The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6675: you do evil, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the middle of the city, there is a small two-story building, in which sits the fat old man who likes to fish.

After hearing the words of Pavilion Master Yanji, he frowned slightly, a hint of dissatisfaction flashed across his face, and shook his head gently.

However, he didn't say anything, he just used his divine sense to look at the sky.

Jiang Yun also raised his head and looked at the huge array that covered the entire sky in this world. He couldn't help but admire the Primordial Spirit Formation!

This array map is exactly the same as the array map deduced by the Primordial Array Spirit!

In particular, the seven key positions that the Primordial Array Spirit specially communicated to Jiang Yun were even more accurate, and they were completely in Jiang Yun's eyes.

Although the ancient array spirit said that she was very envious of the human race, she said that she was born to know it, but she was proficient in the formation technique.

But in Jiang Yun's view, at least in this world, no one should be able to compare to the ancient array spirits in terms of formation skills.

I'm afraid, even a person who is also proficient in formation techniques is slightly inferior to her.

"If the Primordial Array Spirit is on the road of Taoism, if she doesn't have the imprint of the rules of the three gods in her soul, then she should be able to enter the Tao with the array, not to mention becoming a transcendental powerhouse, but she can definitely become a supreme!"

"After this matter, I can tell her my Taoist insights."

"Then, I will try to use the power of luck to erase the imprint of the rules of the three statues."

"If it can be successful, then I wonder if it is possible for her to be one step ahead of others and get out of this situation."

Regarding Dao Xiu, Jiang Yun has never been arrogant, and is willing to let more monks accept and embark on this path.

However, as Jiang Yun from the last reincarnation told him, because everyone is unique.

Qualifications, ideas, perspectives and other aspects are all bound by themselves, and they may not be able to achieve the Dao on the road of Dao cultivation.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can't guarantee whether the ancient array spirit can do it, but just wants to give back to the other party for everything he has done for him in this way.


Just as Jiang Yun was watching the array map, the array map was already running.

The hundreds of thousands of runes that make up the array are as if they are alive. They keep wandering within a certain range with a special trajectory, emitting rays of light and power, and falling towards Jiang Yun.

The array diagram in this state is a bit like a robbery cloud, which is facing Jiang Yun.

Without waiting for the power of light to fall, Jiang Yun's palm has already been raised, and he has shot seven palms in succession towards the formation in the sky!

The speed of Jiang Yun's shot was so fast that even though he shot seven palms, it seemed to the vast majority of people's consciousness that he only shot one palm.

"Bang bang bang!"

Seven earth-shattering collision sounds were almost merged together!

Naturally, Jiang Yun's seven palms were hit on the formation diagram that the ancient formation spirit told him, and the seven positions were similar to the formation base.


Seven palms fell, and the entire array immediately heard a crisp sound of shattering.

In the original complete map, seven large holes appeared in an instant.

From a distance, it was as if Jiang Yun had punched seven holes in the sky.

And the appearance of the seven big holes caused the array to stop running immediately, and some of the rays and powers released were frozen in the air, and some collapsed directly!

Obviously, everything is as the ancient array spirit speculated, destroying these seven key positions, although the entire array cannot be completely collapsed, but it can stop the operation of the array!

The next moment, Jiang Yun has also stepped up and took the initiative to walk towards the formation map in the sky.

At this moment, Pavilion Master Yanji's terrified voice finally sounded: "Impossible, impossible, you can't understand the formation diagram!"

Pavilion Master Yanji was indeed frightened.

Array diagram, that is the oldest formation technique. In today's real world, it is almost impossible to see it, and there are only a handful of people who understand array diagrams.

This array map has become one of her biggest reliances.

Even, she is confident that among the three, apart from the human, the other two heaven and earth, if they fall into this pattern of their own, they can trap them for a while.

But now, Jiang Yun's extremely random wave of seven palms has already stopped the array map, which really gave her a great impact.

"Array, turn again!"

These four words, Pavilion Master Yanji shouted out almost hoarsely.

What responded to her was the same roar from the seven or eight million monks in this world.

But in the roar of these monks, many people's seven orifices actually had blood gushing out, and their faces became pale.

What's more, his appearance has become extremely old in an instant, as if his vitality has been drained.

When Jiang Yun came here for the first time, he guessed that among the monks here, someone should have inadvertently entered here, and as a result, he was kept by Pavilion Master Yanji and no longer allowed them to leave.

But in fact, more than ninety-nine percent of the seven or eight million monks here were captured by Pavilion Master Yanji from various places in the real realm.

She imprisoned these monks in this world forever, not treating them as slaves, but using their cultivation base and vitality to warm up the runes that make up the array!

This is one of the differences between arrays and arrays.

The formation of the formation, as long as it is something with strength, including monks, can arrange the formation.

But the pattern can only be composed of runes.

This also allows the power of the rune to be continuously improved and enhanced through special methods.

If the pattern is regarded as a painting, the runes, the paints and pens used for painting, need to be carefully kept!

Naturally, the better the runes are kept, the greater the power of that pattern.

Now, seeing that Jiang Yun has found the key position of the array map and successfully stopped the operation of the array map, Pavilion Master Yanji is a cultivator who is trying to destroy the warm and nourishing runes, and also wants to make the array map run again.

Sure enough, as the cultivators bleed from the seven orifices one by one, the runes were shining brightly, and the pattern that had just stopped started to run again.

This scene made the fat old man's brows wrinkle even tighter. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth in the end!

At this moment, although Jiang Yun was already standing above the sky, the powerful force that the array map re-distributed created a huge obstacle, forcing Jiang Yun to stop.

Seeing this scene, Pavilion Master Yanji finally let go of his dangling heart, and then said, "Jiang Yun, why, can't you accept this second gift?"

"Then you disappointed me too much. I have other gifts that I didn't give!"

Although Jiang Yun stopped under the power of the array map, those powers couldn't really touch his body for a while.

Especially on the surface of his body, those golden dao patterns that outsiders can't see, do not need Jiang Yun's urging at all, they have already radiated their own power, which competes with the power of the array.

Hearing the words of Pavilion Master Yanji, Jiang Yun looked indifferent, looked down at the monks who had already started to fall to the ground one after another, and said softly, "I originally thought that you wanted that token too much and cared too much about it. If you talk about your own pavilion, you will act a little crazy."

"But I finally understand now that you have already lost your due reason and are no longer worthy of being human!"

"Even if you are a descendant of Brother Feng, Brother Feng will probably kill you by himself when he sees the evil you have done!"

"I also accept this second gift!"

The voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand, and slapped his forehead with a heavy palm!

I saw his eyebrows split, and a golden little man walked out of it.

Jiang Yun's soul!

Jiang Yun's soul exploded directly in the air, turning into countless golden spots of light, just like the sky with another spot of light under the pattern.

However, these light spots are not suspended in the air, but fall toward the monks below!

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