The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 373: Persuade Jon to go to savage

"Good!" The tough guy Sauron applauded Jon.

"Happy!" Tyron Ashes' voice resounded like thunder.

Tyron, who is nine feet tall, is a giant here, but among the giants, he is really a small man.

"That's great!" Robert Royce shouted. He raised his fist at Jon and beat his chest, hoping that Jon could choose him.

Robert Royce came to the Great Wall to build his exploits. Will arranged for him to lead three hundred advance army soldiers as the logistics team, which made him feel sick.

His younger brother Weimar Royce was the first Ranger squad leader to be beheaded by an alien, and Lord Will’s former boss.

"Jon Snow!" Daisy Mormon raised her hands in motion.

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also very skilled in double axes and long swords. The figure is even better! Her mother, Maggie Mormont, wanted to marry her to Robb Stark. Robb Stark is the heir of Winterfell, and any of the northern nobles who have daughters want to marry him.

Jon scanned the leaders once, and regrettably, he did not see Ange, the archer.

"Where's Angie?" Jon said, "I didn't see him."

"He left, and now we have not been able to find him." Will said.

Ange left the legion when Will was duel with the Weeper. He was alone, trusting the horse, and finally lost in the ghost forest. A few days later, the legion also sent scouts to search around, to no avail.

Jon Snow and Angebi tried arrows, and also tried Ange's bow, but they could barely pull it away. If you want to maintain accuracy, it is absolutely impossible. He admired Angai's magical arrow and fell to the ground. Ange is not strong, but the muscles on his arms are very developed, and the strength of his arms far exceeds Jon. Although his swordsmanship is average, his archery is superb.

The first person Jon chose was Ange.

However, Ange left without saying goodbye, and now there is no one else.

"When did you see it?" Jon deplored in his heart. Jon has never seen Angai's arrow. Even Da Jili, who won the King’s Landing Archery Championship, thought she was not as good as him.

"On the night the freedmen attacked, a sentry saw him riding into the forest alone. The sentry did not dare to stop him, and asked him where he was going, but he did not answer."

"My Bai Ling should be able to find him, but there is no time." Jon said.

"He was mostly lost in the forest," Will said. "We will continue to look for him until we find him."

Jon Snow's eyes fell on Tyron Ashes: "Sir Tyron, can you go with me?"

Tyron Ashes was made a knight by Robb Stark in the sacred woods of Winterfell.

"I'm happy!" Tyronn said.

"Thank you!" Jon nodded, "Da Jie Li!"


"You are also a freedman. Can you understand the local language of Mans Reid's freedman? We need a fighter who is familiar with the freedman. I also hope you can translate for us. Do you dare to go?"

"As you wish, my lord." Da Jili said lightly. Her voice and expression are like ice and snow, without a trace of emotion. Her emotions were only expressed to Will.

"Sir Robert Royce!"

"Yes, Master Snow."

"I want to invite you to meet Mans Reid with us."

"I'm so happy, Master Snow." Robert Royce said overjoyed.

For passionate young people, they just want the opportunity to perform. When Robert Royce came to the Great Wall, he was definitely not here to be a chief of logistics supplies. The four-nation advance army was used as the logistics for the Rangers, which humiliated Robert.

Jon Snow has his own considerations. The Four Kingdoms Advance Army must have a person to see what the real North is, whether there are any ghosts, whether they can get the support of the Seven Kingdoms in the future, they need to be brought back to be the most authentic. Information.

Mans Reid is the king beyond the Great Wall who can best prove the existence of ghosts.

Tyron Ashes, the most able to fight, Darjeely who is most familiar with the free people, Sir Robb Royce who can bring back northern information most among the nobles of the four countries, plus Jon himself, there are four people in total.

"Master Will, my team is complete," said Jon Snow.

In fact, he also wanted to ask Lord Will where his uncle Bunyan Stark is? He did not see Bunyan Stark and his brother Gail in the team. If you see your uncle, Jon Snow hopes to go with him. Bunyan Stark is an undead, savages can't kill him. If the situation changes and Jon and others are killed in battle, Bunyan Stark can bring back their news. Although there are ravens that can send messages, they only need one arrow to meet an archery expert.

Bunyan Stark is the undead, most people in the army do not know this, only know that Bunyan Stark has his special mission.


"Jon, when are you going to leave?" Will asked.

"Now, Lord Will."

"Okay, what do you need?"

"Raven, plenty of food." He turned to kiss Ygritte, "Ygritte, how many days does it take to get to Mans Reid base camp from here?"

"I won't tell you, Jon." Ygritte squinted at Jon, as if looking at a naive child. Ygritte told the time, and Lord Will knew how far the savages were from here. The rangers mount a raid, and the army of savages that have lost their cavalry cannot resist. In the march of the savage army, the ten-mile long team cannot defend the cavalry's multiple surprise attacks.

The white-faced boy chosen by Lord Will really regarded me as an idiot.

Jon stared at Yergrit and said to Will, "My lord, prepare food for us for twenty days!"

Twenty days of food, riding a horse, is enough to find Mans Reid's army.

"Okay, clerk, prepare food for the five members of Jon and his party for 20 days."

"One more catty of spirits," Tyron Ashes said.

"A hundred catties?" Jon was a little surprised. "Sir Tyron, you don't just want to sleep and not walk if you drink too much. If that's the case, you can't go."

"I want to meet the Savage King." The Hound opened his helmet and said suddenly.

In the previous night, except for Tyron Ashes, the Hound had the second highest military exploits. Originally, Jon and his six brothers rushed back with more than 500 horses to be the best in the battle. Unfortunately, they went down the mountain without getting the order of Lord Will. The credit was unfairly cancelled by Lord Will.

Jon is brave and clear-headed in combat. He should have been encouraged. But Lord Will knows that Jon will be responsible for the future. He is suppressing him and training his mind to lead soldiers. This time let him lead the team to find Mans Reid for peace talks, which is also an arrangement to cultivate his rapid growth.

"No, enough!" Jon said. One more person can be left, and one more strength can be left for the Ranger Corps. In this trip to the savage army, nothing can happen. If the hound goes, he will leave Tyron Ashes.

The savages have deep-rooted hatred against the night watchman.

The hound looked at Will: "My lord, please approve and let me go too."

Will said lightly: "Hound, I have given power to Jon, he has the final say!"

The hound snorted, shrugged, put down the dog's head mask, and said in his heart: "You won't let me go, but I just want to go."


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