The Whip of the God of Basketball

Chapter 102 The Ceremony for Two

At 5 o'clock in the morning on June 12, Auerbach woke up early from his sleep, and he had very little sleep, not to mention that he had to go to Boston today.

He came to the bathroom alone and washed his face with cold water. For decades, he insisted on washing his face with cold water. In the past, he often bathed with cold water, including in winter. He only gave up this stimulating behavior when he got older. Although he is not tall and has a big belly and is a little bald, he always insists on living like a real tough guy.

So, he decided he wanted to fly to Boston by himself, so he drove to the airport in his own silver Mercedes. Before leaving, he used the old-fashioned fax machine in his study to send a fax to his younger brother, telling his family where he was going. If he accidentally drove over on the road, someone would call the police.

Auerbach turned on the radio along the way, and he only listened to basketball-related programs. Today is the last game of the NBA Finals. The Los Angeles Lakers have already led the Nets 3-0. It is only a matter of time before they win the championship.

"Tonight in New Jersey, the Lakers will have a very, very great chance to win their third championship in the new century, and also their third consecutive championship..." A commentator came from the radio commenting on the game Auerbach turned off the radio and spat, "It's all fucking nonsense."

Although he is over 80 years old, Auerbach is still full of energy. He sat on the sidelines and watched the three games of the Eastern Conference finals at North Shore Garden, including losing the last game and losing the finals. Opportunity.

After arriving at the Washington airport, with the help of the staff, Auerbach finally bought a ticket to Boston, but the time was a bit late and Auerbach had to wait. No way, for Auerbach, it is too difficult to book air tickets by phone or the Internet, and he cannot buy earlier air tickets.

Auerbach, who was sullen, had to wait in the lobby of the airport. He couldn't help but took out a cigar and wanted to light one, but was stopped by the staff, but soon someone at the airport recognized Auerbach and invited him to the airport. In the VIP room, a private room was specially prepared for him to smoke.

He looked at the clock on the wall. It was nearly three hours before the plane took off. He knew that he was up early and caught up with the late set, so he could only wait slowly.


After receiving a call from Wojnawski, Leon returned to Boston with Khomeinis. On June 11, he received a notification from Danny Ainge that the team will return to Boston on June 13. No. to complete the acquisition, the day before that is June 12, he will be announced as the new head coach of the Celtics.

That's right, the Celtics are about to complete another reshuffle, and this time it's a really big one. The Celtics' transitional period after Pitino stepped down in 2001, after repeated adjustments, replacements and negotiations, is finally coming to an end.

First of all, the Boston Basketball Partners consortium led by Khomeinis’ father Pagliuca, Boston investor Klos Parker and his father, will be on hiatus this year after more than a year of preparation After the official start of the period, the acquisition of the Celtics will be completed, and the bloodline of the Gaston family in the Green Legion will come to an end. A team composed of a new ownership structure with more courage and vision will control the capital of the Celtics.

Danny Ainge has completely consolidated his position in the Celtics through two years of hard work. O'Brien dismissed get out of class early, Chris Wallace stood aside until he resigned as general manager this year, and Carroll obediently handed over The coach, as well as the Celtics veterans in various departments of the team, are satisfied with his arrangement.

Now all he has to do is put Fox Leon in the Celtics coach's seat. Of course, Angie knew that Fox Leon would definitely not be someone like O'Brien who could be dismissed easily, or an honest and self-aware person like John Carroll.

Angie has always thought that he is very similar to Auerbach, which is one of the reasons why he is willing to come to the Celtics to take over the position of president. But he saw more in Fox Leon, saw more shadows of bishops, and sometimes he had to admit that he was a little jealous of Fox Leon deep in his heart.

Leon can be big or small in front of Auerbach, and he can say whatever he wants, and sometimes makes Auerbach very angry, but in the end nothing happens. For Leon, Auerbach can also go to great lengths and tricks, condescend to ask his disciple Bill Sharman for help, or for Leon, he will not hesitate to clear up the opposition voices of the traditional and old forces within the Celtics.

Perhaps in Auerbach's heart, Angie is still not as good as Leon after all. If he is not as good as Bird, he will be more balanced in his heart.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Leon wore his best suit and a tie carefully selected by Khomeinis, and continued to drive his third-hand Chevrolet to the press conference hall of the North Shore Garden Arena. The head coach of the Celtics.

When they arrived at the press conference hall, Danny Ainge, ML Carr, Huan Cousy, Jojo White and others had already arrived. Many reporters were waiting in their seats, holding long guns and cannons and preparing for the next wave of sweeping .

But everyone is still waiting for one person, and that is Reed Auerbach. If Auerbach does not come, this press conference will hardly be considered complete. Auerbach is not only the honorary chairman of the team, but also the symbol and soul of the team. Not to mention, Leon was trained by Auerbach and is his appointed successor, so he should be present no matter what.

"Didn't you send someone to pick up the old man? Or book him a plane ticket." Leon stood behind the stage, frowning and asked Angie. Because Leon had been staying in Rhodes Island before, he came back in a hurry and didn't take care of these little things. He thought Angie would handle them well. Every time Auerbach comes to Boston, the Celtics will help him book a ticket or send someone to pick him up.

"I called the old man the day before yesterday, but he seems to want to come here by himself. You know he can be very stubborn sometimes. And the whole team has been busy recently. The team will change the owner tomorrow, and everything is chaotic. It should be Negligent, totally negligent," explained Angie, frowning and looking anxious too.

It takes about one and a half hours to fly from Washington to Boston. The problem is that it takes a lot of time to get from the airport to the North Shore Garden Plaza. In addition, Auerbach never uses a mobile phone, so there is no way to contact him.

"I just called Zane. He said that he received a fax from Arnold in the morning, saying that he went to the airport to fly to Boston. I just don't know what time I bought the ticket. It is said that Zane read the news and said that today will There are quite a few planes that are delayed, and I wonder if Arnold will be trapped at the airport." Bob Cousy walked over and said, his face full of helplessness.

Leon stared at Angie for a while, trying to see something on his face, Angie spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter, I can't wait any longer, let's start directly, it belongs to your press conference."

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the Celtics held a press conference in the press conference hall of the North Shore Garden Arena, officially announcing that Fox Leon will succeed John Carroll as the team's new head coach, and Carroll will serve as the new head coach of the team. The role of team advisor.


When Auerbach's plane arrived in Boston, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Auerbach looked at the brightly lit Boston outside the plane window. He didn't expect that he had been delayed for so long. He knew that he must have missed Leon's inauguration ceremony. This little guy who he cultivated by himself finally became a real coach under his encouragement.

After getting off the plane, the first thing Auerbach did was to find the nearest public phone booth and call Leon.

"Fox! Come pick me up at the airport! Damn Continental Airlines, I'm going to sue them for bankruptcy! I'm leaving before dawn, and it's already dark when I arrive in Boston! Come here quickly!" After the call was connected, Auerbach vented all his anger at the airline into the receiver.

Leon had just returned home when he received the call. After a boring press conference, he and the team attended a small party. Leon met the soon-to-be new owner of the Celtics at the party. Rose Parker, his half-cheap father-in-law Pagliuca, and the team's famous players. However, only Auerbach was not present, which made Leon unhappy anyway.

When he saw a strange call at home, he intuitively told him that it was Auerbach, and sure enough, Auerbach's signature roar came from the microphone as soon as he answered the phone. Leon naturally drove to the airport immediately to meet Auerbach. When he arrived at the airport, Auerbach was sitting on a chair in the square smoking a cigar.

"Go to the North Shore Garden Arena!" Auerbach said to Leon as soon as he got in the car, and he turned on the radio while talking.

"The Los Angeles Lakers defeated the New Jersey Nets 114:107 at the Continental Arena in New Jersey and won the NBA championship for the third consecutive year! Three consecutive championships! The Lakers dynasty... slap" heard the Lakers win the championship News, Auerbach turned off the radio again.

When I arrived at the North Shore Garden Arena, it was almost ten o'clock, and the inside was naturally closed early, but there were management personnel on duty. Auerbach knocked on the door of the guard room with a stick, and when the watchman saw that it was Auerbach, his hat almost fell off.

"Leon and I want to sit inside for a while, just ten minutes, please help me..." Under Auerbach's coercion and lure, the staff on duty still opened the gate, and then turned on the two headlights in the stadium.

"It happens that the floor will be removed tomorrow, and now it looks like this is the home of the Celtics." The staff on duty said to Auerbach that there will be an ice hockey game tomorrow, and the Celtics will have a champion on the floor and ceiling The flags will all be removed, and they can still accompany Leon and Auerbach tonight.

"Thank you." Auerbach said, and then took Leon from the player tunnel to the field. Under the illumination of two beams of lights, the Celtics team logo was particularly conspicuous. Auerbach stepped forward and stood on it. , handed the crutch to Leon, then put his hands on his hips and looked around. Just like he did on the court more than 30 years ago, looking around at everyone.

"Come here, Fox, stand here, stand under the lights, stand on the team logo." Auerbach pulled Leon over, pulled him to his side, and then said: "Look around, what's there? Your players , your opponent, there are still 20,000 live audiences, and tens of millions of TV audiences. You are standing in the center of the field, you must always pay attention, pay attention to your surroundings, your back, remember, the position of the head coach Always more dangerous than a star."

"Raise your head again and look at the top!" Auerbach pointed to the top again. In the dark, with the help of lights, he could vaguely see countless flags hanging on the ceiling, including Celtic flags. Sixteen championship banners, and those rows of retired numbers. They hang high above the North Shore Gardens like totems, watching the glory and inflection experienced by this team.

"Boy, go to the radio station and play me a piece of music. I want to listen to music, and I want 'Blue Danube'." Auerbach said to the guard who was still standing at the entrance of the player tunnel. After a while, the melody of Johann Strauss' blue Danube began to slowly flow from the large stereo in the arena, echoing in the empty and huge arena, but it made the place seem even quieter.

At this time, Auerbach took out a cigar from his pocket and handed it to Leon, saying: "Hold it." Then he took out a box of long stick matches, rubbed it lightly, and sent the flame to Leon On the head of the cigar in his mouth.

Leon took a few puffs vigorously, the cigar was lit, and faint green smoke drifted out from the cigar head and his mouth. He lightly exhaled the smoke ring, with a look of victory on his face.

"From now on, you will inherit everything from me."

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