The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6649: avenue irrigation, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Renzun was able to accept Jiang Shan as a son of the realm, and could respond to Jiang Shan's requests without interfering. Just as Jiang Yun had speculated, Renzun knew that Jiang Shan's origins were extraordinary!

After all, Ren Zun is also a real supreme, and no matter how well Jiang Shan hides, he will always reveal some clues and be noticed by Ren Zun.

Naturally, after realizing that Jiang Shan's identity was unusual, Ren Zun moved his mind and did not reveal Jiang Shan's identity to anyone, but only accepted him as Yuzi.

The purpose is nothing more than the hope that Jiang Shan can achieve his own wish.

Therefore, at this moment, the wind that suddenly appeared, I don't know where it came from, and I don't know where it is going, all of them rushed into my own world. In the eyes of Ren Zun, it must be related to Jiang Shan.

In particular, Jiang Shan was not in the world, which further verified his idea.

The thing that Ren Zun wants to do most now is to quickly enter the human world and check it carefully to see if he can find some useful clues.

At this time, of course he didn't want to let other people, especially the Di Zun, know about all this, so he wanted to quickly get rid of the Di Zun and them.

But the words of Di Zun made Zun's mind move again.

He also knows that the Earth Venerable may have other purposes, but it will never be aimless.

Those mountains and mountains are really too important, and it is also related to their future.

After a short period of entanglement, Ren Zun gave an order to the tenth concubine and the top three slaves through voice transmission: "After I bring Di Zun into the world, you will immediately guard Yuzi's residence."

"At the same time, close the world, and don't allow anyone to enter or leave, and wait for my order."

Then, Ren Zun turned around and said to Di Zun: "Okay, just go to my place."

"As for the others, let's go!"

Although the ancient spirit, the sea monster king, etc. are also well-known powerhouses, they also suspect that the strange wind has something to do with the human world, but Ren Zun does not take them seriously, and is directly driving them away.

And even if they were unwilling, they could only bow to Earth Zun and Ren Zun before turning around and leaving.

Ren Zun no longer talked nonsense, and took the Earth Zun directly, stepped into the world, and stepped into his own residence.

Of course, Di Zun can use his divine sense to forcibly search the whole world, but if he really does that, it is equivalent to declaring war on Human Zun.

Therefore, Earth Zun could only give up this idea and chatted with Human Zun instead.

What Di Zun told Human Zun was naturally that the truth about this piece of heaven and earth was hidden in the Guantian Palace, as well as doubts about Tian Zun.

The idea of ​​Jiang Yun wanting to provoke the relationship between Ren Zun and Tian Zun was done by Di Zun for him.

At the same time, the ancient spirits and the Kraken King, who had returned to the boundary sea area, looked at each other and looked at each other, and the ancient medicine spirit turned to Bu Lingdao: "Bu Ling, that strange thing was just now. What do you think of the wind!"

Taikoo Bu Ling always kept his head down, silent, and looked preoccupied.

At this moment, when he heard the voice of Taikoo Yaoling, he raised his head, frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"But..." Bu Ling suddenly lowered his voice and said to the people around him: "From the beginning, I suddenly had an ominous feeling."

"It's all about us!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

If someone else said such a thing, they would definitely scoff at it and not believe it at all.

But it was Bu Ling who spoke!

A powerhouse who conquered the entire realm with the technique of divination.

He said there was an ominous premonition that something bad would almost really happen.

Moreover, this hunch is not aimed at any one person, but all of them.

At this moment, except for the missing Primordial Corpse Spirit who had been beaten by Jiang Yun, the Primordial Five Spirits and the Sea Monster King were all together in a rare gathering.

Naturally, the six of them also secretly reached a cooperation with Ji Kongfan and Jiang Yun.

The six of them here are not only the strongest people in Jiehai, but even in the entire real domain, they are also high-ranking figures.

There are only three who can threaten the six of them.

The ancient array spirit reacted the fastest. With a wave of her sleeves, she sent the array stone directly, wrapped the six people, disappeared from the spot, and returned to her own residence.

Here, it is relatively safe.

The ancient array spirit looked at Bu Ling and said, "Bu Ling, can you be more clear?"

The tool spirit frowned and said in agreement: "What is the specific feeling?"

The Sea-Monster King on the side also said: "Isn't it possible, it's our cooperation, it's known by the three!"

Although the others did not speak, their thoughts were the same as those of the Siren King.

Apart from this incident, they have nothing to be targeted by the three.

Under the inquiry of everyone, Taigu Bu Ling waved his hand and said: "I don't know the specific feeling."

"Furthermore, my physical condition is also a bit poor recently, and I can't divination for the time being."

"Everyone, don't be impatient, wait for me for a few days, I will personally take action and do a divination."

"However, in the recent period of time, we also have to be vigilant and contact each other to prevent any accidents from happening."

"Zhenling, you can contact Ji Kongfan and ask him if it is possible to open the extrajudicial land at any time!"

Bu Ling's words made everyone well aware.

If the three really attacked them, or there were other dangers, then they would have nowhere to hide in the real realm.

The only way is to escape to a place outside the law!

Everyone's expressions became solemn, Zhenling nodded, and directly took out the communication jade slip.

After a while, the array spirit put down the jade slip and said: "Ji Kongfan said that his deity can open the entrance to the extrajudicial land at any time, but he can't change his position, and it won't last for too long."

Everyone couldn't help but smile bitterly, because they all understood what Ji Kongfan meant.

Fu Ling said with some dissatisfaction: "It is impossible for us to start now and move all to live in the sea!"

The five immemorial spirits, plus the sea demon king, and the six top realm sea powerhouses, all ran into the sea eye, even if the three were not suspicious of them before, they must be suspicious now.

Bu Ling pondered: "This matter still needs to be discussed in the long run."

"But anyway, at least we still have a way out, so you don't need to worry too much."

"Go back first and wait for my news!"

Although everyone felt a little heavy, they also knew that they and others couldn't do anything, so they could only leave and wait patiently for Bu Ling's news.

And at this moment, still in a remote seam in the Human Respect Domain, there is a mirror, quietly suspended there.

It seems that the mirror is very calm, and even if there are monks passing by, they can't see the existence of the mirror at all.

However, inside the mirror, it is a real storm!

The wind that filled almost the entire world before, they did not disappear, but all gathered in the space inside the mirror, still condensed into a huge vortex, gathered on the head of Jiang Yun, who was sitting cross-legged in the void. above.

Not far from Jiang Yun, Jiang Shan, who was also sitting there, was supporting his chin with his hands, looking at the whirlpool with envy.

Jiang Shan said softly: "Such a magnificent wind of the avenue, how much power of the avenue must it contain!"

"If Brother Jiang can absorb all of them, is it possible to directly become a detached powerhouse?"

A voice sounded in Jiang Shan's ear: "It's impossible!"

"Although he found his Dao and was recognized by Dao Nian, his Dao is still not perfect."

"However, the future is promising!"

"It's started, the avenue is filled!"

As the sound fell, I saw the wind in the vortex. It was no longer colorless and invisible, but surrounded by circling, and gradually condensed into illusory shapes. Walked out and walked towards Jiang Yun, until it disappeared into Jiang Yun's body!

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