Gioruno watched Misda drag the Bugarati team into the helicopter one by one.

"Why keep watching, come here to help!" Misda angrily shouted to Qoruno, who was standing aside.

Qiao Luno tilted his head expressionlessly, without any intention of doing anything.

"Listen to me," Misda looked at Qiao Luno's dizzy face, and couldn't help feeling angry. "You are now a grasshopper on the same boat as me!"

"It's a rope." Gioruno corrected him indifferently.

The betrayal of Bugarati made Qoruno a little displeased, mainly because of his anger at Misda, but it didn't matter, although Misda was very disdainful, his behavior was beneficial to him.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, hurry up and get on the computer!" Misda said loudly, "I don't know how to use that stuff, don't you study very well?! Besides, I will help your brother and uncle now! "

As soon as Mista's voice fell, the computer screen suddenly lit up.

Qiao Luno and Misda immediately looked at the computer alertly, and the green screen exuded a dim light...

Qiao Luno frowned, Misda looked at the computer blankly and murmured, "It's the BOSS..."

Misda swallowed, her throat trembling, and gestured to Goruno with her chin to come over and take a look.

Qiao Luno lifted his eyebrows and couldn't help but feel amused. It was just the information from the boss. Did it scare Misda?

Qiao Luno walked to the computer, and Misda threw the Fuge who was moving to the ground and ran behind Qiao Luno.

— [Bugarati, the assassination team did not arrive at Olbia Airport. Something must have happened. 】

—[You continue to follow up. 】

"I knew it!" Misda said excitedly: "Jonson Joffrey is a man of natural fortune. There must be some accident that prevented them from going to Olbia Airport."

Giorno is noncommittal. He closed the web page used to contact the boss, and skillfully operated it on the official intelligence network of the entire PASSIONE organization.

Directly put the intelligence of Bugarati's team up, and at the same time began to decode and crack the network, and obtained a lot of intelligence from the PASSIONE organization.

Misda looked confused, and finally saw Qiao Luno input his name.

"The people in the assassination team are not fools, they must be able to see." Qiao Luno said.

"Good job," Misda said excitedly, "I'll say something good about you in front of Jonson."

"I used your name."

"Yeah...huh?!" Misda looked at Qoruno in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Qiao Luno tilted his head, as expected, "It's you who want to betray Bugarati, not me."

"Then you should use Bugarati's name!" Misda looked at Qoruno in surprise, "have you posted it on the intelligence network?"

"Yes." Qiao Luno replied blankly.

"Then my entire organization knows me?" Misda stared at Qoruno with wide eyes.

Qiao Luno hit the keyboard hard for the last time, and the keyboard made a click and said, "Yes!"


Shocked Misda.

At that moment, the whole organization knew that I had betrayed? !

"You Gioruno Chopana!" Misda raised her pistol and aimed at Gioruno and said, "Are you taking revenge on me?"

Gioruno stood up from the ground, with his hands in his pockets, looked at Misda expressionlessly, and the pitch-black muzzle pointed at Gioruno, the thirteen-year-old boy, his face unchanged.

He looked at Misda compassionately, "I ask you, what are you going to do after telling Jonson everything?"

Misda fell silent. Obviously, he didn't think so much before fainting Bugarati, but he could not see Jonson Joffrey die.

He is indeed a man of love and righteousness, so Qiao Luno said: "When they wake up, you will be sunk into the sea. After all, you can't fly a plane. It's impossible to get out of this ice."

"Have you thought about this?"

Qiao Luno sighed silently, Mista's behavior really made him happy.

So Qiao Luno said again: "I am giving you a way out."

"?"What's the meaning? Why don't I understand!

Misda looked up at Qiao Luno suspiciously.

"I used your name to post the news of your betrayal of Bugarati on the intelligence network. If Jonson Joffrey really cares about you, I will probably accept you."

Qiao Luno smiled imperceptibly and said: "There is a floating boat on the helicopter, you can sit on it, but none of us know how far it is from the next land."

"If Jonson finds out that you are in a gang with him, he will probably come to pick you up."

"This is your only chance to survive."


"But there are two other possibilities," Qiao Luno raised his head and tapped his chin, pretending to be distressed: "One, Jonson Joffrey doesn't believe you at all, and treats you as a fool or an enemy. The trap, two, the organizers found you before Jonson Joffrey and threw you into the sea."

Misda swallowed, and after thinking with his less complicated brain, he felt that Qoruno made sense.

"But," Misda didn't put down his gun, and continued to point at him, "You and I are a grasshopper on the same boat!"

Qiao Luno couldn't help but smile, suddenly picked up the cup next to him, and drank it in one mouthful of Misda's shocked eyes.

"Not anymore," he said, spreading his hands.

"You... Gioruno!" Misda looked at Gioruno in shock.

"Go ahead, I've given all your news to the assassination team, and of course the whole organization." Qiao Luno said calmly, "You should leave on a floating boat now, or the organization will be faster than Jonson Joe. Free is much faster."

In this way, I can not only gain the trust of the Bugarati squad, but also pass the information to the assassination team, but at the expense of Misda, this can't be blamed on me, Qiao Luno thought, this is the opportunity you gave me.

According to Gioruno’s observation, although Misda wanted to save Jonson, he did not want to betray Bugarati. Bugarati’s consciousness shocked him a lot. Because of his simple talent, he was well integrated. The team was gone, so everyone didn't even notice that Misda was the betrayer.

Qiao Luno, who really admired Bugarati, became the first suspect.

In this way, Misda also "stunned" me, Fogg shouldn't be able to say anything, right? Qiao Luno thought to himself that the intelligence sent by Misda could also allow the assassination team to preserve some information, at least not to be completely controlled by Melancholic Blues, right? Tomorrow, I have to find a way to let Bugarati restore tonight’s things without the melancholic blues.

At the end of Qiao Luno's consciousness, he recalled the glimpse of Jonson Joffrey he saw on Vallady Avenue.

In this way, it can give the fellow Jonson Joffrey a little bit of life, my parents, and now I can't let that fellow die.


The protagonist Jonson, the five chapters have not appeared, this is the wonderful secret of the protagonist of JOJO!

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