Guo Jia unconsciously sat upright, straightened up and said seriously:"According to Jia's recent research and analysis on the Tang dynasty and the current Emperor Wu, I think there are three reasons why the Prime Minister can cooperate with him."

"First, Jia Si believes that when the eternal night comes this time, the resurrected emperors are not just the prime minister and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Not surprisingly, there are also other emperors and their armies, and their strength will never be weak. Even Emperor Wu needs someone. ally"

"Secondly, Emperor Wu acted openly and aboveboard, and was a man of great talent and strategy. All the national policies he implemented were all superior national policies and were highly popular among the people. It was unwise to be an enemy of such an emperor. The best policy was to seek cooperation."

"Thirdly, now that the general trend of the world has returned to the Tang Dynasty and to Emperor Wu, we can use its power to resist the army of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In my humble opinion, if Emperor Wu can pacify the barbarians and conquer the world, his military strength must be very strong, and the Han army may not be able to defeat it."

Guo Jia's words were clear and coherent, and he talked to everyone.

Even Cao Cao couldn't help but nodded secretly. Guo Jia's suggestion was very reasonable and was the best way at the moment. It was obviously extremely unwise to be an enemy of Datang. Firstly, they had no troops, no popular support and foundation, and secondly, the name was not justified. How could they occupy a place and attack a country?

Cao Cao had already thought about it, but he still looked at several generals and asked Said:"What do you think?"

After hearing this, several fierce generals stared with big eyes. It's okay to let them go to the battlefield. Why do you ask them for such a thing?

"I heard that Emperor Wu was the most powerful general in the world before he ascended the throne. He was brave, resourceful, affectionate and righteous, and acted upright. Maybe he could conspire with him."

After thinking about it, Xia Houyuan said thoughtfully.

Dian Wei scratched his head and said:"I don't know a few Chinese characters, but seeing that these people support Emperor Wu so much, I think he is an excellent emperor, so he should be able to do it."

"Everything depends on the Prime Minister's orders."

Brothers Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan said in unison. Several other generals also had similar views and none of them objected.

"In this case, then send the army southward to Chang'an!"

Cao Cao nodded and decided.


Chang'an City, Tai Chi Hall

"Your Majesty, we already have a clue of what you have ordered me to do. There are unusual movements in the tombs of emperors from various places, including the tomb of King Zhou, the tomb of King Wu of Zhou, the tomb of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the tomb of Emperor Wei Cao Cao.

Li Jing reported to Li Changqing,"The army that emerged from Maoling of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty a few days ago all went northward, but it did not invade any of our states or counties.""

"In addition, it is suspected that the army of Emperor Cao Cao of Wei and the army of Emperor Wu of Han fought in the Shangshang Plain. The specific situation is not known."

After Fang Xuanling speculated that emperors from all major dynasties would be resurrected, Li Changqing asked Li Jing to pay close attention to the tombs of emperors in various places. However, there were so many emperors' tombs, but only a few were resurrected. Only now did the news come

"The arrival of eternal night is indeed a precursor to chaos in the world."

After listening to Li Jing's report, Li Changqing shook his head, frowned and said to himself.

The emperors of each dynasty were resurrected at the same time, and I am afraid that the world will soon usher in a new battle.

King Zhou, King Wu of Zhou, Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, both of whom are famous emperors and monarchs in history, appeared at the same time. You can imagine how much disputes there would be. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, let alone four tigers appearing all at once, and it is not known which emperor is hiding in the secret. He This local strong dragon is not easy to suppress.

But trouble is trouble, but Li Changqing has no intention of fearing it. The foundation of the Tang Dynasty has been established, and the people's will is what it will be like even if these former emperors are resurrected, without their own dynasty achievements The foundation is just water without roots.

"An order was passed on to mobilize 200,000 troops back to Chang'an. Now that the situation is turbulent, stabilizing the country is the top priority."

Li Changqing ordered Li Jing.

In fact, he really wanted to bring back the army guarding the Outer Territory State, but now that eternal night has fallen, transportation has been greatly restricted, and the Outer Territory State also needs an army to stabilize it, so he has delayed moving..

However, the 200,000 troops at the border can still be used. Anyway, there will be no disaster at the border. If the Siyi dare to take this opportunity to raise troops, they will be considered brave. Afterwards, Li Changqing does not mind using the army to crush the Western Region.

Li Jing naturally does not If you have any objections, just accept the order with clasped fists.

At this moment, a guard broke into the hall, knelt down and said solemnly:"Your Majesty, there is a large army approaching quickly from a hundred miles away from Chang'an City, and the target seems to be Chang'an!"


Li Changqing was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly and said coldly:"Let the Tiance Army and the Dragon Cavalry Army enter the war preparation state and prepare to fight!"

"With me here, I want to see who can break Chang'an!"

I haven't worn armor for many years, but Li Changqing's domineering power has not diminished at all, and he is still so awesome.


Thirty miles outside Chang'an City, the army that arrived in several days stopped here.

"Prime Minister, the army should not march any further, otherwise it will easily be regarded as an enemy or a provocation by Emperor Tang."

Guo Jia said to Cao Cao, bowing slightly,"The prime minister had better send Jia to Chang'an first to negotiate with the Tang Emperor as a lobbyist."

Cao Cao shook his head and said with a smile:"No need, Gu personally went to Chang'an to see Emperor Wu. Fengxiao, Xu Chu and Dian Wei, you three will follow Gu. Xia Houyuan, you can manage the army well and station here without Gu's orders. No rash action is allowed! Violators will be punished by military law!"

At the end of the sentence, Cao Cao's tone became more serious and filled with murderous intent.

"Prime Minister, this is absolutely impossible! How can you, with your body of thousands of gold,——"

Guo Jia was anxious and quickly spoke to persuade.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cao Cao:"I have decided to leave alone. With Dian Wei and Xu Chu following me, I am safe. What's more, looking at the life and deeds of Emperor Tang, he must be an upright gentleman. He will never He would be so petty as to attack someone alone."

Cao Cao had such a courageous strategy, once he decided it, he would not change it easily.

Seeing this, Guo Jia hesitated for a moment and stopped trying to persuade him.

Then Cao Cao, his two close generals Dian Wei and Xu Chu, and Guo Jia drove to Chang'an City.

On the carriage, Cao Cao and Guo Jia looked at Chang'an City, which looked like a giant beast entrenched in the night, and felt huge waves in their hearts. They were extremely shocked.

"Emperor Wu Li Changqing, what kind of person are you?"

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