The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 193: Execution of Yanduo

Deeply imprisoned, Yan Duo was both wronged and uneasy.

At this time, Yan Duo was unable to open his mouth and was covered in scars. His body was covered with chisel marks. It was inside a huge heat-insulated cage, with extremely high temperature and thin air. The terrifyingly sized metal digging hammer repeatedly hit Yanduo's body shell, leaving cracks and cracks. Several drones shuttled back and forth, cutting straight on its meteorite shell with red mining lasers, making its skin covered with a layer of layers. layer peeled off.

Being bombarded and slashed by these powerful weapons, Yan Duo was in unbearable pain. It didn't know what was wrong with it. A large group of people suddenly came to besiege it and imprisoned it for a century and a half.

There is an observation room on one side of the thermal insulation cage. It can see the scientific witches through the glass barrier. They shuttle back and forth, work day and night, and come and go like ghosts.

Yan Duo couldn't understand it. If they wanted to know what happened to Yan Duo, they only needed to ask, and they didn't need to point at him from so far away. If humans want the metal on Yanduo's body, Yanduo is willing to share it with them, after all, it can regenerate under the sun.

But without any agreement and communication, the overwhelming fleet and witches came suddenly, defeated it and escorted it here.

The Bound God plans to build around its huge body, which is both a mine, a smelter and a scientific research center. There are 5 nuclear reactors inside, and all of its energy is used to suppress the sun's flames, driving giant shackles commensurate with its size, blocking its shackles. All movements, forcing this external being to stand upright in an extremely painful posture, revealing the abdomen that is easy to mine.

"Yan Duo..." Its voice can only be transmitted through the spirit.

"Relax." Farosa communicated with her, "We are here to help, maybe something will explode and make you faint for a while. But I can change you back to the way you were, I can, see you before After me, you know what I can do, just trust me."

"Yanduo!" Ri Zhiyanduo is very happy, the day of freedom has finally come, it doesn't want to miss such a beautiful opportunity, "Yanduo~"

Farosa stretched out her hand, and the sea water created a turbulence. She wanted to create a tsunami, but found that it could not destroy the base itself. The God Bound Project is indeed old and lacks maintenance, but it was originally designed to imprison an ancient mystic, so it was prepared to deal with various disasters as early as the design.

"The magic power is not within reach at this distance, and it will dissipate in the middle." Farosa retracted her hand, "We have to get closer."

"Once you get close, it will be scanned by the base." Lila said.

"Send the Haiji out and divert the attention of the base defenders." Xu Yang was cautious, no matter how careful he was.

Currently in the deep sea of ​​600 meters, the water pressure is extremely high, and the material strength of the innovation can still support it, but if it is discovered by an enemy ship, it will be difficult to survive the attack.

"My children, go ahead, go to that heat wave, and lead the enemy away." Farosa walked to one side of the porthole, through the thick glass, she could see the sea descendants dancing in the water, ready to sacrifice Prepare. The oceanic power and the aura of ancient gods in Farosa are so strong that these beings regard her as their ancestor.

Yanduo itself released a lot of heat, and the base had to discharge the waste heat, so that the surrounding seawater temperature was much higher than other water bodies, and it was like a fireball burning in the sea in the senses of the sea descendants.

Following Farosa's will, they began to wander from the side, approaching the God-Binding plan in a roundabout way, preparing to divert the enemy's mobile forces away. These beings swim extremely fast and quickly enter the radar detection range of the base.

Xu Yang tensed his nerves. This was the first stage of the battle. The enemy had to transfer those submarines away, otherwise the Innovation would not be able to safely approach Yanduo's cage.

In the base of the God Binding Project, the commander-in-chief Zeng Shujuro was drinking tea and browsing the news. A series of sudden and mysterious news made him overwhelmed, making him feel that the God Binding Plan would not be a safe place, and he was thinking about when to transfer back to the archipelago. .

"Your Excellency," a quick communication came from the base's internal communication channel, "there are 12 sea-born people wandering around."

Zeng Shujuro hurriedly switched from leisure mode to work mode, awakening the retainer and counselor system in his head. Noriko Honma commissioned the R&D department to design them, and installed them to Xisheng's children, so that they would not misbehave and lose her face. Soshu Juro was also happy to accept this model. Anyway, he was too lazy to think about it.

The visual data interface in front of you pops up with 3 different options.

1. Immediately send 2 submarines to drive away (success rate 84%)

2. Launch fishing spears from the base weapon platform to drive away (success rate 61%)

3. Take the opportunity to re-evaluate the security of the God-binding plan to the superiors and ask for reinforcements to avoid a greater crisis (success rate 25%)

He is actually very familiar with the sea descendants. They are mysterious creatures. They are strong, aggressive, and can use some special powers. The God Bound Plan has fought against them several times over the years, but they have not been able to completely eradicate or eradicate this kind of life. Other mysterious forces in the deep sea have always supported their existence.

Zeng Shujuro didn't want to struggle too much, typing was very hard, so he sent a 30-second voice message back in dictation, made a subtle assessment and exclamation of the incident, and finally dispatched people from the security department to dispatch 2 A "Ruishui-class" diving shuttle was sent to attack and execute those marines.

With 2 Ruishui-class ships, they can always defeat these sea monsters. According to previous experience, modern technology is also very simple to fight them.

After finishing the work, Zeng Shujurou turned his attention to playing, and planned to find a few witches to play in the office. Anyway, they didn't make much progress in studying Yanduo every day, so they might as well spend time with him. New witches often like to resist, but the God Bound plans to stay away from the land and be alone overseas. Zeng Shujurou is a person who has no shortage of time, and any witch who has a rebellious heart will be smoothed out in the torment.

On the other side, on the Innovation.

Lila released her magic power in a single direction to extend its detection distance and detect the status of the God-Binding Plan. She vaguely caught two amphibious shuttles leaving the base, so she immediately reported to Xu Yang.

In this way, you can approach the God Bound Plan without any worries. Xu Yang nodded secretly. There are a total of 4 "Ruishui-class" submarines in the God Bound Plan. If they are besieged by 4 ships at the same time, it will be very troublesome. Now that only half of the opponents are left, it will be much easier to fight.

The Seaborn fought for enough time and space, and the Innovation moved forward until it was 2 nautical miles away.

Here, Xu Yang started the network communication module of the innovation, remotely manipulated and hacked into the God Bound Project itself, bit by bit, began to seize control of the entire base, and at the same time released pre-prepared fake news.

Using the information previously given by Ye Ye, Xu Yang has been able to forge a seamless Kyoto infinite high-level order, transmit it through an encrypted channel, and directly reach the commander.

At this time, Zeng Shujurou was holding a resisting witch in his arms, and an emergency order popped up on the smart screen hanging in the air, making his heart skip a beat.

The last time I saw this kind of high-level order was when the company war officially broke out a week ago, asking him to strengthen the defense of the God Bound Plan. Zeng Shujuro also purchased 6 new amphibious ships from his own Xisheng Industry in accordance with the analysis and recommendation of the "strategist", so the security force of the God-binding plan reached an astonishing 10 shuttles.

"Title: Operation "Mountain Breeze"

From: Kyoto Unlimited Shangjing Security Department

To: "God Bound Plan"

The Martinez has changed direction, and the God-binding plan will be emptied within 1 hour. "

Zeng Shujurou hurriedly pushed the witch in his arms away, how did the people of Black Fire Innovation come, this is very bad.

At this time, the military advisor in his mind gave him different suggestions. Ask him to request confirmation from the security department. The advantage is to avoid trouble, but the disadvantage is that it may delay the timing of evacuation. The Martinez is a high-speed, advanced aerospace warship. If it really comes to the God-binding plan, every minute can't be wasted.

Another strategy is to immediately evacuate according to the evacuation company orders, company system, company procedures, as long as you are a conscientious screw.

Zeng Shujuro chose to reply and asked for a second confirmation. He didn't want to be surprised. What if it was a false report, the God Bound Plan was the golden house he stayed in for more than ten years, how could he just run away.

At this time, Xu Yang had already followed the clues and found the smart terminal that Zeng Shujuro was using, hacked into it and seized control of it.

He intercepted the message, captured Zeng Shujuro's communication, and modified the signal status, making him mistakenly believe that he successfully sent the message.

"Request confirmation of the 'Shankaze' operation." Zeng Shujuro sent a message to the head of the security department at the Beijing headquarters.

Xu Yang quickly forged his superior's reply interface, and Ye Ye gave him many interactive documents between Xisheng and Kyoto. In this way, the content of the information he designed was imitated vividly from the format to the wording.

"Operation 'Mountain Breeze' confirmed the implementation."

With the permission of the headquarter's security chief, no matter how tangled Zeng Shujuro was in his heart, he had to act according to the regulations.

"Empty the 'God Binding Project'," he ordered to the entire base, "Execute Order 155, evacuate in an all-round way, and execute the flames of the sun!"

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