The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 944: The era of capital expansion

This is an era of capital expansion. Capital brought about a huge revolution. The power of this revolution far exceeds anyone's imagination. He doesn't seem to be controlled by anyone's will. At the same time, it is controlled by anyone's will. This is capital.

The rapid development of South Korea's economy is inseparable from the power of capital expansion.

The reform of Qin State Shangwen. In particular, the major reforms in financial capital have greatly boosted the power of this capital expansion.

The first thing that Qin State changed was the change of the tax collection object. at this point. It is very important for Qin's capital liberation. Before the Qin State, the objects of tax collection were physical objects. Or labor, except for military service. Even in the Tang Dynasty, when the feudal dynasty was at its peak. It is still the main thing, but the military service is divided. The following feudal dynasties remained the same.

But by the time of the Ming Dynasty. Zhang Juzheng's tax reform with a whip method has initially changed this situation. In other words. By the time of the Ming Dynasty. Currency has only established its role in taxation. Any dynasty before. They are not based on currency as the settlement unit. This is why in Chinese history, the development of capitalism only began during the Ming Dynasty. If currency cannot lay a foundational role in national taxes, and national taxes cannot be settled in currency, then the role of currency cannot be established.

The first item of Shangwen's reform is to highlight the role of currency. The national tax collection object suddenly became currency. The taxation in currency is of great significance.

First, after the currency appears. The country will no longer treat currency as an auxiliary tool. The most expired. The country should pay attention to the role of currency. Unlike the Han Dynasty, the state's coinage was in private hands at first. This is really unimaginable. After the country attaches importance to currency. Currency must be linked with national government credit. In this way, the country's currency has a stable foundation. This foundation will directly affect all aspects of a country's life. Therefore, the emergence of currency has linked everything together. This also promotes the degree of close ties with a country’s economy. Qin State did this first. This is also the main reason for the rapid expansion of Qin Banliang banknotes in various countries. Qin Banliang represents the State of Qin. The representative of Qin's strength is Qin Banliang. It's like a gold coin in Rome.

Secondly. After the country has laid the foundation of its currency. All taxes will be settled in currency. In this way, the object of tax collection by the state will suddenly expand in many areas. For example, business. Moreover, in order to be able to levy more taxes, the state naturally began to tilt some taxes on the business side. These are obvious.

Commercial activities are where the most taxes are generated. Especially on the basis that the tax rate cannot be increased. Only efforts to expand tax sources can increase the total amount of taxes. After Qin Guo wanted to understand this question. It began to slowly change the original national basic national policy. The government began to slowly and intentionally support some commercial projects. As long as it can make money. The government will encourage. It even actively guides people how to participate. This is also the secret of Qin's commercial development. If placed in the past. The Qin State cannot change such a national policy that has been implemented for more than 130 years.

In the beginning, Shangwen had to challenge this national policy. The difficulty required to change such a national policy has exceeded Shangwen's imagination. However, a change in Shangwen's taxation was unexpectedly changed. This is unimaginable by Shang Wen.

The impact of the tax reform using currency as the unit of settlement is that the State of Qin encourages the expansion of commercial activities. And began to use capital activities to serve the country. This further brings a lot of development space for the expansion of capital, and the expansion of this space further promotes the further strength of the Qin State.

At last. The revolutionary influence brought about by currency is extremely broad. The meaning of currency is that it can connect everything. Currency began to represent wealth in a true sense. The concrete meaning of wealth becomes concrete. In the previous state of Qin. The meaning of wealth is very vague. Really beautiful, beautiful. Power, beautiful building. These are all symbols of wealth. However, there is no uniform standard for the specific measurement standards. The meaning of the appearance of currency is that. Unify these wealth. There is a stable ruler. His meaning is that people no longer obscure various social resources. For example, beauty, gold, and various construction resources and so on. These have a standard to measure. This standard is currency. It can be said. The meaning of currency is unusually significant.

And throughout the feudal dynasty era. Because of the ambiguity of social wealth, people's ability to use resources is not very high. Because the symbolic meaning of wealth is very obscure, Shangwen's reform is to concretize wealth. Moreover, currency links the various resources of the entire society. This has brought great convenience to the distribution of resources for socialized mass production.

With the reform of currency as a taxation unit. This prompted various classes of Qin society to start various commercial activities around currency. Slowly, a kind of business that specializes in currency business appeared in various business activities. The emergence of this kind of business gave birth to the early capital market. This is the bank. The meaning of the bank is to centralize the use of social currency, and then redistribute the currency. This effective distribution method indirectly promotes the distribution of social resources. The emergence of this distribution makes social resources more reasonable and scientific.

The emergence of the bank has extremely far-reaching significance to the Qin State. you can say so. Without a bank, Qin State would have no capital. There is no multiple use of these capitals. As well as the distribution of capital flows in various industries, it will take at least 300 years for Qin to develop. And these three hundred years will change a lot for Qin.

The emergence of banks brought Qin's capital onto the stage of history. Banks gathered a large number of currencies gathered from all aspects of the Qin State. These currencies come from a variety of businesses, arms business, food business, slave business, leather business, meat business, etc. and these businesses are based on currency exchange. At the same time, the emergence of counter-forces of banks gave these businesses a great development.

People are getting used to borrowing the capital they need most from the bank. This capital is enough to expand their business more than doubled. In fact, it is true. Qin's capital expansion is largely derived from the expansion of capital's power.

The reason why the pastures in the northern part of Qin have expanded so much all at once. It's because the bank provides a lot of loans. Relying only on immigrants who have no basis at all. It would also take Qin over fifty years to build pastures of various sizes there. Only these pastures can slowly control the grassland resources that they have seized. But after capital appeared. Those immigrants from Qin State depended on capital and bought their own land greatly. At the same time, on these lands, they continued to purchase various social needs. Slaves, cattle and sheep. And all kinds of living materials. These things have undoubtedly expanded Qin's capital a lot. At the same time, it accelerated Qin's ability to control the northern grasslands. Similarly, these capitals also appeared in the northwest of the Qin State, and other directions.

With the rapid development of the bank, various domestic infrastructure constructions in Qin State are also rapidly launched with the help of the bank. The role of banks is to regroup the limited currency of society. Then redistribute it.

This is why, at the beginning, the circulation of Qin Banliang banknotes in Qin State was not enough. This is because the Qin State needs a certain amount of money to circulate. As Qin State put in large quantities of banknotes. The capital only became operational afterwards.

It is worth mentioning that. The role of paper money in this process is very significant. The function of paper money is that the State of Qin got rid of a hidden relationship between paper money and currency. Issuance through paper money. The Qin government can control social wealth resources at will. The government can accumulate wealth by issuing more paper money, so that it can better play the role of the national government.

The force of Qin State is further amplified under the effect of banknotes. In fact, it was true. The State of Qin relied on the power of paper money. Won one war after another. In these wars, the State of Qin did not suffer much damage from them. On the contrary, Qin got more benefits than before. For the first time, war has become a virtuous cycle of action.

And before, after Qin State launched another large-scale continuous war operation. They all need to rest for quite a long time, because the war is extremely depleting national power. Especially in terms of population power, the history of Qin has proved this. King Qin Zhao successively launched against Wei, Korea, and Chu. The war of the Zhao Kingdom. This led to a period of silence in Qin's subsequent history. This is because Qin's national strength is very depleted. The State of Qin was unable to carry out wars on the basis of existing victories.

The same was true of Qin Shihuang's unification war. The ten-year unification war had actually almost defeated the Qin Empire's family. At this time, Qin State did not make timely amendments due to the new national defense strategy and security needs. As a result, the tragedy was staged like this.

In fact, Shangwen's approach was to make Qin avoid such a situation. War can actually be a virtuous circle.

Moreover, the emergence of banks has also prompted the extension of capital to produce other capital deformations. Bonds, stocks, and various futures. These financial products can even be said to have enriched Qin's capital power. Let Qin State have the nature of offensive and outward expansion in terms of capital expansion. This is why Qin adopted the diplomatic approach of supporting other countries.

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