The Whip of the God of Basketball

Chapter 169 Meeting with Carlisle

Rick Carlisle is 13 years older than Leon, and he is already considered a young young man among NBA head coaches. He also has a lot in common with the youngest head coach in history, Leon. The two have been on the phone since they met in Boston last year and got drunk. Carlisle is an out-and-out tactical madman, proficient in various offensive tactics. He once played for the Celtics. Jones learned a lot from him. After retiring, he joined the Portland Trail Blazers and became Carlesimo's assistant and Carroll's colleague.

Although Carlesimo has not achieved real success in the NBA, and has received some negative comments because of the "choke incident" with Sprewell, he has never been able to handle the relationship with the players well during his coaching career. But Carlesimo has achieved enough achievements in the NCAA, and his basketball attainments are absolutely top-notch in the United States. Some of his ideas and creations in offense have also deeply affected Carlisle-unfortunately, he The inability to handle relationships seems to have spread to Carlisle as well.

Fortunately, the Pistons team he is in is an out-and-out grassroots team. Looking at their personnel composition, they are all superstars who have failed in other teams, or are simply undrafted. There are no big names full of personality, so Carlisle has done well in the Motor City and led the Pistons to a pretty good performance.

In the evening, he was watching the Celtics game video at home, but he didn't expect Leon to call and invite him out for a drink. With the experience of getting drunk in Boston last time, he didn't want to wake up the next day and go to training with a groggy head. But Leon said that he wanted to talk to him about some new basketball tactical ideas, and Carlisle was a little shaken. Carlisle knows that Fox Leon is an out-and-out tactical genius, his memory ability and tactical understanding ability are amazing, and judging from the Celtics' on-the-spot performance, their training must be extremely efficient, otherwise they would not There is such an excellent and concise tactical coordination. The so-called complexity is simple, but that's all. It is impossible to train a youth army like this without a deep understanding of basketball.

Because of this, every time he talks about some basketball issues with Leon, Carlisle can feel that he has gained something. He still remembers that time in Boston, when Leon was asking him questions, but now he has switched over, and it is Carlisle from Leon. Get nourishment.

The meeting place was at Detroit's famous Punch Basin Union Bar, which is a well-known bar chain across the United States. This is a comprehensive entertainment bar where you can not only drink, but also play bowling and billiards. It is not as noisy as ordinary nightclubs and bars, and it is a good place for chatting and gathering.

When Carlisle drove here, Leon had already been waiting in the private room for a long time. After arriving in Detroit, Leon allowed the players to go out to relax and have fun. Now Detroit is no longer a pure industrial city in the past. It is transforming into an entertainment city. Leon does not want the players to be too boring, but just tells them Don't go to dangerous neighborhoods and don't gamble at the same time.

Leon ordered two glasses of gin in the private room, mixed with some lemonade. This was Leon's favorite wine, and it was also the wine that made Carlisle spit out last time. So when Carlisle saw the two big cups on the table, he was a little scared.

"Don't worry about Rick, I just ordered two glasses today, and I won't refill them. You have to train tomorrow, and I have to train too. Although I drink better, I don't want to go to the arena with two heads on my head." Leon smiled and dispelled some of Carlisle's worries, and then Carlisle sat down, took a sip from his glass, and said, "You really should get to know Greg Popovich, that guy is a drunkard, next time Against the Spurs, you'd better ask him to drink and get him drunk."

The head coach of the Spurs, Popovich, is a well-known drinker in the league. It is said that on the night of the 1997 draft lottery, he hid in his tent and drank heavily and dared not watch live TV until the result of the lottery came out. Happily burst out of the tent to cheer, and then drop by for a drink to celebrate.

"I have suffered many injuries from boxing for many years, and sometimes I have to use alcohol to reduce my pain." Leon said to Carlisle, not knowing whether he was telling the truth or joking, which confused Carlisle, and said: "The previous paragraph Are all the reports in the Times newspaper true?" Carlisle said that the newspaper pointed out that Leon punched fake punches and gambled.

"The things in the newspaper are always true and false, but there is one thing that I think is true, that is, you will not stay in Detroit for too long." Leon said to Carlisle suddenly. Carlisle just smiled and responded, "Come on, Fox, you're always like this. I'm not going to Boston as an assistant coach. If you can, why don't you come to Detroit to help me?"

Leon wanted Carlisle to go to Boston as his offensive coach early on, but Carlisle himself is the head coach of an NBA team. Unless there are special reasons, how can he become an assistant coach after he has become the head coach? Although he admires Leon's coaching talent, he also has his own ideals and pride, as well as an incomparable love for basketball. He wants to lead his team to the NBA championship.

"No, I'm not talking about this this time. I'm serious. I heard that you don't have a good relationship with some officials of the Pistons... This makes your boss feel uncomfortable." Leon took a sip Wine, said to Carlisle sternly.

This time, Carlisle knew that Leon was not joking, because it was true. A few days ago, an official from the marketing department of the team wanted to organize the Pistons to participate in a community event to promote the Pistons, but the event plan was rejected by Carlisle. , because the team has just played multiple away games, he thinks the team needs to rest instead of participating in community activities that don't have much meaning. This made the development official very embarrassed, and it also caused dissatisfaction with Davidson, the big boss of the Pistons. However, because the Pistons have a good record recently, although Davidson was unhappy, he didn't treat Carlisle much.

"I don't want to talk about it. Didn't you tell me you have any new tactical ideas? I'm here to chat with you about basketball, and I don't want to talk about those boring things." Carlisle was a bit uncomfortable when he mentioned this to Leon. Yue, it is true that recently because of some contact problems with the Detroit executives, he feels very unhappy. He feels that he has worked so hard to lead the team to fight east and west, and those worms will only circle around the boss to suck the ball. team blood.

"Boston has the largest sports media market in the United States, and the Celtics have the most eyeliners in the league... Haha, just kidding, I just heard it from a scouting friend. Let me talk about basketball with you one more time, yours Although the owner Bill Davidson is a good owner who loves basketball very much, he is also a ruthless character who can turn his face at any time and throw you out of the team-this is not what I said, but Dennis Rodman told mine."

The Pistons have Davidson, one of the few super fan owners in the league. He is the key figure for the Pistons to become stronger and one of the most important people in Rodman's basketball career, but he is also a decisive and unfeeling Jewish businessman.

After Leon finished speaking, he began to talk with Carlisle about some basketball tactical issues. Recently, he felt that he had encountered some small troubles in the team's offense. You know, Leon is not planning to equip the Celtics with low-post offensive players, not now, nor in the future, because he believes that high speed and miniaturization will be the development direction of basketball in the future, and low-post offense is relatively cumbersome. The offensive mode will be eliminated one day.

But at least in today's league, some powerful low-post attackers still dominate the league. There is no other reason. Their extremely efficient scoring and devastating power in the interior sweep away all enemies who stand in their way. - Shaquille O'Neal , Tim Duncan, Chris Webber and more.

How to replace the low-post offense in terms of efficiency has become a big question in Leon's mind. And his question was mercilessly ridiculed by Carlisle. He clearly told Leon, "At least in the days when I was the head coach, the low-post attack cannot be replaced, and there is no way to have a more efficient attack than the low-post attack."

"But you don't have a low-post attacker like this in Detroit..." Leon also ruthlessly exposed Carlisle, and Carlisle took a sip of his wine in embarrassment, and replied: "One day there will be..."


The two chatted until very late, and the topics almost all focused on basketball. Carlisle was an out-and-out football idiot. At the end of the two chatting, Carlisle even asked the bartender for a pen and paper, and drew tactics and rules on it. Ang argued about some details, and at the end of the chat, both of them put down their words, and they will see the truth in the competition tomorrow!

On the second day of the game, Carlisle was full of confidence to give Leon and the Celtics a head start at the Palace of Auburn Hills. Unexpectedly, the Celtics would not follow the routine in the first quarter and made 6 of 7 three-pointers in the opening game. They beat the Pistons 35:18, which directly made Carlisle look like a donkey.

Leon is leisurely, he knows that Michael Reid's confidence has risen recently, and he has an excellent outside touch, and he has just played against Ray Allen recently, facing Richard - who is similar in type but not as capable Hamilton, not afraid at all, fired frequently from outside the three-point line. In the end, he scored 5 three-pointers in the half. He made 7 of 12 three-pointers and scored 33 points, helping the Celtics 101:87 Beat the Detroit Pistons away.

After the game, Leon stepped forward to shake hands with Carlisle, looked at Carlisle's expression of eating a fly, shook his head and said to Carlisle: "On behalf of the Celtics, I officially want you to come to Boston."

Carlisle glanced at Leon and ignored him, feeling angry. But he had to admit in his heart that this Celtic team was indeed very strong.

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