The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6715: atrocious, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun had also already thought that the reason why Tianzun wanted to kill the formation spirit was to convince everyone, no, himself and Ji Kongfan that the so-called ominous premonition of Taikoo Buling was true.

Only in this way, they can enter the land outside the law logically.

Compared with Ji Kongfan's guess, since Jiang Yun already knew that Tianzun was behind this series of things, he was naturally more certain that Tianzun's real purpose was to seek extrajudicial places.

And Jiang Yun can't imagine the terrible consequences of losing the extrajudicial land.

In addition, Jiang Yun also suspected that Ji Kongfan had not contacted him during this year. Is it because Tianzun considered that if the Taikoo Buling and the others were to act in a place outside the law, Ji Kongfan's deity would notify him Oneself, let herself be guarded, so she first told Ren Zun to control Ji Kongfan who took Chang Tiankun!

Without Ji Kongfan, Jiang Yun would have no way of knowing the situation in the extrajudicial land.

Therefore, now Jiang Yun is eager to confirm what kind of situation Ji Kongfan is in.

"Wait!" Seeing Jiang Yun leaving in a hurry, Liu Yingfan quit!

Originally, she thought that the words she said had little meaning to Jiang Yun.

But seeing Jiang Yun in such a hurry, he naturally understood that his words were very useful to Jiang Yun, so how could he let Jiang Yun leave so easily.

What's more, the purpose of her cooperation with Jiang Yun was to get revenge on Tianzun, not to make small troubles. Jiang Yun just agreed to cooperate verbally and wanted to leave.

If Jiang Yun doesn't go to her in the future, or if she is imprisoned by Tianzun and can't see Jiang Yun at all, then what's the point of this so-called cooperation.

Liu Yingfan directly stood in front of Jiang Yun and said, "Since we are cooperating, you and I should at least discuss the next plan!"

"You also know that I have a special status, and it's not easy to come out!"

Jiang Yun said with cold eyes: "The information you provided has helped me a lot, and I am also willing to cooperate with you."

"However, I'm really in a hurry now. I have to rush to the world. I don't have time to discuss specific plans with you here."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun put away the star pattern, and with a flick of his figure, he had already walked around Liu Yingfan's side.

Liu Yingfan rolled his eyes and said, "Go to the world, I'll be with you, and I'm definitely more familiar with the world than you."

What she said was the truth.

As the first disciple of Tianzun, there are many things such as human beings passing a long life. When Tianzun does not appear, she is responsible for going there, and has been to the world many times.

And Jiang Yunzheng was worried about how he could enter the world. Hearing Liu Yingfan's words, he couldn't help but also moved in his heart, and immediately slowed down and let Liu Yingfan follow.

Because, he may really be able to use Liu Yingfan to enter the world!

Seeing Jiang Yun slow down, Liu Yingfan naturally understood that Jiang Yun would not refuse to be with him, smiled proudly, put on the mask again, and walked side by side with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's voice also sounded in Liu Yingfan's ears: "When you met Taigu Bu Ling, do you think he was in a state of being taken away, or he still has his own clear consciousness."

It is also very important for Jiang Yun to figure out the status of Taigu Bu Ling.

If Taigu Bu Ling was taken away, then everything he did, and even the attitude he showed to outsiders, was deliberately done by Tianzun or someone else.

But if Taigu Buling has a clear consciousness, then he and Tianzun, and the unknown powerhouse, are in a cooperative relationship!

In the former case, everything Taigu Bling did can be forgiven.

Just like Feng Nianhua controlled An Caiyi to kill Jiang Yun.

But if it is the latter, then Taigu Buling is an accomplice!

This is even scarier.

He was regarded as an elder by other ancient spirits, and he was regarded as a parent. Even the ancient spirits could kill him without hesitation. This kind of character can only be described as vicious.

Naturally, in this world, there is no one he can't bear to kill.

Liu Yingfan thought for a moment and then said: "I don't know too much about Taigu Bu Ling, and I haven't come into contact very often, but at least in my opinion, he should have a clear consciousness."

Although Jiang Yun didn't want to admit it, Liu Yingfan felt the same as himself.

Aside from the Primordial Divination I had seen before, in the past year and a half, the two Primordial Divining I have seen, everything is extremely normal, and there is no sign of being controlled.

After a while, Liu Yingfan suddenly said, "Ji Wang, I've already told you so much, and it's enough to show my sincerity."

"Now, should you also show your sincerity?"

Where is Jiang Yun in the mood to think about other things, but he has indeed made up his mind to cooperate with Liu Yingfan, so it is not easy to offend him, so he can only say lightly: "Heavenly Venerate wants to kill me, even at the expense of you. It is my best sincerity for the eldest disciple to kill me."

In Liu Yingfan's eyes, which were covered by the face, a cold light erupted again.

Indeed, the relationship between Jiang Yun and Tianzun is definitely an endless relationship, at least it is impossible for Jiang Yun to cooperate with Tianzun.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend!

But Liu Yingfan was still a little unwilling to say: "Then where did you come from? What is the purpose of coming to us?"

Jiang Yun looked straight ahead and said, "Outer Territory is much bigger than you think. You won't know where I come from."

"As for my purpose, I can tell you that I am here for the aura of Hongmeng!"

"The Qi of Hongmeng?" Liu Yingfan pondered: "I have heard of the Qi of Hongmeng. It seems that Wu Chenzi's body is so strong because he has absorbed the Qi of Hongmeng."

"Although this primordial aura is rare, it's not worth your long journey to come to us, right?"

I have to say that Liu Yingfan's knowledge and vision are extremely high.

It was impossible for Jiang Yun to simply fool her.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only roughly explain the reason for her.

In this way, after three days, the two finally came to the vicinity of the human world, which is the world where Jiang Yun met Shen Lang.

This world is still bustling and prosperous, and there has been no change from the last time Jiang Yun came.

In a restaurant, Jiang Yun saw Wen Ren Tianyi who was waiting here.

Jiang Yun didn't introduce the two of them, and asked straight to the point: "Is there a way to enter the world?"

Wen Rentian shook his head and said, "No!"

Although this answer was within Jiang Yun's expectations, he still said unwillingly, "What if the people who came out of the world were taken away?"

Wen Ren Tianyi shook his head again and said, "No way!"

Liu Yingfan on the side couldn't help but say: "I can enter the world, but I don't know what you are going to do."

Jiang Yun turned to look at Liu Yingfan and said, "Aren't you afraid of being known by Tianzun when you enter the world?"

"What's there to be afraid of?" Liu Yingfan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have a very good personal relationship with a soul concubine of Ren Zun, and we often see each other when we are free."

"This matter, Tianzun and Renzun know."

"Furthermore, when my clone came out this time, I said hello to Tianzun and said that it was for relaxation, so it was reasonable and reasonable to come and see each other."

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, his original intention was to use Liu Yingfan to enter the world.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yingfan even had a personal relationship with Renzun's Soul Concubine.

Jiang Yundao: "Then I will hide on your body and enter the world..."

Before Jiang Yunjiang could finish speaking, Liu Yingfan had already interrupted, "That's impossible!"

"Although I may not meet Ren Zun, if I do, if he notices your existence, then I will be finished."

Jiang Yun said lightly: "Don't worry, he will never find out, and I won't be idle and bored and risk my life."

"Besides, even if Ren Zun finds out, he won't do anything to me. Don't forget, Ren Zun is looking for my whereabouts everywhere!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Yingfan finally nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll take you into the world!"

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