In the third quarter, after the Suns replaced the five small lineups, the Bobcats once again played an excellent offense. Felton, Richardson and Gerald Wallace took turns to hit the weak Suns Inside, keep scoring and causing kills. When the Bobcats improved their efficiency on the offensive end, the Suns' offense became relatively difficult, and it was difficult for them to push back.

Moreover, at the beginning of the third quarter, the Bobcats reduced their three-point shots. Their three-point shooting percentage was not high.

Therefore, the Bobcats simply gave up the three-pointer, that is, let the three outside players take turns rushing in with the ball, bullying the Suns' lack of height inside and no barriers.

At this time, Leon discovered the third problem of the five small lineups. Once the opponents start to entangle in hand-to-hand combat, the team will feel difficult on both offense and defense.

However, the Suns still rely on the individual ability of the players to maintain the lead in the score. Steve Nash was full of firepower in this game. When the team chose a small lineup, he became the absolute core of the field again.

And Boris Diaw's support and Marion's air cut are also increasing points for the Suns, helping the team survive the difficult third quarter and maintain a 7-point lead into the fourth quarter.

But in the fourth quarter, Leon still stubbornly refused to send Turiaf on the field. He replaced Bell with Jaskovicius, then used Barea to top Nash for two minutes, and Marion took a rest for a while. .

Two minutes into the fourth quarter, the Bobcats seized the opportunity, and a wave of 8:2 attacks narrowed the difference between the two sides to only 1 point!

Leon had to call a timeout. At this time, Dan D'Antoni sat on the stool and said to Leon: "Substitute, replace Ronnie, this lineup is impossible to play, it is self-destructing the Great Wall! Can't do it again This is how it goes."

Mike D'Antoni said: "Don't talk about my brother, Fox has his ideas, and this game is not that important."

Dan added: "But we obviously played well before."

Leon replied: "But no one supported my style of play before!"

Indeed, in the few games before the five small lineups, the tactical routines designed by Leon did not get the support of the coaching staff, fans and critics. Now because of injuries, he designed new routines, and some people began to express their opinions that the previous ones were good. up.

As soon as this was said, no one spoke anymore, Leon gathered the players and said: "We are disadvantaged in height, which is bad, but we have advantages in vitality and speed. Don't just care about our disadvantages , And forget our advantages. Play more boldly, open up, as long as the offensive end is efficient, our pressure on the defensive end will naturally be reduced!"

Leon did not deliberately ask the players to strengthen their defense. On the contrary, he asked them to strengthen their offense, especially in the battle for offensive rebounds. After observing the performance of the five small lineups for nearly two quarters and deploying several lineups, Leon Think this is the best solution. Using offense instead of defense, for the Suns, their offense can go up to a higher level, and these five small lineups are the key to their major breakthrough!

After thinking about this point, Leon continued to insist on a small lineup on the court, and returned to the game. Nash and Marion reappeared, and Jascovicius and Nash formed a double dwarf in the backcourt. Vincent on the opposite side was snickering, thinking that such a backcourt would be vulnerable defensively, but he didn't expect that Raymond Felton and Jason Richardson could limit their three-pointers ball.

Sure enough, in the first attack after the timeout, Jascovicius controlled the ball, and Nash used his flexible running position to get a chance of dislocation at 45 degrees on the right, facing Jason Richardson who was defending from the dislocation , he used a difficult drift three-pointer to help the Suns stabilize the situation. This is Nash's third three-pointer in the game.

The point difference came to 4 points. When the Bobcats entered the positional battle, their offensive efficiency would decline, and the continuous breakthroughs in the third quarter caused Richardson and Felton to suffer a certain loss of physical strength. The Suns successfully defended A ball.

This time, Nash did not push for a quick counterattack. If in 2006, the Suns would definitely push for a counterattack with such a small lineup. They also did this before. But Nash seems to realize something, what they want is not speed, but success rate. Although in many cases, speed means success rate, but sometimes speed also means mistakes.

He controlled the rhythm, waited for his teammates to get in position, and then he observed the running position of Jaskovicius - he slipped to the left bottom corner with the help of Dior and Marion on the left, and Nash immediately A large oblique pass passed, and Jascovicius caught the ball from the bottom corner. Felton saw it but was too lazy to pounce on it. He watched as Jascovicius made a three-pointer and scored again!

The point difference came to 7 points, 91:84, the previous efforts of the Bobcats were wiped out by two easy three-pointers, which was a major blow to them. But Vincent didn't call a timeout. He didn't have many timeouts, and he had to reserve them for later critical moments.

But there may not be a critical moment, and it was a positional attack again. The Bobcats chose to let Okafor eat in a low position. The team counterattacked again, this time the Bobcats players ran back desperately to defend, but Nash still slowed down, he was very patient looking for opportunities.

Because the Suns are five small players, and everyone has the ability to shoot from the outside, Nash felt that blindly counterattacking and rushing blindly was actually a waste of the five small players' ability to open up space. The V-shaped offense they played in the past made full use of the three-point firepower on the two wings and the aggressive cutting ability in the middle, but in fact they still have more articles to do, in the wide area between the basket and the three-pointer.

Nash dribbled the ball into the inside, and then circled out. Dior inserted in the middle and attracted the attention of some defenders. In the hands of Bell at the horn, Bell made a mid-range jumper at the horn. During the timeout, Leon asked anyone to make a decisive shot once they have the opportunity.

This is very different from his style when he was in the Celtics. In the Celtics, he accurately calculated the shooting area that each player is good at, and asked them to attack in the best area. In the field, everyone can vote if they have the opportunity.

However, the ball was missed. The mid-range two-pointer was not Bell's strength, but Marion struggled to grab the offensive rebound, then caused a foul by Okafor at the basket, and stood at the free throw line.

Charlotte fans can once again appreciate the weirdest free throw posture in the NBA. Marion's push shot, but the shooting rate is quite good, two free throws, 9 points. The Suns offense came alive again, with Leon regaining control.

After all, the Bobcats are a weak team. Once they are at a disadvantage in the scene and points in the fourth quarter, they start to become unable to play, as if they have returned to the first quarter. In particular, the Suns set up another zone defense, which caught the Bobcats by surprise and began to shoot wildly from the outside again. They missed several shots in a row, which gave the Suns a chance to fight back.

These few times, the Suns have seized the opportunity to counterattack very well. Nash and Jaskovicius teamed up to control the field. Resolute, and at the same time, everyone in the interior line competed for offensive rebounds. Even Nash rushed to the interior line to grab rebounds, not giving the Bobcats any chance to easily fight back.

Relying on a 14:0 super offensive shock wave, the Suns suddenly opened the score to 15 points, and at the same time completely defeated the Bobcats. On the Suns bench, the assistant coaches all shut up, and the small lineup showed a little power. In the end, the Suns defeated the Bobcats by 101:90 with an 11-point advantage. Nash scored a team-high 30 points and sent 8 assists. The second highest score came from Marion, who scored 21 points and grabbed 15 rebounds, including 4 offensive rebounds.

When the final buzzer sounded, Leon breathed a sigh of relief. In the last quarter, thanks to the players themselves, they understood some of the essence of this lineup, especially Nash. Can't play well.

Going on like this, we will play another five or six games. When Stoudemire returns, Leon can sit back in his hands-free shopkeeper and watch the team advance quietly until he meets those strong enemies and needs him to stand up. when.

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