by the six eastern countries because of their history of raising horses in the west and sturdy folk customs. For this reason, the State of Qin wanted a rapid rise in reforms. Although the six countries could not suppress Qin militarily. But in public opinion. All countries look down upon Qin.

Although Qin has its own way. But there is still a sense of inferiority in the six countries. This feeling is the judgment of civilization in this Chinese civilization circle. The criterion for judging this civilization is whether there is contact with barbarous tribes outside the circle of Chinese civilization.

Obviously, as an important adherent of the Chinese civilization, Qi is breaking this unspoken rule. The reason why Qi's ministers objected was aimed at one point. Is he unwilling to put the internal struggles of the Chinese civilization into barbaric foreign affairs? And this way of winning after Qi Guo just goes beyond this unspoken rule.

This will immediately put Qi on the cusp of the storm.

Secondly. This approach will undoubtedly involve Qi State in another kind of circle. This is. Qi will passively enter the barbaric tribes around the Chinese civilization. Although this is consistent with Shang Wen's active participation in surrounding international affairs. But the upper class of Qi State were not willing to do so. Because territorial expansion will bring about changes in the center of power. This is a potential risk factor for victory.

The last is. With the joining of the surrounding barbarian tribes. The entire China internal war will likely gradually escalate into a regional war. The impact of this big battle will be extremely far-reaching. This undoubtedly added a certain degree of difficulty to the unification war.

The diplomatic situation of Qi has undergone a qualitative change. Chu State was not idle either. Their businessmen are actively exploring their overseas businesses.

"The front is the boundary of the New Chu Kingdom. Ready to dock." A Chu sailor stood on the high observation platform and looked into the distance.

"En. We have arrived in the new state of Chu just ahead." A Chu state captain anxiously looked at the situation in the distance with a telescope.

In his binoculars, faintly saw the words of the flag of Chu.

With the gradual rise of the slave trade. Especially the demand for slaves in the Qin Kingdom is increasing. The Bashu area of ​​Qin State is undergoing an unprecedented development. The required population has more than doubled the total population of Bashu. But the gap has been irreparable. Especially the demand for sugar cane. A lot of sugar cane began to grow in this place in Bashu. Because agricultural machinery cannot be used. Agricultural machinery cannot pass through the Qinling Mountains. The machinery and equipment produced in Guanzhong are blocked. Therefore, slaves became the main labor force. Not only these, but also the mining of various minerals and forestry resources. Both require a lot of slave input. These gaps. Qin cannot be satisfied. Especially in transportation. Qin State's transportation capacity is extremely tight. Therefore, Bashu can only rely on the transportation of the Yangtze River system. The State of Chu in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River took the opportunity to develop.

Especially those Chu merchants. They began an aggressive southward invasion. Grabbing the population resources of the Vietnamese in the south to fill the huge slave demand of Qin.

This is a very big market demand. All Chu merchants who have been to Qin have aimed at this point. They organized merchant ships to go south, robbing a large number of Vietnamese people and transporting them to Bashu in Qin State. At the same time, when coming back by the way. Load various handicrafts produced by Qin State on board. It was transported to the lower reaches of Chu State. Or it's more people's territory. They achieve the purpose of plundering the population through exchange.

"Dock." "Dock." The sailor put on shouted loudly.

The sails were slowly lowered. The anchor is slowly being put down. The rein was thrown over.

On the shore, large numbers of slaves were imprisoned in narrow cages. A large amount of various materials are still piled up on the shore. These materials are important resources for their survival.

From time to time you can see various patterns painted on the shore. Wearing animal skins. The naked man with large skin. They wear fine feather hats. They talk to Chu people from time to time.

Those indigenous people are local indigenous people who have a cooperative relationship with Chu merchants. With the excellent weapons provided by Chu merchants. And the Chu people sent troops to fight together. Together, the two established a stable situation in the surrounding area, and the indigenous people who depended on the merchants of the Chu state obtained the right to use their local land. The Chu merchants got the slave population they wanted. The surrounding disobedient tribes were conquered by them, and a large number of people became prisoners of war. Chu merchants obtained the population they wanted by exchanging cheap industrial products.

"We are rich." The captain exclaimed excitedly.

"There is another merchant ship here." A Chu businessman on the shore said with a telescope.

"Come and come. When we come, we will be rich. We just caught a group of slaves. These **** slaves will eat us and use ours. We will still watch them. Just transport them to the territory of Qin. Go. We can earn a lot of money." Chu State businessman said.

"En. Not bad." The mercenary leader on the side nodded. As long as the businessman gets rich. These mercenaries who rely on killing and arson can also benefit. In contrast. The temptation of loot is also great. But these more valuable things in the South are not many. Things like gold are rarely seen. There will be a lot of silver. But not very valuable. If mercenaries want to make extra money, they can only catch more women. Because women can make more money.

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