The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 282: 7 towers 7 prints

Mond stretched his enormous body leisurely, and he had passed an important milestone on the path to ascension, that of immortality. Since then it has been accustomed to putting its worries aside and seeking more subtle and complex enjoyments.

"Okay, I can wait," it said.

"Thank you." Xu Yang pondered, "I still don't understand one thing."

"I can answer all your doubts." Mond said, the dragon's voice sounded like a low cry produced by geological activities, and its body was also huge and heavy, like a moon-white volcano, containing awe-inspiring infinite power.

"The giant tower plan..." Xu Yang has collected very little information so far, "...and the 'tower guard', do you know anything about it?"

"Ah, the gigantic 'towers'," Monde murmured slowly. "Who could miss them. Weeguiiihuihun, Paigisgehexgag. 'Go above the gigantic towers, and you will be stared at by the stars'."

"...Huge? If they are 'huge', where are they?" Xu Yang asked, "It is said that the gods allowed people to build these towers, unified the language, and made it easier for people to visit the gods."

"Of course, you can see for yourself." Mond let out a hoarse laugh, "use your own eyes to witness the forbidden knowledge, there are two sets of giant towers, and six ancient towers used by humans, churches and witches in the past. Towers. And seven new towers that are now in use by you."

"……I don't know."

"Which is the tallest building in Archipelago?"

"The 636-meter-high Xisheng Shrine." Xu Yang replied subconsciously.

"And then you've found the tower closest to you," Mond said contemptuously, "so close, isn't it? Seven towers, seven seals. The enterprise, the ancient mystics, and the witches can be guessed by anyone with a little brains. There is not only competition, but also cooperation. Behemoths like Xisheng Capital, Fuyin Global Investment, and Wanjiade United Group exchange the interests of human civilization as bargaining chips, easily hollowing out the basic assets of the company alliance, and controlling each other like tentacles. Giant corporations, and the fate of all human beings. Fortunately, I had already seen everything, and the flies and dogs of human beings will only cause disappointment, so I made the most sensible decision: move to the moon.”

"And I can't... stand by." Xu Yang's face was solemn, and there was too much information in Mond's words.

"But you don't have an easy way to win, do you?" Mond chuckled. "Resistance is weak. Why don't you stop now, share a couch with those corporate folks, exchange technology, knowledge, and money, and you'll get by Carefree living. This era is not ready to really burn, and rash action will only shatter.”

Surrender to the company?

Xu Yang felt angry in his heart, like a nameless fire rising from his heart. Without the suppression of the digital mind, the anger would have gotten him out of control.

"I won't join forces with the company." Xu Yang hated.

"Sorry," Mond could clearly feel Xu Yang's anger, "As an immortal species, we see things from different angles. I'm not trying to be ironic."

"I understand." Xu Yang took a deep breath, "If I go to Xisheng Shrine, will I find something useful?"

"You will gain extraordinary insight," Mond said. "Whether the giant towers built by people in the Middle Ages or the new towers that people are building one after another today, there is a great power that connects the lifeblood of the world. And you may also understand The origin of witches."


"Witches are like parasites in human civilization, don't they?" Mond was really sarcastic this time, "Why did the native humans of this land suddenly give birth to witches who can communicate with the stars?"

"...Witches are born in the process of human breeding, which is almost a natural thing. But it seems very strange to say that."

"I discussed this with Gillen, the founder of the Company Alliance, and he was as nervous as you are," Mond said. "So, Gillen killed almost all the witches after defeating them, and the price was heavy, and the result was Desperate——Witches still appeared in large numbers in the post-war baby boom. Almost every witch he killed was reborn during pregnancy, still inheriting the exact same magic power and even the same temperament. It means that the witches are killing witches. Undead, unkillable."

"..." Xu Yang pondered. The witch brings endless changes to the whole world.

"In my opinion, witches are like agents of the stars. Whenever I look up at the stars on the moon, I can feel the murderous intent from the stars. So I don't like witches."

"If there is an answer hidden in the giant tower, I will explore it." Xu Yang said firmly, "But, there is a price involved."

"The price is that you have to share your insights with me." Mond rubbed his claws. "...You also understand that I rarely visit the ground myself, and I never investigate these new age things."

"It's fair. I'll try it." Xu Yang said.

"Compared to the unscrupulous Farosa, your sense of morality is much more remarkable." Mond said calmly, "There are some secrets that are suitable for sharing with you. But the two of you are too young in life, so both There are distinct strengths and weaknesses, and it's impossible to say which one is better than the other."

"Maybe." Xu Yang sighed.

It fell down. Just then, Mond saw a Blackfire fighter jet scorched in the middle of the field. From this angle, its angular appearance evoked its credibility, and it suddenly realized that there was something. Stronger, sharper and more rigid than female rhinos.

"Go and explore your future, I found that life is full of surprises, and you should walk around more. Once you have something new, you know how to contact me." Mond hurriedly ended the topic and went dormant.

Xu Yang stayed away from Mond and returned to the Shijin Building through the portal.

At this time, it was 11:30 in the middle of the night, and the street was very quiet. Xu Yang drove the "Renovation" to leave the building. Various thoughts came to his mind as he leaned back on the leather seat to be alone.

His current state of mind is not suitable for doing business, and he has to sort out all the threads before he can continue to act. "Moonfire" Mond is an interesting old dragon who has given him a lot of valuable information and a unique perspective on the world. This meeting undoubtedly taught him a lot.

He and Farosa are obviously two types of people, but they are also like puzzle pieces that fit into each other. Xu Yang said secretly.

Farosa inspired Xu Yang, she has her own way of life and a more independent mentality. In her opinion, she doesn't owe this world anything, so she can hurt and trample everything in this world at will, and she is unwilling to follow the rules it has designed, and has a domineering mentality of being arbitrary.

It is this kind of mentality that has sharpened Farosa's execution ability. In all kinds of decisions, she sticks to it with a steely attitude, implements her own code of conduct, and disdains to apply existing logic to legitimize her behavior. She doesn't need it. Explain that her only motive is "she wants to do it".

At this point, Xu Yang must learn from her. Because Xu Yang would pin his hopes on the role of morality and order, and hope to have a set of ready-made logic to guide his actions.

But he found that impossible. The world was on the eve of burning, at a sharp historical turning point, and all the dogmas, ideas and regulations of the past were losing their validity. They could not explain what happened in this moment, let alone predict the future.

The Innovation crossed the streets at night and returned to Aizu Castle. The entrance and exit points were guarded by the personnel of the New Aizu Security Company. Refugees were backlogged at the gate, and they were dissatisfied with the slow entry process.

In order to prevent the spies and secret agents of Black Fire Innovation from hiding in it and causing trouble, the inspection, body search and audit of the citizens are especially strict, especially when the credibility information of the Century Pure Land is lost, it becomes particularly difficult to identify the population, so they cannot be arbitrarily made. Enter the dungeon.

But there is also a broader approach.

Xu Yang saw that there were many hotels and commercial buildings under the name of Kyoto Unlimited on both sides of the road. During the day, the soldiers of the Black Fire Innovation attacked and harassed them, but they had little strategic significance and were abandoned.

These buildings have enough space for citizens to sleep peacefully overnight, but a number of security personnel in pink uniforms have been stationed at the entrance, armed with live ammunition, intending to protect the infinite assets of Kyoto.

The power of giant enterprises is still there, so no one dares to provoke them.

"We are going to attack the infinite remnants of Kyoto and then occupy the city." Xu Yang sent a message to Katsuragi.

"But Kyoto is infinite..." Katsuragi Asa was sitting on a captured black fire fighting robot on the street of Anku City at this time.

"It's far more fragile than we" Xu Yang said, "We live in a world of full competition, and if a company doesn't perform well enough, it will be eliminated by the market mechanism. Let's take the last ride to Kyoto Unlimited. "

Katsuragi nodded lightly and laid out a plan.

At the entrance of Aizu Castle, the gang members turned into security guards. There were a lot of people. They lined up to attack the uniformed dogs sent by Kyoto Unlimited. These security guards were startled. The number of temporary workers was at a disadvantage, and they just used the badges and badges of giant companies to scare people. At this time, they realized that they could not fight for their lives. They looked at each other and finally decided to give up.


"Go in here."

"At last there is a place to rest..." The crowded citizens hurriedly entered the surrounding buildings with their luggage and regarded them as their new foothold. For the refugees, who have been frightened all day and are even more at a loss for the future, at least tonight has a place to rest, so as not to wait **** the streets after the heavy rain.

The crowds at the entrance and exit were almost dispersed before Xu Yang drove the shuttle into the city of Aizu. The entire underground city has now improved its combat readiness level, and the environmental canopy has failed.

After passing through Tanaka Smart Company, Xu Yang wanted to meet friends.

The Witch of the Cyber ​​Age https://

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