The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 285: evoke struggle

"What about me and me?" 102 looked at Farosa expectantly.

"You will also get your power, but not now." Farosa calmly felt the magic circuit on 102's body.

101 and 102 are both created witches, special beings known as the Sons of Phantasm, so the manifestation of the magic circuit in them is also different.

The magic circuit of a normal witch is distributed in meridians, while the magic circuit of 102 is like a simple circuit of a robot. It only extends to the hands and feet and then stops. It is relatively rough and does not expand toward the fingertips. In fact, Lila is also, relying on the simple wires of the machine body to maintain the magic operation. She has experienced many battles and is experienced, so there is no problem, but she can't grow on her own. The growth of the little witch cannot stop there.

"What?" 102 noticed that Farosa was a little silent.

"Running." Farosa taught 102 how to guide the magic power to rotate over and over in the body. Just like driving a wrecker to clear obstacles and widen the road, it is necessary to continuously use cluster magic to break through the key points in the magic circuit and enhance the expansion of the magic circuit.

Measured by the standard of a normal witch, the magic power circuits of 101 and 102 are both damaged, and only play 70% of their effectiveness, which affects their development of their own magic power.

This also means that their magic power can be further expanded, and the power they have shown is far from the upper limit.

"Um..." 102 followed Farosa's teachings, trying to concentrate on deploying magic powers, making them reciprocate in the body.

It's actually quite interesting. It's like driving a train in your own nerves. The point is to let them pass through every vein in the body.

"Go to sleep now," Farosa hugged them tightly, "you are all good children."

After saying that, Farosa left the bedroom and closed the door.

This greatly refreshed 102 and Qianmeng's cognition of Farosa, and achieved Farosa's goal. Their impression of Farosa has changed, starting from infinite terror and abuse, and gradually becoming the guardian and the guardian. Guiding people to change their direction, they are sincerely grateful.

After turning off the light, Qianmeng sat on the edge of the bed.

"You have to be respectful to me in the future." Qianmeng said seriously, "I am the master of time."

102 hugged Qianmeng, carried her into the quilt and lay down, and slept with her arms around her.

"I'm going to tell my sister how to use magic," 102 said.

"Aren't you afraid of her?" Qianmeng was puzzled.

"But this is family," 102 sighed. "Family is... Although it's weird and sometimes does unreasonable things, it still doesn't want to be separated from her. Well, if she wants to control me, Let her take care of it, even if you give me a new sister and let me change it, I won't change it."

"Ah, you idiot... But now it seems that Lord Farosa can really create a new future for the witches..." Qianmeng whispered.

"As long as the witches are not bullied." 102 closed his eyes.

By noon the next day, Anju City was still under fire.

The assault force of Black Fire Innovation has not been annihilated. This is the premise of everything. According to the calculation of the third-party military intelligence agency, Black Fire Innovation has invested 2 battalions of assault forces in Anju City, that is, about 1,200 people.

This scale of delivery is equivalent to the delivery of all ground troops on the Martinez, and the main purpose is to reduce the navigation burden of the mothership. In this way, even if the Martinez is actually threatened, it can take refuge in light and high-speed maneuvers.

Blackfire Assault units are well equipped with combat implants and cutting-edge main battle rifles. But the morale is not high at present, and the combat power has been reduced.

They were already mentally prepared to be thrown into the city. The problem was that they had spent weeks of hard time with the Martinez on Nanmiyajima, and faced with an increasingly hopeless escape plan, the spirits of these soldiers were on the verge of shattering, until the Martinez successfully jumped away, their psychological The situation has recovered.

In order to restore the morale of the troops, the commanders of the commandos promised their atrocities, their discipline began to deteriorate, there was no bottom line of massacres and looting, and strict military regulations and controls began to unfold.

As a result, Anjiu City is clearly divided into four different areas.

The first type of area is the black fire control area. Various commando squads control traffic nodes, industrial powerhouses and storage facilities, capture and capture a large number of citizens, forcing them to join themselves, and instilling blind belligerent thoughts into them. interface, it directly enters a large number of mental files, at the cost of completely degrading the original body and mind, turning it into a loyal and dull recruit.

The second type of area is the neutral company area. These are the large enterprises in Taixizhou, Xintaixizhou and Tequila. They have several high-rise buildings and support a large number of company people in them. They did not fight the black fire innovation, and took prudent measures to protect themselves. The strategy of declaring to stay away from the war, also prohibiting other citizens from entering the refuge, only inviting wealthy customers and investors who have cooperated with them for a long time to enter and protect them.

The third type of area is the security contract area, where armed personnel from the New Aizu Security Company and the Asuka Regiment are stationed. Citing the position and order of the security contractor, Katsuragi invited citizens from other areas of the city to join the security cooperation law, temporarily putting aside conflicts and cooperating against the enemy during the city's state of emergency.

The fourth type of area is a completely illegal zone. After Kyoto Unlimited was defeated from the city, 30% to 50% of the gunmen formed an array to protect themselves. Outside the city, the self-helper's association led by poison masters and the scavenger's association suffering from garbage also began to approach the city, trying to expand their respective demands.

The situation is particularly chaotic, and the area where the conflict is most intense is still in the area occupied by the Black Fire. Where there are military boots, there are fists of resistance raised.

Right now, the city's airport is the front line of the war.

The members of the Dome Warriors fought back in the airport for a while. They fought for about 2 hours in the second half of the night. They were finally repelled by the Black Fire commandos and had to temporarily evacuate. Now they are resting in a tower in the airport.

Failure is a shame, but it also inspired the fighting spirit of these samurai. After deliberation, they decided to temporarily defeat the Black Fire and reform the occupying army as the goal, and then talk about the future.

The samurai are all capable of fighting, with quick movements and few words. They use swords instead of negotiating. Although there are many things, they are well organized. Patrol shifts, rescue refugees, collect supplies, etc., all the tasks have samurai to actively complete, each show their abilities, without too much disturbance.

The A40 and several other battle droids took turns charging themselves, and among them, the most powerful samurai at the moment was Han Shishan.

As a samurai stationed in the Arena by Tianshu, Han Shishan is a master of ancient swordsmanship.

A40 originally thought that he was just advertising all kinds of medicinal liquor and liquor. He was good at dome fighting but not in actual combat. He didn't expect him to be able to handle the complicated battlefield. Protect many citizens and defeat a large number of black fire soldiers.

It's just that at this point, Han Shishan also feels helpless. The situation faced was particularly chaotic, and the war-torn city was full of troubles that could not be solved at once.

"Look," Han Shishan half-kneeled by the tower window, beckoning other warriors to come and watch, "The people from Black Fire have occupied the runway and are clearing the landing area."

"What does that mean?" a samurai asked.

"It means that they will send reinforcements, which is not bad," Li Si resented. "A certain family's big axe is already hungry and thirsty."

"It was said in the news that the two air carriers are returning, and they should have swept the black fire with thunder." Han Shishan calculated with his fingers, "This is a clear thing, but at this point there is no movement. , indicating that there is a problem with those two ships."

"What could be wrong?" A40 was very at a loss.

"I heard that Tiantiaoyuan Zinai was injured while defending against the attack of the black fire, and it was not serious." Han Shishan stood upright, looking far away, "She has a very high influence in the Tiantiaoyuan giants.' The captain of the Orochi's air carrier is also a member of the Tiantiaoyuan family, so there is a bit of entanglement, maybe the people of Tiantiaoyuan are not willing to fight for the company's interests."

"Then it's up to us?" another samurai sighed, "but we have to live first."

"The airport can't be beaten." Han Shishan said firmly, pointing his finger to the side of the runway, two senior sergeants in heavy armor were patrolling, holding heavy sniper rifles, "That's the 'invisible praetorian guard' of Blackfire Innovation. '."

A40 knew that Rollo retired from the Invisible Praetorian Guards, but Rollo is still scary even if he retired, not to mention the Invisible Praetorian Guards on active duty, two in one breath.

"If Black Fire sends more invisible janitors, Anjiu City will not be able to hold it." A samurai judged, "No one can fight those monsters at all."

"Can't you?" A40 looked at Han Shishan.

"I'm a piece of cake," Han Shishan smiled, "I'm only 0.8 invisible janitors, and 0.4 Yanagawa Fumiko."

"I can beat Yanagawa Fumiko." A40 said.

"Of course," Han Shishan laughed, "the referee said you won."

"That's not a real victory." A40 looked at the anger in his hands, "I will fight him again one day."

At the same time, the media personnel of Corner House TV and other overseas TV stations took a helicopter and passed through the jurisdiction of the neutral company to circle near the airport.

They heard that the dome festival samurai who made the limelight are guarding here, so they came here to gather information and collect materials. These aircraft quickly landed on the top of the tower, and the samurai who stayed on the roof negotiated with them, and they knew what they came from.

"People from the TV station want to come and interview us 'resistance warriors'." The samurai ran downstairs and explained to the other 50-odd people in the room.

There are a lot of samurai, and many of them did not participate in the high-mortality competition, but they were in the stadium when the war broke out. Now they come out with the main competition players to form a samurai group with considerable combat effectiveness.

"We have nothing to say, we just fight." The other samurai sighed.

"Call the A40, it's the most popular celebrity." The samurai pointed at the A40.

At first, A40 only felt ashamed of other samurai, and had to choose it to do this troublesome thing. But thinking that if he appeared on the scene, he might be seen by the wasps, so he promised.

"Yes. But don't worry." A40 found a corner with strong signal and sent a message to Xu Yang.

Knowing that A40 was going to be interviewed, Xu Yang realized that this was a good opportunity to spread the idea, so he wrote a manuscript for A40.

The biggest problem right now is the Black Fire Occupation Army. They must be wiped out and expelled completely, leaving none of them behind. The strength of the enemy is very strong. Only by uniting the citizens and armed personnel, and assembling effective counterattack forces, can we hope to win.

Xu Yang intends to make this dome samurai group a heroic image of the city, and use this as a link to tie other people with lofty ideals. The samurai regiment has excellent fighting power, fame and influence. At this special point in time, a group of samurai groups speak more heavily than any other faction. Citizens may not be able to name a few social activists, but they all have a reputation for elite samurai such as Han Shishan, Galadyte, and A40. heard.

After receiving the document sent by Xu Yang, A40 felt at ease. It was poised and walked to the small room next door, where cameras, video robots and microphones were already piled up. Humans and synthetic reporters gathered together, almost shoving the cameras in front of the A40.

"What do you think of this sudden attack?" Ji Ji raised her microphone, the daughter of the president of Corner House Media, who decided to be on the front line of news.

"At this point, we can only protect ourselves," A40 held high his weapon, "We often hope that some powerful force will fall from the sky, or some extraordinary organization will suddenly appear, and then everyone will have a direction... But it doesn't exist! All we can do is stand up! Everyone is a part of history and everyone can be a hero! Why isn't you the next person who dares to protect the city? This time we are not for any company Fighting, not running for the benefit of some consortium, but the most practical...basic to resist a tyrannical army! If we don't drive these anti-human soldiers from our cities, we will Die. So fight! We must fight!"

Speaking of which the lines are over, but the A40 has something to say, its advanced mental version provides it with an excess of emotion that makes it eager to shout.

"I find empty battles, and the battles themselves, meaningless," A40 yelled, "the battles have to be sustenance! For me personally...I'm going to raise my arms against Blackfire Innovation, because it takes away The girl I like... So I will go to the headquarters of Black Fire Innovation, one day! I will find her and let her stay by my side!"

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The angry and sincere emotions were conveyed by the A40, and with the help of modern media, they gradually spread along the streaming media channels, and also spread to the Hornets side a few hours later.

Rollo wrote the report linking the Wasp's words to the Martinez's escape, so the Hornets were promoted within the Blackfire Revolution, and the duo was on a roll, making a rapid leap.

Seeing the image of the A40, Wasp frowned and felt that everything was confusing. In a broken world, the two seem to be linked by a thread that cannot be cut off.

"I want to go to Anjiu City," Wasp murmured, "Can I?"

"...No, you're our strategic weapon." Rollo put his hand on Wasp's shoulder. "So you're on the launcher...the most powerful."

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