The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6924: Combatable origin, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Yes, the old man in charge!"

Tuxing Daoling hurriedly said loudly: "It is the Qianjiangshui, Qianjiangyue technique of the old man who wrote the old man, I said why I feel familiar!"

"But how could he do this?"

The flame said loudly: "That means he has something to do with the old man who wrote the pen. Maybe he is the disciple of the old man who wrote the pen, and he is the next one!"

"That's right, right!" The Taoist Taoist slapped his head abruptly and said, "No wonder he has the Five Elements Dao Power with a detached aura, and the Five Elements Clear Sky Mirror."

"It must be someone from the Five Elements Dao world who recognized his identity and gave it to him in order to befriend him."

A mechanical voice came from the metal: "Then what are you waiting for, stop attacking quickly!"

When the river above Jiang Yun's head split into eight pieces, he suddenly saw that all the five elements of beings surrounding him a hundred feet away collapsed silently and disappeared instantly.

And then, in front of Jiang Yun, five more human figures of normal size appeared.

Four men and one woman!

The breath exuding from the five people did not need to be introduced at all, and already showed their identities.

Five Elements Dao Ling!

Seeing that the Five Elements Dao Ling not only suddenly removed the Five Elements beings, but also all turned into human figures and appeared in front of him together, Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what they were going to do.

"Fellow Daoist!" Among the five, an old man in green clothes with a beard on his chin almost dragged to the ground was the first to speak.

In addition, the old man clasped his fists in both hands and gave Jiang Yun a deep sigh: "Old man Mu Xing Dao Ling, we didn't know the identity of Daoist friends just now, and we have offended many people. We hereby apologize to Daoist friends."

Behind Mu Xing Dao Ling, the other four Dao Ling followed suit, clasping their fists and bowing to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun frowned, Wu Xing Dao Ling's sudden change of attitude did not make Jiang Yun relax, but made him more vigilant.

Although Jiang Yun knew the power of the Thousand Rivers Water and the Thousand Rivers Moon Technique was indeed powerful, he did not think it was strong enough to make the Five Elements Dao Spirit take the initiative to give up resistance.

From what the earthlings said and did, Jiang Yun could not see that they were not only powerful, but also not good people.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's hands are still quickly forming a seal, and the river above his head is still continuing to split.

"Friend Daoist Daoist!" Mu Xing Dao Ling hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Please also collect the magical powers quickly."

"Even if you give us a few more courage, we will not dare to fight against fellow Daoists!"

After Mu Xing Dao Ling's words, Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he finally said, "Do you know this magical power?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's opening, Mu Xing Dao Ling was even more full of smiles, and nodded again and again: "Who does not know the old man's Qianjiangshui, Qianjiangyue's technique, and thousands of Taoist realms!"

"If fellow Daoists had revealed their identities earlier, then we wouldn't have had this misunderstanding."

Writing the old man!

This was a name Jiang Yun had never heard before, but the technique of Qianjiangshui Qianjiangyue was taught to him by the spirit of luck.

Jiang Yun believes that no one else can do this kind of forbidden technique.

Especially since Mu Xing Dao Ling clearly stated the name of this magical power, it is impossible to admit his mistake.

Then, the spirit of luck, in fact, the real identity is the old man who wrote the book!

Although Jiang Yun still doesn't know how sacred this old man is, it is not difficult to hear his respect and awe for this person from the words of Mu Xing Dao Ling.

Well, they obviously thought that they had something to do with the old man in charge, so their attitudes changed dramatically.

Although Jiang Yun analyzed the ins and outs and stopped his hands, the sixteen rivers above his head still did not dissipate.

For the Five Elements Dao Ling, Jiang Yun no longer has any goodwill and trust.

They made it clear that they are bullying the weak, bullying the weak and fearing the tough.

What's more, Jiang Yun knew very well that the relationship between himself and the old man in charge of writing was not as deep as the Five Elements Dao Ling thought.

The other party taught himself the technique of Qianjiangshui and Qianjiangyue as a reward for giving him the river of time.

Even if you are in danger in front of the other party, the other party may not reach out to save you.

If the Five Elements Dao Ling knew this fact, I'm afraid they would turn their backs on it immediately.

Therefore, Jiang Yun looked at the five people calmly and said: "If I hadn't performed this technique, I'm afraid I would have died in your hands now. Do you call this a misunderstanding?"

The Five Elements Dao Ling glanced at each other, and the Wood Xing Dao Ling clasped his fists again and said, "Fellow Daoist, it is indeed our fault."

"In order to express our apology, we can send you and your friends safely out of the Five Elements Barrier."

"And, in the future, you can enter and exit the Five Elements Barrier at any time."

Speaking of which, Mu Xing Dao Ling suddenly rubbed his hands, and his face showed a look of hesitating to speak. He clearly wanted to say something, but he did not dare to speak.

After a while, he seemed to muster up his courage and said, "If, if fellow Daoist can help us with a few words in front of the old man in charge, then I am willing to help fellow Daoist!"

Jiang Yun didn't make any requests at all, he just asked a question. I didn't expect Mu Xing Dao Ling to say so much.

Especially the last one, as long as they talk about themselves, they are willing to give themselves a helping hand!

It can be seen from this that the status of the writing old man is really very high in their minds.

However, Jiang Yun didn't miss their help.

They can't leave the Five Elements Barrier themselves, and how can they help themselves.

Moreover, they are so in awe of the old man who wrote the pen, it is also possible that they have offended each other.

If you speak good words for them yourself, you might even let the old man in charge of writing take his anger out on you!

Jiang Yun said lightly: "Your help will be exempted. As long as you are willing to send us safely out of the Five Elements Barrier, I will be grateful!"

Hearing that Jiang Yun had rejected the help given by him and others, the faces of the five couldn't help but turn dark.

Obviously, what they care about is Jiang Yun's unwillingness to help them speak nicely in front of the old man in charge!

At this time, the only woman among the five, Dao Ling of Water, smiled at Jiang Yunyan and said, "Fellow Daoist, I know you have opinions on us."

"But we also know that you seem to be facing some difficulties now."

"For example, why did Dao Zun suddenly come here and take away your soul clone?"

"Also, why did your soul avatar let us trap you, and why didn't you mention that you are in the Five Elements Barrier?"

"And the assistance we provide to fellow Daoists should be able to help fellow Daoists to solve these problems."

"Even, we can directly send fellow Daoists to a place outside the law!"

It has to be said that the water-travelling Taoling is obviously more able to speak than the wooden-travelling Taoling.

What she said was equivalent to hitting Jiang Yun's heart.

Especially the last sentence makes Jiang Yun unable to refuse!

Although Jiang Yun didn't hear what Dao Zun said to the soul clone, he at least knew that Dao Zun said the words "extra-law".

But now, even if Jiang Yun has great ability, there is no way to enter the extrajudicial land.

But the Five Elements Dao Ling can do it!

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the Five Elements Dao Ling, and said after a moment of silence: "Then I don't know, besides being able to send me to a place outside the law, what kind of help can you give me!"

Shui Xing Dao Ling laughed, his eyes narrowed into a straight line.

Naturally, she knew very well that Jiang Yun was already tempted!

She didn't betray her, and pointed at Jiang Yundao: "The root of all the problems faced by fellow daoists is that the strength of fellow daoists is not strong enough."

"If fellow daoists did not conceal their strength, in our opinion, fellow daoists should have the supreme strength, but the realm has not been reached."

"And the Qianjiangshui and Qianjiangyue techniques, although powerful, cannot bridge the gap between realms."

"The five of us, together, can add another five-element Taoist realm to the realm of fellow Daoists!"

"With the strength of fellow Daoists, the Five Elements Dao Realm can fight the origin!"

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