The Wonderful Journey of the Best Villain

Chapter 13: Explosive plot development

"Including me, the SPW consortium monitors the results, this kid," Sorajo Jotaro called someone on the phone, and finally concluded, "There is no problem."

After that, he hung up the phone and looked at Jonson Joffrey who was lying on the hospital bed.

"You are really a frank person. What you say is not called surveillance."

Sorajo does not hide anything, but his attitude towards Dio's son Jonson Joffrey is actually the most forgiving.

After hearing about his battle with Dunn Andy, Joseph Josta, who was silent for a long time, said: "Perhaps this kid has a golden spirit."

When he said this, his face was old but his eyes were clear and firm.

"Your mother was also found, but it has been killed by Dunn Andy." Cheng Taro said: "In the future, the SPW consortium will be responsible for your entire life. It will give you a sum of money every month and contact you at the same time. Your only guardian."

"Don't use substitutes at will in the future, and live the ordinary life you want." Cheng Taro replied concludingly as he sat next to the hospital bed.

"What kind of life I want to live is my own business. The SPW consortium is not qualified to monitor me." Johnson Joffrey was sitting on the hospital bed, covered in bandages, with his right hand hanging around his neck, although he was very young. , But the wording is always precise and sometimes ironic. The healthy complexion of Californians, whose skin is not like the sunshine all year round, brings some sickly whiteness back.

The red eyes are clear, and the blond hair is brilliant.

"But you are still a child and you need to contact your family." Chengtaro kept saying that Jonson Joffrey was a child, but said directly without malicious intent: "Just a day ago, you just entered the intensive care unit. And lost his parents."

"Should I feel sad? It makes you think that I, the son of dio who has awakened a substitute, defeated a vampire, broke an arm, and has 17 fractures all over his body without changing his face, is indeed a harmless man and animal. Kid?"

Jotaro was silent for a moment, listening to Jonson's serious tone, so he continued: "Then I will doubt you even more."

"There are many people in this world who have substitutes, and some of them are not good people."

"In addition, I have one more important thing." Cheng Taro's eyes were burning, and he took out a heavy notebook from his hand.

—It was a notebook that Jonson was familiar with exploding. In fact, Jonson was about to explode.

"That's my notebook." Johnson said honestly, since the other party took them out, there was nothing to hide.

"I found this in the ruins of your villa."

Jonson didn't change his face, he knew exactly what was written in it.

"It says...Sorajo Jotaro... died on March 21, 2012."

Jonson's cold sweat slightly wetted his back and controlled his breathing.

That notebook is a record he wrote to calculate the time when each plot started, and for fear of forgetting the plot in the future. These things are also the so-called "future."

When Sorajo spoke about the time of his death, he didn't look scared at all. Instead, he asked Jonson with his eyes like blue crystals open.

Jonson took his breath, and from the outside, he still looked motionless.

take it easy! Jonson Joffrey said to himself that since I dared to write these things, it proved that I was prepared long ago, but I didn't expect to be discovered so early.

But how did he discover it? ? I imitated Ye Shenyue's method of hiding the death note in the death note (unknown viewing post), and put it in the crevice of the drawer. If you open it forcibly, the notebook will burn.

I have tried several times, and there is no problem with the device. How did Korajo find out? ?

Compared to Kujo Jotaro's discovery of the notebook to record the future, he couldn't believe how he discovered it.

"It records the date of my death and some experiences that have never happened, and...what some people are looking for, like this sentence... Is Kira Yoshikage the father of Zaoto?"

"What do you mean?" Cheng Taro finally stopped speaking in a casual tone. He put the notebook on the hospital bed, "give me a reasonable explanation."

Jonson Joffrey took a deep breath and said with the phrase A (to prepare for different situations, and the phrase CDE) that he had compiled long ago: "As you can see, this is the ability of my stand-in."

Chengtaro: "!"

It is rare for Cheng Taro to show his surprised look.

"I can more or less see the future of some stand-in messengers."

Chengtaro raised his eyebrows, "So do you see my future?"

"Yes, although I didn't awaken a substitute before, the ability to predict has already appeared." This is possible. For example, the Qoruno substitute has the ability to grow plants without awakening.

Chengtaro was silent for a while, and Jonson continued: "This should be the future. I don't understand it, but it's definitely useful."

"As for Jiliang Jiying is the father of Zaoren, I don't know what it means." Johnson said, "I only know that this is the future."

Chengtaro looked like an eagle and asked a few more questions about the prediction, but fortunately, most of them were within Jonson Joffrey's expectations.

Perhaps when he got this notebook, Jotaro suspected that it might be a substitute, so he recognized Jonson's answer preconceivedly. After all, how can a serious and reliable adult think that he is a serialized in the weekly juvenile JUMP Where's the manga on?

Chengtaro was silent for a while, walked to the curtain, and looked at the clear sky with his sea-blue eyes.

Johnson breathed a sigh of relief, except for the use of stand-in ability to explain, nothing else. In his eyes, I am just a kid with the ability to guard against the sky.

etc! Jonson thought of something important as if struck by lightning.

Part of what I use is English, so that others can see it, and the part that Chengtaro sees is empty, so that others think that I have the ability to predict the future, so that others can...

But why didn't Jotaro ask me what was written in another part of the secret language? ?

Jonson stretched out his hand, picked up the notebook, and something explosive appeared in his mind...

—The part that I wrote in secret words is torn out!

who is it? ? Is it Seongtaro? ? No, he doesn't need it. If it is, he will ask me directly. What are those numbers? And I also thought about answering.

Who the **** is it? ! Who got this notebook first? Jotaro was not the first person to get my notes. The first person to get my notes must have seen through my mechanism in the drawer compartment. After breaking the mechanism, I took out the notes and read the contents of the notes. After finding that he could not decipher the codeword, he tore it away and took it away. The torn notebook was picked up by Chengtaro.

Gan! What kind of explosive plot development is this? ?

When I wrote these things, I didn't expect this to happen again!

arrive! end! Yes! Who!

The part that I did not write in secret words is written in English, most of which are about Kakutaro. The main purpose is to make people think that I have the ability to predict and make better use of the plot to lead and control others. I The part written in secret words is my entire content of the plot and all the analysis including the system traversal, as well as some misleading knowledge that is beneficial to me...

This person first saw the part where I didn’t use the secret words, and realized the importance of this notebook, so he took it away...

So who would be interested in Seitaro's affairs?

clam down! Jonson said to himself, after wiping a sweat, he realized that his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Someone like me knew the development of the plot in the future...

This thing really exploded.

"To be honest, I don't know if these things are true, but you can..."

"Get a good rest," Chengtaro concluded interruptedly, then stood up and said: "If you have any further predictions about me, please contact me immediately."

The white long windbreaker is very windy, with a kind of windy momentum when walking.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Chengtaro." Chengtaro paused when he heard Jonson's words.

"I want to ask, who is the only guardian you found for me?"

"One of your relatives in Italy."


Explain that the protagonist wrote the plot, partly in cryptic language, and partly in normal English, so that someone finds that he can predict the future, so that he can explain why he can know the development of the plot, develop his own power and religion, and so on.

Part of the use of codewords is of course to make others ignorant and to spread misleading knowledge.

But someone looked at his notebook, he didn't know who it was, and this person took the code word back to study.

Jotaro picked up the torn note. Because there was no way to explain and predict the future except for the substitute, Jotaro believed the protagonist. In Jotaro's eyes, the protagonist was just a child with a foreboding.

And we, Aqiang, are the kind of wimps who feel sad when we know what year we will die?

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