The Whole World Was Stunned When My Home Was Exposed

Chapter 479 The treatment of Li Chang!

Entering the house, Li Chang and Su Yiren met Master Tang Yin's wife, Cao Xiuxiang, before they saw Master Tang Yin.

Cao Xiuxiang is no ordinary person.

Cao Xiuxiang belongs to a famous family, and her grandfather was a scholar.

Cao Xiuxiang is also a person in the literary circle, but what Cao Xiuxiang studies is not ancient poetry, but the compilation of ancient historical literature.

He is a veritable contemporary scholar and historian.

Because of the eye disease, I retire at home only after the person reaches old age.

Run a tea garden.

For scholars like Cao Xiuxiang, both Li Chang and Suyi respected them very much.

Although Li Chang doesn't know much about the history of this world, he has many unique views.

I talked to Cao Xiuxiang for a while during the last meal.

Cao Xiuxiang discovered Li Chang's extraordinary historical knowledge.

It can be said that Cao Xiuxiang likes Li Rui and Suyi very much.

He directly gave Su Yi and Li Chang a plate of freshly prepared refreshments and said.

"This poem will have to fight poems for a while, first eat full, then have the strength to think."

"My head cake and donkey rolling are old craftsmanship."

"You didn't have tea when you came to dinner last time."

"Try it this time and see if you like the taste."

Liu Yifan wanted to introduce Li Rui and Su Yiren to Cao Xiuxiang to get to know 643.

But it was unexpected that Cao Xiuxiang was so familiar with Li Rui and Suyi.

Apparently Li Rui and Suyi had been here before and met Cao Xiuxiang.

This also saved Liu Yifan a lot of thought.

Liu Yifan took a piece of cake from the plate and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Seeing this, Cao Xiuxiang said to Liu Yifan with a smile.

This time, "I made a lot of tiaotou cakes! Xiaofan, bring some more when you go back."

"I know you like sweet food, so I kept some and added some osmanthus honey to it.

Cao Xiuxiang was so warm to Li Rui and Su Yi, which surprised many scholars and young talents who participated in the poetry meeting around.

It is normal for Cao Xiuxiang to be familiar with Liu Yifan.

Liu Yifan recognized Tang Yin as his teacher, and Cao Xiuxiang was Liu Yifan's teacher.

But how could Cao Xiuxiang be so enthusiastic about Li Chang and Suyi people?

At this time, Master Tang Yin, the host of the Poetry Society, came over.

He directly smiled and said to Li Chang.

"Li Xiaoyou, come quickly!"

"Old man Luo has written a new character, how about this character written by old man Luo?"

"I said that the words of the old man Luo are still a breath away, in order to be regarded as a qualitative improvement.

"Old Luo is still not convinced!"

Master Tang Yin had just finished speaking, before Li Chang could answer.

Another old voice sounded from behind Master Tang Yin.

"Old man Tang, I'm just not convinced that these words came out of your mouth!

"My handwriting is almost the same, can I still know?"

"If I can write this tone, then I can also call myself a master!"

While speaking, Luo Ji took two quick steps and came to Li Chang's side.

Said to Li Chang very sincerely.

"Master Li, it was only after reading your words last time that I had an epiphany!"

"Although there is no qualitative improvement, it is much better to write as before!"

"I, Luo Ji, have never been taught by a teacher to write in my whole life. I study and write my characters by myself."

"But now I think that you are absolutely worthy of my Luo Ji's word teacher!"

While speaking, Luo Ji bowed to Li Rui.

Luo Ji's bow was equivalent to once again holding Li Chang up in front of literary masters from all over the country.

In the case of Luo Ji's breakthrough in handwriting, he praised Li Chang like this.

It can be considered that he has secured the title of the ninth master of Lichang.

Luo Ji is the president of the Calligraphy Association.

A teacher recognized by Luo Ji, even if he is a teacher of one word, is not trivial in terms of identity.

As for Luo Ji's words, the one who most calmly accepts is Luo Ji's old opponent, Master Tang Yin.

Tang Yin knew how good Li Rui's words were.

In two days, the calligraphy of the Summer Palace will be launched.

The whole world knows it.

With Li Chang's attainments in calligraphy, he was indeed qualified to guide Luo Ji.

If it weren't for Tang Yin's talent in calligraphy, it would be a bit lower than Luo Ji's.

Watching Li's writing, I didn't get any insight.

Li Rui can also be called Tang Yin's teacher of one word.

Looking at Master Luo Ji who had just bowed to him, Li Rui hurriedly said (baed).

Seeing "that character, Master Luo can understand something because of his talent."

"Speaking of which, we grew up when we copied the ancient Chinese characters and paintings. Wouldn't everyone have many teachers?"

Li Chang's remarks made Luo Ji's expression slightly startled.

It also gave those masters who didn't know Li Chang a very high impression of Li Rui.

Li Chang's remarks are equivalent to rejecting the identity of Master Luo Ji as a teacher.

This also shows that Li Rui is a humble person.

In learning, humility is a very valuable quality.

This quality is not possessed by many literary masters.

Li Chang's words made Luo Ji think of when he first saw Li Chang.

Back then, Li Chang was as reserved and reserved as he is now.

He is obviously a young man, but he has been able to keep his feet on the ground.

Only such a person can achieve such great achievements in calligraphy at such a young age!

Luo Ji turned around and said.

"Master Li, why don't you come and help me see how I write this character?"

When Li Chang heard the words, he naturally did not shirk, and followed Master Luo Ji towards the table.

This made the protagonist of the Poetry Society change from Master Tang Yin to Li Chang who had just arrived.

Master Tang Yin also followed Li Chang.

This made many people who wanted to trouble Li Chang before suddenly put their minds down.

At this time, if you dare to trouble Li Chang.

I'm afraid that Master Tang Yin will directly drive the poetry meeting.

If he was kicked out of the poetry club, all the gains would be worth the loss.

But even if some people have restrained their minds, they still want to go to Li Chang's army.

They all put their minds on the fighting poems to be carried out later.

This part of Dou Shi can be said to be the most lively part of the whole seminar.

Every year at the poetry conference, someone will stand out from the poetry fight.

For example, when Liu Yifan participated in the poetry festival in those years, it was because of his outstanding performance in the poetry battle that he was favored by Master Tang Yin.

The same is true for Ning Yumo.

It was in the battle of poems that he fought a master and became famous.

She has become the goddess of poetry in many people's hearts.

The stage of fighting poems is randomly selected by drawing lots.

Therefore, there is no possibility of over-examination at all.

Before the poetry meeting, many people have pressed questions in advance and prepared a lot of poems to deal with various propositions.

In order to be able to become famous at the Poetry Society.

Lichang is now attracting much attention.

If he can defeat Li Rui in the poetry fight, it means that he can use Li Rui's reputation to climb to a higher position.

This is an irresistible temptation for everyone present.

On Li Chang's side, he didn't know what other people were thinking, and he didn't bother to guess.

Not to mention whether Lichang will participate in the poetry fight.

Even if he really participated, Li Chang was not afraid of anyone.

Because behind Li Chang, standing is a world, and a world of poetry civilization.

Such accumulation of civilization is simply not something that one person can overcome.

Right now, Li Chang was looking at Master Luo Ji's newly written word.

Li Rui discovered that Master Luo Ji's writing was the same Heart Sutra he had left for the boss of Shi Shunzhai.

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