The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6699: weirdo, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the secluded world of the sea, on this rooted land built by the Kraken family, there are a large number of Kraken monks cultivating.

But they didn't know that at this moment, in the eyes of the sea below them, there were six false venerables.

If there are no three, then these six are completely the rulers of the entire world, the most powerful existence.

The four ancient spirits, the Siren King and Lao Hai!

The six people stood in the depths of the sea, each with a solemn expression.

But the four ancient spirits, in addition to being solemn, also had a look of anticipation on their faces.

Naturally, they were waiting for Ji Kongfan to open the entrance to the extrajudicial land.

They already knew about the place outside the law, but they never thought that one day, the place outside the law would become a refuge for themselves and others.

Although they entered the extrajudicial place to seek shelter, they also had some curiosity about the place where even the three gods were afraid and never set foot in it.

While they were waiting, just a moment later, the entire sea suddenly trembled slightly.

The Kraken King, who has picked up and picked up people a few times here, said in a deep voice, "The entrance is about to open, back off."

The ancient spirits hurriedly retreated a few steps.

Under the gaze of everyone, there was indeed a crack that slowly appeared in the sea.

Inside the crack, Rao is a few people with enough eyesight, and they can't see any situation clearly, they can only hear Ji Kongfan's voice, from inside: "Fast forward!"

The four immemorial spirits didn't care to say anything, they turned around and clasped their fists at the Kraken King and Old Hai: "Farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Qi Ling took the lead, and Bu Ling finally stepped into the crack.

When Bu Ling was about to step into the crack, he suddenly turned his head, and his eyes seemed to look in one direction unintentionally.

But with just one glance, he withdrew his gaze, and after Sanling, he also stepped into the crack.

The cracks closed quickly, and the shaking sea eyes returned to calm.

It was only then that Lao Hai suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you follow them to the land outside the law?"

"If the death of Zhenling is really because of our cooperation with Jiang Yun, then they are safe now, and it is too dangerous for you to stay alone."

"You can also leave a clone, guarded by me, and let the deity also go to the place outside the law."

The Sea-Monster King said indifferently: "My clone cannot enter the position of Sea Eye."

"Besides, the sudden arrival of the Di Zun last time clearly had doubts about me."

"If he comes again and finds that I am no longer the deity, then we all have to reveal the truth."

"As for my safety, you don't have to worry. With my strength, in this sea of ​​eyes, even if the three want to kill me, it is not so easy."

Lao Hai nodded silently, and suddenly said again: "Your Majesty, from now on, I won't be near you anymore."

"If I want to get close, then you must stop it."

"What do you mean?" Siren King asked in confusion.

Lao Hai replied, "Jiang Yun missed the possibility that the murderer who killed the array spirit was taken away."

"If someone wants to kill the king, the easiest way is to take me away, and then take action when you're not prepared!"

Lao Hai's words made the Kraken King's pupils shrink slightly, and he gave Lao Hai a deep look.

Indeed, the person he trusts the most is Lao Hai.

Even, he can safely give his back to Lao Hai.

But as Lao Hai said, if someone wanted to kill him, as long as he controlled Lao Hai, he would be completely invincible.

After a long silence, the Sea-Monster King waved his hand and said, "We'll talk about these things later, let's get out of here first!"

The Siren King turned and left, and although Lao Hai was still following, he deliberately kept a certain distance.

When the place finally returned to calm, a figure suddenly appeared.

The figure looked at the entrance to the land of extrajudicial before, and said to himself: "This is the one who finally couldn't hold back and shot himself."

"However, I am a lot more courageous. That glance just now should be warning me!"

"Oh, if it's not bad, I'm afraid I have found a backer."

"If Gu hadn't laid out other backers, the place outside the law seemed to be dangerous."

"This last reincarnation is really getting more and more interesting. Even people like me who watch the show don't know what it will be like in the end."

Speaking of this, the figure suddenly turned around and looked in the direction that the Siren King had just left: "This little guy, do I want to protect him?"

In the residence of Zhenling, Jiang Yun looked at the jade token emitting white light in his hand. Although he knew that it was the man from outside the territory who was contacting him, he was still a little surprised.

He defeated the opponent by himself, and now, only ten days have passed, and he can't wait to contact him, is there something urgent?

Jiang Yun is actually cautious about his contact with monks outside the realm.

After all, he doesn't know anything about the situation outside the territory, and as long as the monks outside the territory can appear in his life, there is no weak one.

Therefore, he was very worried that he would end up being tricked by them.

However, after hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yun still infiltrated his divine sense into the jade token, and the voice of a man from outside the realm immediately sounded in it: "Boy, your movements are really fast."

"The base camp of Yanji Pavilion, I have worked so hard to plan for so long, but you gave up so easily, what a waste of my hard work!"

The man's words made Jiang Yun's heart move, and he understood the reason why the other party contacted him.

Obviously, the other party should have used his method again to go to the original base camp of Yanji Pavilion. It turned out that the space was gone, and he was worried that he would cut off contact with him, so he was anxious. Contact yourself.

Jiang Yun said lightly: "You're not slow, you came to contact me so soon."

The man smiled and said: "I finally met a smart person, I'm not afraid that you will abandon me!"

In Jiang Yun's imagination, the other party should be a detached powerhouse.

The detached powerhouses are all supreme beings, at least they must have a certain majesty.

Therefore, Jiang Yun was a little surprised by the mocking tone of the other party.

However, Jiang Yun ignored it and asked directly, "What's the matter with you looking for me?"

The man still smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want to ask, after I left that day, did some strange people appear there?"


Jiang Yun frowned, thinking about the meaning of these four words: "What is a strange person?"

The extraterritorial man said: "Forget it, let me tell you straight, we nonterritorial monks are not allowed to interfere with anything in your world."

"But you also know that there are always a few daring ones, like me!"

Jiang Yun secretly said in his heart that the other party has self-knowledge.

"Therefore, as long as there are foreign forces interested in your world, everyone discussed it and decided to send some people to act as thugs."

"As long as you find a cultivator as daring as me, you will directly take action and give punishment."

Only then did Jiang Yun suddenly realize that the thugs mentioned by the other party were a bit similar to the angel patrol, or the identity of the war supervisor.

The last time this man entered this world directly from another world, it was a great violation of the rules set by the monks outside the territory, so he was worried that someone would come to investigate.

Jiang Yundao: "The strength of those thugs must be extremely strong. Even if they come, it is impossible for me to find them."

The man said carelessly: "You don't have to belittle yourself, and you don't have to think too highly of those people."

"Although some of them are indeed stronger than you, most of them are not as strong as you, and they are nothing more than relying on the help of some foreign objects and external forces."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I have never found any strange people."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved, thinking of Jiang Shan who inexplicably transmitted a voice to himself not long ago to remind him to be careful!

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