The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 418: Beggar Monk Sparrow

On the east side of the laneway, a leader of the Black Armored Army appeared. He was riding on a horse, followed by a team of 12-man Black Armored Army.

This leader is very young, about twenty years old, very handsome, with golden red hair, and his smile is charming. He captured the heart of Sansa's female companion Jane Poole as soon as he appeared in the tournament in King's Landing.

In the Red Fort of King's Landing, he is also the most popular young Count among the noble ladies in the Throne Hall. His name is Bailey Tandelien, the commander-in-chief of the six thousand garrison of King's Landing.

Berry Dondelion, the lord from the Black Port on the border of Dorne. The Dondelion family is loyal to Wind's Breath.

Black Port is located near the Bone Road, controlling the road to Dorne. A family crest was pinned to Bailey's placket, and rows of twinkling four-pointed stars were evenly arranged on the black bottom, and a purple lightning struck down in the center.

It is said that on a stormy night long ago, a messenger of the Storm King who ruled Wind's Breath was ambushed by two Dornites. The messenger's horse was shot to death by an arrow, and his sword broke. Just as desperate, a bright purple lightning struck down, killing two Dornites. This letter made it possible to deliver important information on time, so the Storm King was promoted to his lord and gave the messenger the city of Blackport leading to the territory of Dorne. This is the origin of the Dondelion family.

The purple lightning shield immediately hung by Bailey Dondelion and the purple lightning family crest on the placket came from this story.

Bailey Dondleen stretched out his hands to push away the two **** corpses and rode into the alley. The soldiers next to him entered the strange alley in two rows.

The beggar monks who were cleaning the dirt with water and brooms in the alley had to stop their work and dodge aside.

On the other side of the lane, another black armored army appeared. The leader immediately looked indifferent. He carefully looked at the two hanging corpses. After admiring it for a while, he ordered the soldiers to put the corpses down.

Both sides of the alleyway were crowded with beggar monks, some of them empty-handed, some holding weapons, and all of them silently looked at the black armored army that suddenly appeared.

The Black Armored Army is the garrison of King's Landing. Their weapons, training and strength are not comparable to the Black Hawk Mercenaries.

Bailey Dondelion came to the gate of the orphanage, jumped down and cursed, and walked sideways from the two hanging corpses into the orphanage.

"Great monk of the Seven Gods, I am on the order of His Majesty Stannis I to invite the great monk to the Red Fort. Your Majesty has very important things to ask the great monk." Bailey said neither humble nor humble.

The old beggar in ragged clothes appeared in the corridor on the third floor: "General, what if I don't go?"

"If the big monk doesn't go, I will naturally go back and reply to your majesty." Bailey pointed to the two corpses hanging at the gate of the orphanage. "The big monk, the orphanage are all children. If you do this, you are not afraid to scare the children Are you?"

"They blasphemed the Seven Gods and must accept the trial of the stranger." The old beggar monk said majesticly.

"I agree!" Bailey smiled, "but the law stipulates that the trial of the monk can only be prayer. When did you have the power to judge for murder?"

With the sound of footsteps, a team of beggar monks with various weapons came out of the orphanage. They surrounded Berry Dondelion and stared at him.

At the entrance of the orphanage, twelve black armies drew out their weapons and rushed behind Bailey Dondelion to protect their commander.

Belli laughed, "Great monk, are you going to see your majesty with me, or are you going to judge me here?" He glanced at the gate of the orphanage, "the distance between the two corpses is still very wide. If his body is hanging in the middle, I won't feel crowded."

The old beggar monk said: "Who is your lord?"

"Berry Dondleen."

"My lord believes in the Seven Gods or the Red God?"

"Red God!"

"Red God is the **** on the other side of the narrow sea, not the **** of Westeros."

"The Red God responded to my prayer." Bailey Tandelien turned a blind eye to the hostile gaze around him, "and the Seven Gods never responded to me."

"Seven gods did not respond to the adults, maybe the adults are not sincere enough."

Bailey Dondleen smiled slightly: "Great monk, please move downstairs and go to see your Majesty with me."

"I will not meet Stannis I who believes in the Red God."

"Great monk, I think it's better to go and meet. Although Stannis I also believes in the Red God, he does not dislike the Seven Gods. He also respects any people and monks who believe in the Seven Gods. The Star of the North. Ke believes in the old god, prays under the tree of hearts, and does not believe in the red god, but Stannis I still appointed him as the hand of eternal king."

The old beggar monk was silent.

Bailey Tandelien smiled and said: "Great monk, you are invited by the king together with you, and the archbishop of Bailey's Great Sanctuary. The Faith of the Seven Gods has always been the state religion of the mainland. It used to be, is now, and will continue to be. Brother, if you are willing to go, I will lead a horse for the great monk."

"We sparrows don't ride the horses of the nobles," the old beggar said.

"If the big monk goes to the Red Fort on foot, I will follow him on foot."

"Okay, I'll go with you." The old beggar said.

He walked down the third floor step by step. On both sides of the stairs were beggar monks holding weapons. They lined up in a line and said nothing.

Every time the old beggar walked through a group, this group of beggar monks followed behind the old beggar monks.

These people are all rotten clothes, barefoot, and their faces are calm. Bailey Dondelion saw the ruthlessness and cruelty in their calm.

With an order, these people rushed up and smashed themselves into flesh without even blinking their eyes.

So, Bailey Dondelion led the horse, led the black armour, and the clan embraced the old beggar monk towards the Red Fort of King's Landing. Along the way, ragged beggars followed more and more. In the end, there was no end in sight. About several thousand beggar monks joined the team.

Bailey Dondelion smiled and said: "Great monk, can you please take a moment for your followers and monks, we walked into the Red Fort like this, the impact is not very good. There are too many troops in the Red Fort, in case there is a conflict? , On the contrary, the mood of your Majesty and the great monk talking freely."

The old beggar monk stopped, turned around, raised his hand, and the army of beggars behind the team burst out with loud cheers.

"People of the Seven Gods, let's go away first." The old beggar monk shouted.

He is tall, his clothes and pants are all patched, and his voice is unusually loud, like a specially trained general. When the generals fight, they need a specially trained loud voice to give orders.

As a result, the army of beggars, who was increasingly disturbed by Bailey Dondleen and his brothers, began to disperse.

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