The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 309: Serial strategy·Strong soldiers and fierce generals cross the western mountain at nigh


Ed Stark rested in the military tent. The curtain of his small room was gently opened. Ed opened his eyes and saw a masked man. He turned over on the bed, his sword returned. Without being unsheathed, the opponent's narrow sword was raised, shining coldly, and piercing his throat. \r

Ed's Ms. Silent used the scabbard as a weapon, and there was a crisp sound, the scabbard separated the narrow sword, and turned around. Ms. Silent unsheathed, with a ding, blocking the opponent's second sting. \r

Ed was surprised when he was able to block it in time for the first time. The opponent's sword was too fast to see clearly, but it gave Ed a familiar feeling-Will had a stab during the day when he tried the sword with him, almost Cut his throat, it was exactly the same stab. \r

With the shock of the sword test, after the sword test was over, Ed thought hard and couldn't forget Will's stab. He repeatedly thought about how to block the thrilling sword, and then he had the reaction of the scabbard blocking the assassin's stab! \r

Ms. Silent unsheathed, as fast as the wind. After blocking the third stab, Ed Stark changed from defensive to counterattack. She slashed away at the same time, and Ms. Silent attacked the opponent's sword. \r

The opponent's sword was not a Valyrian steel sword, but an ordinary narrow sword, with a small blade, and Ms. Silent slashed fiercely. Two forces met, and the other narrow sword made a decisive decision. \r

Ding! \r

The narrow sword of the opponent hit Ms. Quiet's sword from a strange angle. Ed's fierce slash was tapped with skill, and he took advantage of the momentum to smash Ms. Quiet away. Ed could hardly hold the sword and his body was out of balance. In an instant, the opponent's sword swung, and the narrow sword was still a thorn, like the needle of a bee, shot out in an instant, and it hit his throat. \r

Ed Stark’s empty lady was on the periphery, unable to defend herself, trying her best to stabilize her figure and swing her sword. The narrow sword of the other party had already touched the throat, and the sword body suddenly froze. \r

Ed Stark's face was as gray as hell, and he said in a bitter voice, "Who are you?"

"Master Ed, if I were Tywin Lannister in a duel, you would be dead!"\r

"Are you Lord Will?"\r

"I am not Will!"\r

"Then who are you?" Ed Stark's thoughts turned, and he couldn't think of anyone in the army with such fast swordsmanship. This kind of swordsmanship is no stranger to him, and it resembles the dance of water by Arya’s dance teacher Rhino Freier. Arya’s sword can also be so fast, but the opponent is bigger than Arya, taller, stronger, and the voice is also a man’s voice\r

"I am an assassin, and my swordsmanship is the swordsmanship of Tywin Lannister tomorrow!"\r

"Lannister can't have such swordsmanship."\r

"Tywin Lannister doesn't have this kind of swordsmanship, but James Lannister does."\r

Ed Stark was taken aback and surprised, "Jaime?"\r

"Yes, James's swordsmanship is higher than mine. He learned the art of change and the sword of the assassin in the Black and White House on the Isle of Gods in Braavos. Lord Ed, you will go to a duel tomorrow and die. It's fixed."\r

Gudao duel is a duel of life and death. The loser not only loses the bet, but also loses his own life. \r

Ed Stark did not want to die, nor did he want to lose the bet. \r

"My lord, since you came to me, do you have a way to restrain James' swordsmanship?"\r

"I have!"\r

"What way?"\r

"James is very proud. You will definitely not take advantage of you in the duel of the old way. As long as you go to the duel tomorrow, he will change the duel time with you. If the duel time is postponed by three days, I can teach you how to break the assassin. Swordsmanship."\r

Ed Stark was silent. \r

The masked man said: "Master Ed, if you are killed in a duel, think about your wife Caitlin, your children Arya and Sansa, think about the chaos and tears facing the kingdom. For all this , You can’t lose, and you can’t afford to lose!"\r

"But this..."\r

With a ding sound, the masked man suddenly shot, the narrow sword in his hand pierced and pierced Ed Stark’s right wrist, the tip of the sword entered the skin, a stab was pulled out, and he immediately floated back, and the narrow sword stood on his chest. Eyes pierced, staring at Ed Stark. \r

Ed was relaxing, and the two parties agreed to a duel the next day, so Tywin Lannister would not come to steal the camp tonight, so Ed Stark didn't have armor on his body, and naturally he didn't have a wristband. \r

He was injured on the right wrist holding the sword, blood was gushing out, it looked dangerous, but it was a minor injury. It only scratched the skin and injured the flesh and blood, and the muscles and bones were not damaged. Such a small injury will be rested for three days and applied with bachelor's ointment. It will get better soon. But if you insist on a duel tomorrow, the wound will be torn due to the injury, and the strength, speed, and agility will be affected. \r

"Master Ed, you now have a reason to delay the duel."\r

Ed Stark said: "My lord, although I have a reason to delay the duel, I can't practice your sword-breaking technique in these three days."\r

"Stop the bleeding, bandage, and apply Lord Will’s ointment. You only need a bowl, and the wound will become scarred. Tomorrow, you can practice the Pozhai Sword with the narrow sword, and the next day you can use the empty lady to practice the Pozhai Sword. Practice for three days and one full day, and James will not be your opponent."\r

"Okay, my lord, your plan is successful. Remove the black cloth on your face and let me see who you are?"\r

The visitor slowly removed the black cloth, a stranger Ed Stark had never seen before, with ordinary appearance and ordinary temperament. \r

"Are you Lord Will?" Ed Stark asserted. \r

In King's Landing, Will made a shocking move in his face. Since Will can become his appearance, he can also become other ordinary people. Think about it, it's not difficult. If the masked man is the enemy, the throat stab just now has already killed Ed Stark. \r

Will's swordsmanship is also the most sophisticated swordsmanship Ed Stark has ever seen. In Eagle's Nest, Will lost consecutive bronze Jon Royce and Lynn Cobrey. \r

"Master Ed, you can order the guard to pass Master Will in." The visitor said, his narrow sword returned to its sheath and hid behind the curtain. \r

Ed Stark was dubious. He put away the empty lady, walked to the door, and ordered Master Will. After a while, Will came in, accompanied by Qiao Li Kelso, and Ed Stark remained silent. , Showing Will the injury on his wrist, Jory Kelso was shocked and asked Eddy what was going on? Ed doesn't answer, but asks Will to stop the bleeding. \r

Ed Stark knows that Will is superb medical skills, and that his father-in-law, Duke Horst’s illness is cured by Will’s medical skills. A person like Will who is very experienced in combat will carry him with him at all times during the war. Anti-inflammatory hemostatic ointment. \r

Will debrided and disinfected Ed Stark’s small wound, applied medicine to bandage, and acted professionally and proficiently. Ed saw that Will had been prepared, and his heart was clear. He knew that the masked man stabbed his wrist, Will Know well. \r

This shows that Will is either the mastermind or the insider who planned the incident together. \r

Ed was very relieved. In the army, there was a master who was also proficient in Will. His swordsmanship was not inferior to Wil's. Although he didn't know who it was, his heart was Dading. \r

"Master Will, Master Ed's injury, tomorrow's duel will definitely not work." Jory said, with a relaxed and happy voice in his voice. \r

Ed Stark's heart moved, in everyone's hearts, it was obvious that he was not optimistic about his duel with Tywin Lannister. Looking at Qiaoli’s expression, it’s not difficult to think that the nobles who came out to fight in the valley are even more uncomfortable. They are willing to follow Ed to fight. It is not Ed’s personal swordsmanship that he wants to end the war, and he is even more unwilling to Ed. They lost this war for personal reasons. They were not afraid of life and death, and they all came to make contributions. \r

Will said: "Master Ed is injured, it takes at least three days to recover."\r

"Then tomorrow's duel, I have to postpone it!" Jory almost laughed. Because of this change, the pressure in Joly's heart was released, and he remembered the strange part of this matter, "Master Ed, your injury..." Joly suddenly stopped, there was no one else in Master Ed's tent. It’s better to stop this injury and don’t ask, he immediately changed the subject "Master Ed, I’m going out to stand guard."\r

Since there is no one else in the tent, the sword wound can only be caused by Ed himself. Master Ed finally figured it out, and accepted everyone's suggestion not to fight, and injured his wrist. The duel was naturally postponed. \r

"Master Will, is there anyone in our army who is as proficient in shapeshifting and narrow swords as you?"\r


"Who is he?"\r

"Aaliyah is one, right."\r

"Except Arya?"\r

"I don't know anymore except Arya."\r

Ed Stark said: "The strategy you designed worked, Lord Will, I practice the narrow sword for three days according to your arrangement, can I really defeat James' narrow sword swordsmanship?"\r

"Sorry, my lord, I don't know what you're talking about." Will shut himself up without admitting that the plan was related to him. \r

Ed stared at Will for a while, and said, "Well, Lord Will, please go out, I'm going to rest."\r


In the middle of the night, the bright moon rises above the blue sky. \r

In the Jinyacheng Mountains, the mountain road is rugged, but no matter how rugged, it is a road after all. \r

The ice wolf finds the mountain road as easily as looking at the lines on the palm. \r

There is more than one mountain road running through the mountain range of the Shiwanshan Mountains that block the west and the riverlands. \r

Robb took the gray wind, Arya took Namelia, Will took the lady, and the three walked in front. Behind is Tyron Ashes, who is as strong as a mountain but agile as a shadow lynx. The giant sword on his back is the Stark family's clan sword-Valyrian Steel Sword Ice. \r

I don't know what Ed Stark's expression would be when he woke up at dawn the next day and found that Clan Sword Hanbing had disappeared. \r

Tyron Ashes paired with the ice giant sword, a huge two-handed sword, this is really the best use of everything, indestructible. \r

The Stark family's clan swords are extremely sharp, and because they are too huge and heavy, they have been handed down from generation to generation, and they can only be used for execution, and no one can be used to charge on the battlefield. \r

Behind Tyron Ashes is Harris Moran, the first spear rider in the North. \r

Behind Moran was Daisy Mormon. The bitter cold and barren Bear Island made Daisy Mormont look beautiful. She took off her skirt and put on a uniform. She was slender, healthy and beautiful, and even more attractive. \r

Behind Daisy Mormon are Angel and Darjeel. Heiya Ashes Abel Ashes followed close behind. \r

Behind these two are Jon Amber the Iron Gun Jr., Robert Glover the arrogant, and the two sons of the Kastar family: Ed Kastar and Torun Kastar There are thirty people in Ke and other noble children in the north. \r

After these thirty people are Will’s Twelve Warriors of the Ash Tribe, eight of them are Will’s close guards, and the other four are Tyron Ash’s close guards. One of them is dedicated to Tyron. Ashes carried his shield, it was only this time that he climbed the western mountain range, and the road was not easy to follow, so Tyron Ashes carried his huge shield by himself. \r

There is also a guard, who is dedicated to wiping the sword for Tyron, and he carries with him necessary items such as whetstones and oil cloth. \r

One after another, there were five hundred soldiers of Robb Stark from the North. After these five hundred people, there are five hundred warriors of the Ash Tribe. \r

A thousand elite soldiers, led by the ice wolves, began to quietly pass through the Western Mountains in the middle of the night, bypass the Golden Tooth City, and go straight to the Lannister’s lair in the west: Kaiyan City. \r

The Golden Tooth City was heavily defended, and the castle was built on the mountain road, and the road to the mountain was stuck. And from the West to the Hejian Land, there is only this one avenue. \r

Can't take Golden Tooth City, can't enter the west from the direction of Hejian. \r

However, Will took full advantage of the ice wolves. Robb Stark was already in touch with Huifeng. What he said, Huifeng immediately followed suit. With Robb, he found a way through the mountains without any effort. Trail. \r

There are three icy wolves opening the way, the wolves that like to live in groups in the mountains, the shadow bobcats that are used to living alone, the mountain lions that come out at night to hunt, and the noisy wild boars all flee. \r


The next morning, with the sound of gongs and drums that shook the sky, the gates of Golden Tooth City opened wide, and the suspension bridge was put down with a click. Tywin Lannister took his 3,000 heavy cavalry with him, of which 1,000 were from various parts of the West The best cavalry assembled by the minister temporarily—Tywin took the lead. Except for his iconic copper armor, his heavy cloak made of gold thread was gone. \r

Even a cloak that would not be blown up by the wind on a galloping horse would only increase a heavy burden on people during a duel, limit Tai Wen's agility and speed, and consume his strength intensively. \r

The assassin's sword is actually not suitable for war assault, but more suitable for fighting, lurking, and hiding. It is not an open duel between knights, but a sneak attack that kills with one blow. \r

But as long as the assassin's sword and the slashing sword on the battlefield are combined into one, then the blue is better than the blue, and swordsmanship is rare. \r

Tywin led his 3,000 heavy cavalry in front of the city. Afterwards, teams of spear infantry marched out of the city. On the city wall, the archers are densely packed, with their bows in their hands and arrows on their backs, ready to rain arrows on the enemy camp at any time. \r

Ed Stark’s three-place coalition forces have long been lined up, with spearmen in front, infantry in back, archers in the end, and cavalry on both wings. Under the flagpole with King Stannis I erected in the middle, there is a heavy armored knight army, which embraces the noble princes of the three places. \r

Ed Stark patted the horse forward, and Tai Wen immediately patted the horse to greet him. \r

Both are solo riders! \r

Soldiers from both sides shouted together, loudly, for their coach Yang Wei.

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