The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 1043: Emily Dean who slaughtered Whiteport

Benello-the supreme priest of the Red Temple of Valantis, the fire of truth, the light of wisdom, the servant of the king of light, the slave of Lahlo.

Daenerys and Zhuo Geng entered the hall, Daenerys saw Grand Priest Benello looking at her on the highest stairs.

The appearance of the priest has not changed at all, it is still the same as Daenerys remembers: tall and thin, with prominent facial features, and skin white as milk. His cheeks, chin and bald head are still full of flame tattoos.

Daenerys rushed to the bottom of the stairs and knelt down: "Master, please save Jon Targaryen's life."

"Your Majesty, I don't know if Jon can wake up." Benello's voice is still high and sharp, like rubbing sharp metal thorns on metal, "If the Red God wants him to wake up, he will naturally wake up."


"Your Majesty, the will of the Red God cannot be forced by mortals. I have tried my best. Now everything can only be handed over to time. We have to wait."

"Yes, master." Daenerys stood up.

"When Her Majesty went on the expedition, three dragons went, one dragon returned, and one wounded dragon." Benello walked down step by step. He was barefoot, bald, and a burqa on his body.

"Master, please heal my Zhuo Geng."

"The dragon's wound will heal by itself. Just give it time." The master said, "I can only help it relieve the pain of a little trauma."

"Thank you, Master."

There was a round high platform in the huge hall. When Zhuo Ge was poisoned, he was put on the round high platform. The ceiling of the circular high platform is very high, and a circular open-air hole is opened, and the light of the day is projected down and is shining in the center of the high platform; the same is true for the stars at night.

Zhuo Geng seemed to know the master's intention and jumped onto the high platform, a ray of clear light shone from the round hole and fell on Zhuo Geng's body. Zhuo Geng lay down, two huge dragon eyes opened to look at Daenerys, and then slowly closed, as if extremely tired.

Pastor Benello stepped up to the high platform and walked to the dragon's side, his hands clenched and stretched out, palms full of flames. The curse came out of his mouth, faster and faster, a ray of starlight shone in from the high ceiling and fell on Zhuo Geng's body, like a ray of moonlight. Moonlight moved silently, and finally stopped at the place where Zhuo Geng was injured.


The next day, Daenerys got up very late and returned to the hall. Zhuo Geng was no longer on the high platform. Asked the hand of the Holy Fire next to the high platform, and answered that Zhuo Geng flew out as soon as daybreak.

"Where is the master?" Daenerys asked.

"Your Majesty, the master is preaching in the square outside."

"Where is Jon Targaryen?"

"In the room at the top of the stairs."

"Take me to see."

"Yes, Her Majesty."

Daenerys has taken over the continent of Essos, and Valantis has already sworn allegiance to her. The people here love the dragon mother the most.

Daenerys followed a hand of the sacred fire to climb the high stairs and came to the end of the stairs, which was the fourth floor of the Red Temple.

Pushing open a door full of flames and going in, Jon Targaryen lay flat on a black wooden board in a baby state, with a faint kerosene lamp lit next to it. This is a place where the door cannot be seen when the door is closed. There is no window.

The hand of the sacred fire did not go in. After Daenerys entered, he gently closed the door for Her Majesty.

Daenerys came to Jon Targaryen. The wounds on Jon's body were shocking, and there were deep bone injuries on his waist, abdomen, arms and legs. These wounds have been cleaned, there is no blood stains, and the whole body is very clean.

Daenerys sat down and stretched out her hand to gently touch the wound on Jon's body. Her finger brushed the cut on Jon's left arm, and the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Daenerys was taken aback, it was incredible, as if she was casting dark magic to help Jon quickly recover from the wound.

But Daenerys herself knew that it was not because of her spells, she did not understand any spells, nor was it because of her bloodline ability. She had no means to heal Jon, just looking at these terrible wounds, her I was full of self-blame.

If you take Jon Targaryen away when something is wrong, tragedy won't happen.

In the square outside, there was a crowd of people, and the speech of the Grand Pastor Benello, who preached the faith of the Red God, suddenly stopped. He looked back into the hall as if his eyes could penetrate everything, his eyes flickered and his expression was amazed. ——As if he saw Daenerys' fingers brush over Jon’s wounds, those wounds were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Daenerys Targaryen herself was surprised. Since it worked, she tried to touch the penetrating wound on Jon's heart with her fingers, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I don't know how long it took, Daenerys was in shock, forgetting the existence of time.

In the end, Jon's sound seemed to wake up from his sleep, and he saw Daenerys's face. Daenerys' face was unparalleled, and she looked at Jon Targaryen with surprise.

Jon looked at Daenerys blankly.

He was resurrected for the second time.

After the first death, it was Fire Kiss Ygritte who resurrected Jon at the expense of his own life; Jon is no stranger to death. And this time, it was Daenerys who resurrected him.

After a long time, Jon's sluggish eyes regained his vitality: "Your Majesty, you resurrected me?"

"I don't know, Jon, it was a fake hand that raised you from me!"

"If there is another time." Jon's words revealed exhaustion, "Don't resurrect me."

"No, why not?" Daenerys said, "You are my only relative in this world. I won't revive you. Do you have the heart to let me be alone here?"

Jon is silent!

The feeling after death stayed in his body forever. A person who had gone into death once again returned to another world. This feeling was very weird. It was like a person's split and a person's dream.

"What's wrong with you?" Daenerys reached out and took Jon's hand.

Jon lowered his head and saw his body, completely naked. There are many wounds, but they have all turned into light red lines. That is the color of tender flesh that grows from muscle recovery.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Your body is so beautiful!"

Jon looked at Daenerys, he saw the fire kiss, which was the pain in his heart all the time. Fire kiss Ygritte in another world, he can feel her sometimes.

"Where is this?" Jon stretched out his hand and pressed hard, Daenerys leaned up, her face buried in his chest.

"Valantes," Daenerys murmured.

Jon has strong muscles and a perfect body full of tension.


Daenerys and Jon walked out of the Red Temple holding hands and stood at the gate of the big square. The square was full of soldiers, people, and the hands of the torch.

The cries of the "Mother of Dragons", the cries of the liberators of slaves, and the cries of long live the shackles one after another.

Benello also raised his hands high, and his voice overwhelmed everyone's cheers: "Her Majesty the Queen!"

As a result, the cheers of the people were deafening, and they shouted together: Her Majesty, long live! "

"They love you, Daenerys!" Jon said.

"They will love you too, Jon." Daenerys said softly, looking at Jon like a little girl looking at her hero.

"Maybe we should fight back, fight back to Westeros continent, and get back your Iron Throne." Jon said.

"The Iron Throne belongs to you, Jon." Daenerys' words were full of emotion.

"However, before that, we should find the real culprit first and slaughter the real culprit in Baigang."

"We will, and I will pass on the order. The warships of the nine free trade city states will release scouts together and find me suspicious warships on the sea."

"Well, that should be the case." Jon shook Daenerys's hand. "Your Majesty, it's time to say hello to your people."

So Daenerys and Jon walked to everyone and stood on the outermost step, facing the crowds of people. Daenerys' battle to liberate slaves was fought for the first time here, and Will and Arya were helping her at the time. It was also here, on the Slave Square opposite the Long Bridge, Daenerys hatched two dragons in the flames: Little Golden Dragon and Little Silver Dragon!

The past is vivid.

Valantis is a transit point for the slave trade between the East and the West. The East City here is the slave market. Nobles and merchants lived in the West City, protected by a tall black wall. In the East City, handicraftsmen, slaves, and civilians lived, so there was no wall.

Daenerys is also here, opening the first page of freeing slaves. She received more support and love in Valantis than the other eight free trade city states.

Jon felt Daenerys' prestige overseas for the first time, she was the real queen.

Drogon flies in the sky of Valantis. Its arrival has made the people of Valantis aware of the arrival of Her Majesty. Only then can people and soldiers find the Red Temple, gather in the square, and wait for her to appear.

Daenerys can no longer stay in the Red Temple. Jon Targaryen has been resurrected and resurrected again. Priest Benello believes that Jon has the mission that the Red God has given him. As for what mission, one of the missions It has been revealed that the bloodline of the Targaryen family must be continued: the purebred bloodline.

At the magical moment when Jon’s injury was healed by the touch of Daenerys’s finger, Daenerys understood what Zogo had said to her, that she would give birth to her own child, not with anyone else. Daenerys asked him who he would be. Zhuo Ge said that he could not say. If he did, Daenerys would avoid him, and she was on guard when meeting...

Anything requires the right time and place, the right mood, the right environment, and the sudden change of circumstances to make people aware of another way of destiny.

Daenerys and Jon went to the ruling center of Valantis, where officials and generals from all over the city gathered, Daenerys sat on the throne, and Jon Targaryen stood behind her and did her Of guards with swords.

Daenerys issued an order, ordering Valantis to scout the sea to find three hundred warships and find a female bandit who claimed to be Emily Dean; she also sent orders to the other eight free trade city states. After receiving the order, The warships gathered in Pantos; the third order was for the cavalry of Dothraki, the fighters of Slave Bay, the leaders and warriors of Querce to gather in Pantos and prepare for battle.

It takes one year to travel by land from the giant eastern city of Quells to Pantos, and more than three months by water.

When Daenerys's army gathers in Pantos, it will take at least half a year. There are a lot of things to prepare for a legion's trip, because it is a long journey, so food is a big problem. We must also consider various unexpected circumstances. A storm can cause a warship to change direction and delay a long time.

Valantis had already dispatched a fleet to participate in the Queen’s "Operation Against Ghosts in the North", but the Queen rode a dragon too fast, and the fleet had to go to Braavos to gather together, and then land in Leopard Bay in North Shanghai. Looking East China Sea. But the war with strange ghosts has ended. Where did the fleet of the nine free trade city states go and where it went, whether it was stationed in Braavos, or was marching on the sea heading to Seal Bay, or it was caught in a storm , The fleet sank.

The sinking of the fleet in the sea is normal. Experienced navigators and geniuses who can predict storms based on the changes of clouds and wind are the talents that are in short supply.

After Valantis arranged everything, Daenerys came to the Red Temple again. Priest Bennero was staring at the flames in front of the flames. His eyes were sharp. Daenerys intuitively stared at the flames. Pastor Luo's eyes became more enlightened.

"Your Majesty." The Grand Pastor Benello respected her. Her Majesty was Valante's second servant, and he was the first servant.

Daenerys looked in through the fingers of the Grand Priest and saw that there was a fleet sailing to Dorne in the flames, densely packed, and a powerful fleet.

"This is the fleet that slaughtered Baigang?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Jon's eyes widened: "They seem to be landing in Dorne."

"Yes, Dorn will be destroyed by them." Grand Pastor Benello said.

"Who is she?"

"Your servant, Your Majesty Queen Daenerys."

"I don't have such a servant."

"You have. All she does is to help you ascend to the Iron Throne."

Daenerys and Jon froze.

"I've never been a vassal called Emily Dean."

"You are relatives, a family. Rego Targaryen is her uncle, and Princess Ilia Martel is her aunt."

"Arianne Martell." Jon exclaimed.

"Yes," said the Grand Pastor Benello. "She was exiled by Lord Will to a free trade city-state. In Valantis, she knelt down on the belief in the Red God. Lakhlo was her **** and the only god. "

"The master supports her and will kill Baigang?" Daenerys asked sharply.

"Red God is the **** of fire and shadow; Stark is a child of the cold god."

"Alien ghosts are the people of Cold God."

"Stark is stationed in the north, even in Changxia, there is white snow in the north. The cold **** is the **** of the north, that is, the old **** in their mouth."

Jon was wary. He felt that the master was untrustworthy, and those who believed in a certain **** seemed paranoid and crazy in the end.

He thought of Melisandre who sacrificed a living person to the Red God, cruel and unacceptable.

"Master, Northerners and Stark are all kind, trustworthy, upright and selfless warriors." Jon said in a deep voice.

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