The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6690: Collect Tibetan prints, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun had already thought about it before he came here. No matter whether the world will be destroyed in the end, as long as he can successfully subdue the Yanji Pavilion, then he will give up here and choose a suitable new base camp.

First, hiding the base camp in the belly of the sea beast is no problem in terms of safety, but the sea beast is always moving, and it is too troublesome to get in and out.

If you really encounter something urgent, you need to convene the speeches and cabinets scattered all over the place, which cannot be done in a short time.

Second, in this space, that extraterritorial man should be able to appear at any time.

Although Jiang Yun let him go, he also expressed his willingness to further communicate with Jiang Yun. At the same time, Jiang Yun also hopes to ask the location of the Immortal Realm from the other party's mouth, but Jiang Yun needs to take the initiative.

It is impossible for Jiang Yun to stay in the base camp all the time. If the man from outside the territory suddenly appears again one day, he can easily take this place as his own.

As for the location of the new base camp, Jiang Yun has also chosen it, which is the Zangfeng space opened up by the second senior sister! Because Jiang Yun wanted to use the appearance of the corpse to bring Yanji Pavilion to rise in the real world to compete with the three.

This also means that he cannot tell the Primordial Spirit, Siren King and others about the relationship between Yanji Pavilion and himself, nor can he occupy their territory as his base camp.

In this way, the Zangfeng space opened up by the second senior sister is naturally the best choice.

Although I don't know how long it has been since Second Senior Sister opened up that space, even Earth Venerable didn't find it there, so it was extremely safe.

The only fly in the ointment is that the area there is relatively small.

However, this is not a problem at all for Jiang Yun, who also masters the power of space.

For Jiang Yun's decision, the three guardians of heaven and earth, of course, have no opinion.

To be honest, they were also a little curious, what kind of place Jiang Yun would take them to.

Jiang Yun suddenly turned to look at the two of them and said, "Is there any space magic weapon on the two of us that can accommodate all of us? Let me use it for the time being."

Jiang Yun's words caused the two guardians of heaven and man to look at each other in dismay.

This Jiang Yun's strength, in their opinion, is not far from the Supreme Being.

As the top powerhouse in the entire real domain, he doesn't even have a decent space magic weapon on his body.

In fact, Jiang Yun has a lot of magic weapons, but not many good ones.

Now, the spatial instruments that he can barely get his hands on are the tombs and the heaven and earth chessboard given to him by the ancient artifact spirits and the ancient array spirits.

However, Jiang Yun used these two instruments several times during the battle between the men brought by Mengyu and Di Zun, and their lifespans have reached their limit.

Jiang Yun suspected that if they were used a few times, they might collapse directly.

In addition, although the three guardians of the Yanji Pavilion knew the origin of Jiang Yun, most of the Yanji Pavilion members did not know who Jiang Yun was.

As for the two magical instruments belonging to the ancient spirit, I believe that many people in the Yanji Pavilion should know about them.

Once Jiang Yun takes it out, it will reveal his relationship with the ancient spirit, so he can only borrow it from the two guardians of heaven and man.

Wen Rentian said expressionlessly: "I can!"

Obviously, what he meant was that he could take all the monks by himself.

But Du Ruoxian stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky: "Pavilion Master, there is a very suitable space magic tool there, won't you put it away?"

Jiang Yun followed Du Ruoxian's fingers and saw a huge seal hanging above the sky.

It was the first gift that Feng Nianhua gave him before, the source of the million forgetting seals.

However, Jiang Yun didn't know that it was still a space magic weapon.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then I'll be welcome."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yun had already stepped to the side of the seal, directly separated a strand of soul, entered it, easily broke the brand Feng Nianhua left in it, and took it as his own.

This seal, called Tibetan Seal, was as Du Ruoxian said, in addition to being able to collect Forgotten Seals, it was also a space magic weapon.

Even Jiang Yun suspected that the reason why Fenghuanian wanted to refine this magic weapon was to prevent the world from being hit by a disaster, she could instantly pretend that all the seven or eight hundred thousand monks would be installed. Take it into the seal.

In addition, the function of this instrument to store the seal of forgetting also made Jiang Yun quite satisfied.

Used well, it can also be used as a powerful hole card! After feeling a little bit about the use of this seal, Jiang Yun also spoke out loudly, and sent his voice into the ears of every monk present: "Everyone, stop for a while!"

Although everyone saw that the world was beginning to collapse, they did not dare to stop without Jiang Yun's permission, and were still busy treating other monks.

At this moment, following Jiang Yun's opening, they all raised their heads and looked at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun continued: "You have also seen that this place is about to collapse, and I can't let you leave for the time being, so I'm going to take you to another place now."

"Because the place we are going is relatively far away, and our number is too large, so I will send you to this magic weapon."

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun didn't give everyone a chance to speak at all, and made several seals on the Tibetan seal, and the seal immediately exuded a majestic suction.

Soon, all the monks were inhaled into the seal, including the two guardians of heaven and man.

In this world, only Jiang Yun and the fat old man who was holding Feng Nianhua and walking towards Jiang Yun were left.

Jiang Yun looked at the other party and said, "Can I go?"

Although Jiang Yun has hatred for Feng Nianhua, to be honest, after knowing that the two of them are Feng Beiling's disciples, the hatred in Jiang Yun's heart has subconsciously decreased.

Especially the fat old man, even his memory was erased by Feng Hua Nian, he didn't know that his master was Feng Bei Ling, and Jiang Yun had no malice towards him.

The fat old man nodded lightly and said, "It's alright."

Jiang Yun didn't speak, and after sending the two into the seal, the seal became the size of a palm and fell into Jiang Yun's hands.

After looking around again, Jiang Yun directly crushed a teleportation formation stone and appeared on the boundary sea.

Jiang Yun did not leave in a hurry to go to Zangfeng, but first took out the communication jade slip and contacted Shura and Ming Yuyang.

Tell them the news that he has taken Fu Yanji Pavilion, and let them rush back to the Tibetan peak round if they have time.

The two of them naturally agreed, saying that they would go to Cangfeng immediately.

After finishing the communication with the two, Jiang Yun took out the communication jade slip and contacted the Taikoo Zhenling after thinking for a while.

The voice of the ancient array spirit immediately came from the jade slip: "You succeeded?"

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Yes, the seven key positions that senior told me allowed me to successfully break the formation, so I specially thank senior for your help."

There was also a bit of a smile in the voice of the ancient array spirit: "Between you and me, you don't have to be so polite."

After chatting a few more times with the Taikoo array spirit, Jiang Yun put away the communication jade slip and rushed towards Zangfeng.

Because Jiang Yun didn't know where he was now, he took some time on the road.

Two days later, he returned to Cangfeng, and Ming Yuyang and Shura were already waiting for him here.

Ming Yuyang looked up and down at Jiang Yun and said, "Where are the people from Yanji Pavilion?"

Jiang Yun took out the seal and said, "It's all here."

Naturally, Jiang Yun first told the two of them in detail about his experience this time, especially the matter of the man from outside the territory.

This made them both surprised and regretful.

Surprisingly, who would have thought that behind the Yanji Pavilion, there would be a foreign cultivator supporting him.

As for regret, it is naturally a pity that the two of them still failed to meet the foreign monks in person.

Jiang Yun continued: "In addition, I was in a hurry to go to a place, so I asked you two to rush back and deal with the affairs of Yanji Pavilion for the time being."

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