The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 482: The prince turns into a frog

The Holy Light Church arranged me in this way. Although it was true, they did not expect their investigation to be so detailed... William couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart.

William touched his face and said, "I didn't expect my face to be so valuable."

After hearing this, Henry deeply agreed, and said, "The Holy Light Church has offered you a reward for the Kingdom Territory."

"Oh, that sounds great, do you want it?" William said with a smile.

"I don't have the ability to catch you! And... I only care about the whereabouts of His Royal Highness! Please tell the whereabouts of His Royal Highness, you will get the friendship of the Hasma family, and my eternal loyalty!" Henry's eyes were sincere, and again Looking at William pleadingly.

William dismissed a smile. "A man with three iron hoops in his heart does not know how long he can live? Does such loyalty have any meaning to me? It's like a bird's nest on a branch, when the wind is strong, I don't know how to be blown Where to go!"

Henry's expression changed, his face was pale, he wanted to explain something, but he didn't know what to say, and finally asked with a trembling voice, "Did you capture the heir of the Hasma family?"

"As long as the safety of the prince is guaranteed, as long as you want, what the Hasma family has, you can..."

"Can you afford what I want?" William asked with a sneer.

"Perhaps the Hasmar family can help you hide your identity and give you a new name and life!"

Henry was sad, and after a while, he didn't give up his heart.

"A transformation can solve the problem." William said.


"Yes, sir, you have never heard of it! A problem that can be solved by transfiguration. Your prince was transformed into a cute frog by transfiguration!"

"Your Royal Highness, it should be a frog prince now!" William smiled.

The loyal guard Henry, the three iron hoops in his heart, this kind of evidence, improved the mental power and the memory of William, suddenly remembered a very famous fairy tale-"The Frog Prince"!

In the fairy tale "The Frog Prince", there are no eye-catching treasures. Like the golden ball of the little princess who helped the frog prince to lift the curse in the fairy tale, it is just a worldly thing and has no meaning to William.

In the whole fairy tale, the only thing that interested William a little was the witch who turned His Royal Highness into a frog.

William has no interest in witches. But the transformation witchcraft used by witches is quite interesting.

This witchcraft can turn people into frogs. Can it turn one person into another, or even a more powerful creature, with their super combat power?

If it were not for this purpose, how could William deliberately show up in front of Henry and intervene?

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"You did it?" Henry got off the horse. Although Henry's tone was still respectful, whether it was his clenched fist or his violently beating heart, he was telling William that his mood was not like his appearance. Realized peace.

"Of course not!" William replied. This answer made Henry secretly relieved, turning his head and caring about the whereabouts of his prince.

"Then who did it? Where is His Royal Highness?" Henry spoke as fast as a machine gun.

William didn't speak, but looked at Henry.

Henry consciously failed to speak, showing an apologetic look, and apologized, "Sorry, sir, I was just a little excited when I heard the news from His Royal Highness."

His name for William has changed from "you" to "lord."

As for the wanted order of the Holy See? In front of the safety of His Royal Highness, take care of him!

"Loyalty is a virtue, sir!" William said meaningfully.

"Your Excellency, how much do you know about His Royal Highness? For the safety of His Royal Highness, I am willing to pay any price!" Henry said.

"Is there anything you want me to covet? You don't." William's blunt words made Henry a little embarrassed, "but you may still be useful!"

"Say, please!" Henry leaned slightly.

"For your prince, I only know that a witch casts spells on him, but I don't know which witch. Maybe your Hasmar family's power in Salzburg can help me find her. After finding her , Tell me, the next thing is about me and her." William said.

When he learned that he was in the fairy tale "The Frog Prince", he had already searched the area near Salzburg with the magic mirror to see if he could directly find this witch who could use polymorphism.

Unfortunately, the magic mirror did not find it.

If you want to further expand the search range and refine the search, then the energy consumption is a bit large.

This is not a city, but a principality, and it may even involve a kingdom or several kingdoms.

Such a vast area, even if William had become a second-level wizard, it would not be able to bear it.

Maybe the strength of the Black Witch Queen can do it.

So William could only borrow the power of the world to help him find the witch.

This is also the reason why William appeared in front of Henry.


"Then where is His Royal Highness? How can His Royal Highness become a human being?" Henry asked William He didn't care about witches, and he always cared about his Royal Highness.

William didn't even find a witch, let alone a prince who became a frog?

There are enough people, and there are countless frogs. Where can I find the magic mirror?

But when William recalled the fairy tale in his mind, he thought of a few clues.

"Although the witch used polymorphism to turn your prince into a frog, this is no ordinary frog."

"It's not an ordinary frog, what is it?" Henry was shocked.

"The prince turns into a frog, and the frog speaks human words. Your frog prince can speak human words." William said.

"Frogs can speak human words?" Henry looked suspicious. Frogs can also speak human words. I don't know if I should trust William.

After all, William's reputation is not very good.

"Any other clues? Dear Sir!" Henry hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"Yes! You are going to find a princess. This princess has a beloved golden ball, a golden ball made of gold. If you find her, you may be able to find your prince. Of course, if you find that The prince becomes a witch who is a frog, and it will be faster to find your prince!" William said.

"Which princess?" Henry felt his heart beat faster again.

"This is what you are going to do! I want to find the witch who has performed transformation art, and you are looking for the frog prince! The division of labor is clear and there will be no conflict!"

In fact, William didn't know if the frog prince found the princess? But it doesn't matter, this does not prevent William from instructing Henry to find the way first.

"His Royal Highness, not Prince Frog!" Henry couldn't bear the insults to his noble master.

"It's all the same." William said indifferently.

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