The Wild Man Of Pokemon

Chapter 28 - Shady Developments

Why does this always happen to me? I just want to be a tinker in a cabin in the middle of the nowhere. Peace, quiet, death. Such a simple equation and yet life's the one variable that throws it out the window.

Staring at what I recall to be a Banette, I sigh at my continued misfortune.

'So this old soul is a devious one?'

'In more ways then one, but that's not what we're here to talk about.'

'Whats that?'

'I want to know what you are.'

'A human.'

'Lie. The moment you stepped into my domain, I knew you were different.'

'How so?'

'Your aura for one. It is as rare as falling from the sky and finding a lottery ticket. It just doesn't happen.'

'Whats so special about it? I've been told it's like the rain. That it is chaotic and life giving, but in my opinion, its not much to write home about.'

'Your human always this dumb?' She pointed to Shedinja.

'Most of the time. On occasion he comes up with a spark of inspiration.'

'Hey, I resent that!'

'Amusing. Leaving your aura aside, your body is what most interest me.'

'I'm not into Pokemon.'

'And I'm not into humans. Especially children. No what I want to know is why your so saturated in energy limited to Pokemon?'

'Lets say I had an accident as a child and woke up like this.'

Silence filled the room.

'Hehehehahaha. Your funny. People don't just have an "accident" and then wake up with powers. You should be dead.'

'I'm very lucky then.'

'Fine, don't tell me. But there is no way in hell that I am letting you leave this mansion without me knowing exactly what you can do.'

'Are you threatening me?'

'Nothing of the sort. Merely offering a deal that is in you best interest to accept.'

'Sounds an awful lot like threatening to me.'

She sighed, 'Listen here you little twit, I am offering an exchange. Knowledge for knowledge.' She held up the book, 'You could take this book back to the ballroom upstairs and I give you three questions I will answer to the best of my ability. Or.' She drew out the word, 'You could stay here and we barter knowledge until both parties are satisfied.'

Knowledge was something I craved. This ghost type was most certainly old enough to know how to manipulate a situation. What else could be inside that little head of hers.

'If it makes any difference, I will throw in all the books kept on the premises as yours to keep. I have no need for them any longer.'

'Deal.' I blurted. Curse my love of books.

'Brilliant, lets go meet your little friends. The green one has already made a mess in the attic.'

Croagunk what did you do?

'My apologies.' I bowed.

'Think nothing of it. An accident was going to happen there regardless.'

'But still...' Her expression made me drop it.

Climbing the stairs, we entered the ballroom where Honedge and Croagunk were waiting. Seeing Banette, their guards raised.

'Don't worry. Banette and I have come to an agreement. We will be staying here for the foreseeable future.'

'Whats going on?' Honedge asked.

I explained our exchange from earlier. Both Pokemon were peeved to say the least.

'Idiot.' Honedge said.

'Hey, I made a calculated decision that will benefit us in the long run.'

'At the cost of us staying here in this creepy place.' Croagunk rebutted.

'Creepy you say?' Banette chimed.

The toad jumped out of his skin, 'Did I say creepy? I meant lovely. Absolutely beautiful.'

'Oh really?'

He was sweating rain from the intense aura Banette was putting off.

'Croagunk, don't antagonize our host.'


'Is there a place we can set up?' I asked.

'The back courtyard should be fine.' She answered.


Setting up camp was a breeze. We ate some of the saved up dried berries and Talonflame jerky. Munching down, I watched the sun set. Crisp amber grass layered by the fervent red was a breath taking sight.

'Beautiful sight, yes?' The old ghost said.

'It is. Must be nice to live here.'

'It is. Old mansion and a cellar full of despair. Fewer things a ghost type can ask for.'

'Why are ghost types like that?'

'Like what?' She said quirking her brow.

'The fear and despair stigma. I've never heard of a ghost type being described without a whole, they will take you soul, babble. From what I have seen, ghost types can survive perfectly fine without feeding on souls.'

'I see. Its more of an instinct. While yes, we can sustain ourselves on food and such, we will always be drawn to the allure of the living.'

'How so?'

'For the most part, ghost types are a regretful soul or a gathering of negativity.' She contemplated her next statement, 'This world is in an ever struggle between positive and negative emotions. Humans, Pokemon, even the forests themselves. Everything wants to be expressed, to be in the spot light.'

'How do ghost types fit in?'

'I was getting to that.' She huffed, 'When there is an overabundance of negativity, it gathers. Eventually, it will stick together and latch onto something with similar alignment. Once enough has been gathered, it can become a ghost type Pokemon.'

'Like an abandoned doll.' I said, remembering the Pokedex entry.

'Aren't you a clever one; however, there is another aspect.'

'Whats that?'

'Your shiny friend their for example.' She pointed to Honedge who was practicing cutting a tree. 'The soul of the dead are some of the most potent sources of negativity. Regret, envy, anger, hate. All aspects that can root a soul to this plane until they disperse or possess something, shunting the shackles of humanity. We then feel the insatiable need to feed on more negativity that created us.'

'Sounds sad.'

'It can be. But it could be worse.'

'What could be worse then that?'

'We could remember.'

That's a scary thought. Living life full of hate only to be trapped in an eternal torment after death.

'So what about you?' Banette inquired, 'How do you fit into this world?'

The question hit home a little hard.

'No clue. One day, I awoke on a mountain with nothing to my name. I tried to leave, but ended up being caught in a fight between my soon to be parents and a psycho Toxicroak. Woke up two weeks later with my senses dialed to eleven and the ability to talk to Pokemon. I don't even know what my body is even capable of.' I lamented.

'Sounds complicated.' She teased.

I laughed. 'You have no idea.'

Extending a hand, she asked, 'May I?'

Not entirely sure what she was doing, I nodded. Touching the appendage to my face, I was surprised by the texture. Tightly knitted yarn, soft and warm to the touch. Leaning into the hand, I felt the barest hints of energy entering my body. It was thin, like oil, and circulated around my body.

Withdrawing the hand, she said, 'It's a beautiful harmony. Your psychic and dark type energy intermingling, shadow flitting between the cells. Poison breaking it down and life putting it back together. If I had to guess, as you grow, the more in tuned you will be to these forces.'

'How much can you tell?'

'I am no expert on the other energies, but I am well acquainted with shadow energy.'

'What is it exactly?' I asked.

'Its a facet of ghost. The immaterial darkness that touches all things. Ghost types use it to slip between the cracks of the physical world and the planes of others.' She explained.

'What about others?' I was petting Shedinja now. How he feels it, I will never know.

'Well there is the facet of curses, the facet of undead souls, and the facet of possession. Each a core component to a ghost type.'

'When you say undead souls, you don't mean necromancy right?' I worried.

'Most definitely not, its more along the lines of interacting with ghost that haven't become a Pokemon.'

'I don't get it.'

'Its a difficult concept to understand and very rarely ever used.'


'Back to the original topic, shadow energy is the void that connects this realm with the in between. It has many uses and many drawbacks.'


'Light makes it exponentially harder to use.'

'Makes sense.'

She chuckled, 'Let us finish this conversation tomorrow, it has gotten late.'

'Okay. See you tomorrow.'


After breakfast, Banette invited us back into the mansion. Setting up an area for my companions to train, the doll Pokemon then started examining my body. She sent various probes in to determine exactly what was going on.

'Well, I have to hand it to you, you're a freak.'

I fell over like I was stabbed through the heart, 'Thanks.'

'Your welcome. Anyway, you truly are unique. Shadow energy is always diluted, limiting our capabilities to it. You on the other hand.' She jabbed a finger, 'Have access to it in its most purest form.'

'So what does that mean?' My curiosity flaring.

'No clue, the only thing I can say for sure is that your shadow will be enormous.'

I glanced at the dark shape connected to my feet, 'I don't follow.'

'You know of the move shadow sneak, yes?'


'Typically, the ability to enter the shadow requires a certain potency in shadow energy. The more potent, the more that can be fit in and hidden.'

Catching onto her logic, 'So theoretically, I could have access to a warehouse of space in my shadow.'


'So how does one connect to that?'

'I find experience the best learning tool.' She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the ground.

Immediately, I was enveloped in a cozy warmth, compressing like a weighted blanket. Opening my eyes, I see the open expanse of oppressive darkness.

Doing the b.r.e.a.s.t stroke, a tingling sensation shivered along my body. Freedom it promised. To fly through worlds untapped and untamed.

'Enjoying yourself?' The Pokemon asked.


'Good now come back before you fall to far.' Turning around I see what she means. I have dropped twenty feet away from Banette. Though even more peculiar, was the light coming from behind her. It was like looking through the surface of water, except stationary. I could see Honedge, Croagunk, and Shedinja through cutouts of their own body. My guess their shadow.

Swimming back to the surface, I climbed out with Banette. Stepping onto the floor, I tripped. Every step was like walking on rubbery goo.

"What the hell?'

'I see that the shadows no longer want to let you go.' She laughed at my plight.

'How do I stop this?' I couldn't be lumbering around because my own shadow was trying to drown me.

'Concentrate on the physical world. Feel the dust in the air, the wood beneath you feet. At least that's what I think you should do.' Her confidence did nothing to my own.

But I still tried.


I am never listening to a word that plush doll ever says. Its been nearly a month of me hobbling around, trying not to be swallowed by the world. It wasn't until yesterday that I could finally stand normally.

That was not to say that I was no longer being swallowed by the shadows, but rather, I figured out how to harden the energy into a platform to walk on.

'You have exceeded my expectations. Not only have you been learning at an o.b.s.c.e.n.e pace, but you have also gained great control over the slipperiest of energies.

I scowled at her. Not only did I have to figure out staying above ground, but I also had to put up with her lessons of the Pokemon world.

She taught me the culture and geography of this place. Apparently, we are in the Kalos region, between Ambrette town and Camphrier town.

'Lets not forget your reading prowess.'

There was a children's room upstairs full of beginners books. Don't know why anyone would want to raise a child above an insane asylum, but who am I to judge? I was able to decipher a bit, but that helps little in actually speaking.

'Huuh.' I sighed.

'For your next lesson, we are going to try and create a pocket for you to work with. Since you have so much space there, I would hate for something to get lost.'

To her prediction, my shadow was enormous. To the point it crossed into other peoples shadow.

'What I want you to do is imagine a bubble while in you space, keep it connected to the opening.'

Her joy at experimenting with my powers was starting to freak me out. Try this and that, hope this doesn't happen. Ughh.

Following her instructions, I leave the physical world into my personal void. Trying to get my shadow to do anything was like pushing water up the mountain without a bucket. It kept falling through my hands.

'Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.' Banette taunted from the entrance.

I sighed, regretting my decisions.

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