The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 961: Seek living space

The two large-scale expansions of Qin State laid a good agricultural foundation for Qin State. At the same time, it also relieved part of the employment pressure for Qin. The rapid development of agriculture has provided a solid and powerful foundation for Qin's logistics, especially in grain. This foundation is of great significance to Qin.

If there is no solid agricultural foundation, then Qin will not be able to have a great development of industrialization. At the same time, Qin's weapons and equipment will not be greatly improved in a short period of time. If Qin wants to make great progress in industry, especially on the basis of weapons, Qin must build its own agricultural foundation with high quality and high level. The standard of this agricultural foundation is that the food must be diversified and the quantity is very large. It’s so big that it can be exported to affect a country.

The large-scale reform of Shangwen's farms and pastures obviously met such requirements. Moreover, he diversified Qin's food ratio. The structure of food is becoming more and more reasonable.

Moreover, agriculture provided the necessary industrial raw materials for Qin's industrial production. These are things that South Korea does not have.

South Korea has a narrow land and insufficient strategic space. South Korea is after rapid development. There are indeed requirements for territory, especially for land. South Korea needs new land to build its agricultural foundation. In this regard, South Korea has experienced the intimidation of Qin. The upper echelons of South Korea finally realized this.

"We are at a disadvantage in trade, which directly leads to our South Korea being at a disadvantage in the trade with Qin, which leaves us no right to speak." Zhang Liang analyzed.

"Is there any more?" the queen calmly suppressed her temper and asked.

"The other thing is, a large amount of our raw materials are imported from Qin, in addition to funds, and various machinery and equipment. We don't have these." Zhang Liang said.

"In addition to these, we have another important thing. Our land space is too narrow. We have many neighboring powerful countries, and it is difficult to have new strategic space to provide us with a buffer." Zhang Liang analyzed.

And Han Shu this time. He raised his head and subconsciously took a look at the current situation of South Korea's territory. South Korea is indeed surrounded by many powerful countries, such as the Kingdom of Qin and Zhao, and the Kingdom of Chu in the south, as well as the Kingdom of Qi in the East. South Korea is in a strategically important position. The national defense in this position is the most complicated. Once the relations with neighboring countries are not well managed, South Korea will be in a great dilemma in diplomacy. This is an absolute disaster for South Korea.

"Huh." Han Shu exhaled heavily.

South Korea's current strategic space environment does make her feel a lot of pressure. South Korea is in such a geographical environment, and it is difficult for it to rise quickly in such an environment.

"Then what should we do?" Han Shu asked.

"This. The minister doesn't know." Zhang Liang said respectfully.

When Han Shu heard such an answer, it really made her hard to be happy. Because without a good strategy, it is difficult for South Korea to rise in a short period of time.

"Forget it." Han Shu waved his hand and said.

Han Shu knows very well that South Korea wants to rise in such a geographical environment. Difficulties.

"My lord, our surrounding environment is not conducive to our development." A minister proactively said.

"We have the State of Wei in the east and the State of Qi behind the State of Wei. It is difficult for us to develop eastward, and the State of Qin is behind us. They always monitor us. Once we have new movements, they will It is difficult to have opportunities for development." The minister analyzed. But Han Shu looked at the map in a daze at this time. Obviously, the minister did not say the topic that Han Shu is most interested in, and this topic has already been said.

The surrounding geo-environment of South Korea is indeed not good. There is the State of Qin to the west, the State of Chu to the south, and the State of Zhao to the north. Although there is a weak neighbor Wei Guo to the east, Qi Guo is behind Wei Guo. This way. No matter which direction South Korea develops, it must defeat a powerful country, because South Korea has many neighboring powerful countries. South Korea is unable to mobilize its full power to attack that country. Let alone whether it can mobilize its full power to attack a country, the most troublesome thing is that other countries will not interfere. This makes it difficult for South Korea to make a big difference in its surrounding territories.

Han Shu felt very troublesome looking at the map. Because South Korea's development space is really bad. And the powerful countries are all around.

"My lord, the minister believes that in order to have new space in South Korea's territory, it must adopt a flexible and changeable diplomatic policy." Zhang Liang said after listening to the analysis of the minister.

"Oh." Han Shu still looked at the map and said in a daze.

"We in South Korea should use Qin's power to suppress neighboring countries, and then participate in Qin's foreign warfare affairs. It is good for us to fight, and if there is no benefit, we avoid it." Zhang Liang said.

"With the help of Qin's power to suppress neighboring countries, and then seize some corner territories of neighboring countries. At the same time, we also use the power of various countries to suppress Qin, so that it is difficult for Qin to use the space to deal with us." Zhang Liang said at this time. .

"En." Han Shu just nodded.

"You said, how about putting the new strategic space overseas?" At this time, Han Shu suddenly shifted the topic to strategic space. The ministers have just discussed how to resolve South Korea’s diplomatic problems and suppress them through South Korea’s flexible foreign policy. Then provide a good development opportunity. However, what is strange is that Han Shu suddenly proposed an idea for overseas development space at this time.

"My lord, we have no way out to sea." a minister asked.

And Zhang Liang didn't say anything at this time, he knew. In Han Shu's heart, there has always been an ambition to develop overseas business. No one can stop this ambition, even though South Korea is a traditionally land country with no outlet to the sea. Coupled with its geographical location, South Korea is not suitable for developing overseas businesses. The worst part is that South Korea is still unable to reach the sea directly. It is precisely because of this that South Korea is facing many difficulties in developing its maritime industry. Even a country like Qin is obviously not so concerned about developing overseas businesses. Except for a very small number of individuals.

"This. Few people understand, but you have thought about it. There are so many powerful countries around South Korea. How South Korea seizes those limited land from these powerful countries, South Korea seizes a piece of land. What is the price to pay." Han Shu looked at The map said.

The ministers did not speak at this time. They knew very well that South Korea does not currently have the ability to expand its territory, and the cost of expanding a piece of land is simply too high.

Han Shu took advantage of the development of businessmen to make South Korea develop very quickly. Naturally, Han Shu had to settle an account. This account is that the price of South Korea’s expansion of a piece of land in the surrounding area is far higher than the ideal price in the minds of Koreans. If South Korea wants to expand a territory around it, it will inevitably lead to large-scale fighting. At the same time, South Korea has to invest a large amount of troops to fight. These forces need to spend a lot of military expenditure. Obviously, South Korea’s economy hasn’t been long since its start. Such a huge military expenditure is enough to crush South Korea’s economy.

This is simply worsening the situation for South Korea's economy. South Korea just wanted to break away from Qin's control, but they discovered that they could not break away from Qin's control.

"This." The ministers were completely speechless.

"We can't break our face with Qin." Han Shu said.

"We want to use Qin to provide our advantage." Han Shu continued.

"You can look at the map." Han Shu continued.

"A railway and a highway in the Qin State have led to the south, and in the connection with the south, there are our South Korean Xinzheng, and Luoyang occupied by the Qin State. These places, directly south, can reach the new city of Qin State. Beigang." Han Shu pointed out the geographic location on the map and said.

"Qin State has a large number of shipyards built there, and there is a shipyard invested there. With the help of Qin State's ships, we can travel along the Yangtze River, go to sea, and overseas. Who knows, there may be a large area overseas. New land, we need this land to build a huge new South Korea." Han Shu directly boldly said his own ideas.

As soon as Han Shu finished speaking, the ministers were speechless. They didn't even think of this. But Zhang Liang was a sensible person, he knew better what the Queen thought. But he just didn't say, he thought that Han Shu's idea was good. And it's very sufficient. In particular, there are a lot of resources overseas, and there are also a lot of undeveloped land, especially land. There must be a lot larger overseas than South Korea. If these places are discovered earlier, then South Korea can develop those overseas to develop its own strength.

However, Zhang Liang believes that there is a big problem in the Queen’s strategic space, that is, the mainland is still surrounded by surrounding powers, and the development of overseas territories will lose the fact that South Korea will lose its leadership. Where to put it. Zhang Liang was very confused.

And Han Shu agreed with her very strange idea, and she secretly admired her. She believes that South Korea can only leave this way. If it does not develop overseas businesses, then South Korea will have no new strategic space.

For the new strategic space. South Korea is very much in need. In particular, the cost of strategic space development should be small. At the same time, the benefits obtained must be maximized, and it seems that only those overseas places that have not been discovered are those that meet these requirements. Han Shu thinks this idea is very good. And it's worth mentioning.

In this regard, Han Shu had secretly made up his mind to implement this plan, and the ministers began to break the calm and began to discuss this idea.

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