The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6933: who ever, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun just took a step, and it was clearly visible. In all directions, in the originally empty darkness, countless golden runes suddenly appeared. They were continuous and arranged in an orderly manner. It really formed a network of runes.

Each of these runes has a different shape.

But without exception, the runes exude the breath of the Great Dao.

Jiang Yun looked at these runes carefully and found that although more than 99% of them had never seen them, there were also a small number of runes that he had seen.

For example, one of the runes is clearly the same as the rune possessed by Zhenren Xiaoyu, with the power of the wind.

There is also a rune, which is the same as the rune of the four foreign monks that Jiang Yun subdued in the array.

Jiang Yun said to himself: "These runes should be formed by the avenues practiced by all the forces that joined the Hongmeng."

"In this way, the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance is equivalent to condensing the power of the avenues of all forces into runes and weaving them into the web of the avenues!"

The appearance of the Dao Network also doubled the pressure covering Jiang Yun, causing his legs to bend slightly.

The power in Jiang Yun's body was running wildly, causing him to slowly straighten his legs again. He looked up at the web of the avenues that was slightly lifted by himself, and continued to move towards the top, taking another step.


The Rune Net vibrated slightly, and the pressure released was doubled again.

Moreover, it was not doubled, but doubled, causing Jiang Yun's entire body to bend down involuntarily.

Jiang Yun lowered his head, the expression on his face was a little grim, and his eyes showed a look of unwillingness.

Now that he is infinitely close to the strength of a powerhouse in the source realm, under the coverage of this avenue network, he can only take two steps!

This web of avenues should also have the function of a formation, and the power of all the runes that make up the web is strengthened.

If Jiang Yun can understand the formation contained in the Dao Network, then he may be a lot easier at this moment.

But unfortunately, he couldn't see any clues related to the formation at all.

Therefore, under the shroud of this great avenue network, Jiang Yun is also clearly aware that, let alone himself, even if it is Tianzun, it is impossible to go out.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and rested for a while. Against the strong pressure on his body, he moved upwards with difficulty at an extremely slow speed, and took another step!


Jiang Yun's feet just landed in the darkness when a loud bang came from his ears.

The coercion that doubled again did not give him a chance to breathe at all, and fell heavily on him, causing him to collapse almost directly.

At the same time, in the pavilion in the immortal world, the leader of the Hongmeng alliance suddenly turned his head, looked in a certain direction, and said to himself: "Someone is breaking through the web of the avenue?"

"The Five Elements Dao Ling, as expected, secretly released water, allowing people to pass through the Five Elements Barrier."

"If expected, this person should be Jiang Yun."

"It's a pity I didn't know it sooner, otherwise I should let Zhi Ge take a look."

"This Jiang Yun's strength has been improved again. He can shake 30% of the power of the network of the avenue. Has he stepped into the source realm?"

"The speed of this practice makes me a little envious."

"However, even in the source realm, it is impossible to get out of the web of the Great Dao."

"I've already let people go through it once, how could it be possible for people to go through it a second time!"

After saying this, the body of the leader of the Hongmeng suddenly shook, and the expression on his face instantly became solemn.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up even more, looked into the distance, frowned tightly and said, "How could I say... the second time?"

"Before, did someone break through the network of the avenues?"

"However, why can't I remember, who has ever broken through the web of avenues?"

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and endless stars suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Each of these star points is moving rapidly, and the moving trajectories are also different, bringing out one after another light, which is dazzling.

If there are other people staring at the man's eyes at this moment, just seeing the trajectory brought out by these stars may directly lose his mind, go crazy or die.

After a while, all the stars in the man's eyes disappeared, and his complexion turned a little older, and there was an extra touch of white on his temples.

The man also closed his eyes, and said after being silent for a while: "It is too exhausting to perform the technique of great evolution in Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"Although I still can't figure out who was the first time to break through the Dao Network, the answer is actually hidden in the whirlpool of this extrajudicial land."

"In this way, in the vortex, there should not only be ancient memories, but also other secrets."

"A secret that even I can hide!"

"Although I chose Zhi Ge to go to the whirlpool this time, Zhi Ge also successfully deceived Dao Zun, but it is difficult for him to complete the task alone."

"It's just that Venerable Dao will definitely not agree, and I will send someone to enter the extrajudicial land."

"How is this good?"

The man stopped talking and fell into contemplation,


Jiang Yun took a deep breath, exhausted all the strength of his body, and could only barely lift his head slightly, looking at the place where the breaths converged above.

Although it seems that the place is not too far away from him, it seems that he only needs to take three or five steps to reach it.

But Jiang Yun knew that he couldn't even take a half step.

In addition to being unable to resist this coercion, it was also because the half-white and half-black pattern in the body began to shake slightly.

The yin and yang realm imitated by the origin of the five elements is about to disappear.

Jiang Yun could only helplessly withdrew his gaze, and turned to fall downward.

Strange to say, although it is difficult to walk up, but there is no obstacle to go down.

Jiang Yun has returned to the starting point in an instant, and the coercion shrouded in him has also returned to its original level.

Jiang Yun raised his head again, the golden rune net has shown, only darkness and where the breath gathers.

Immediately afterwards, a strong wood power enveloped Jiang Yun, not only bringing him back to the Five Elements Barrier, but also instilling vitality into him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun has also recovered to his original realm, the peak of the human realm.

With the help of Mu Xing Dao Ling's wood power, which is even purer than the immortal tree, Jiang Yun said, "I'm fine."

Wooden Xing Dao Ling withdrew his power and said with a smile, "How do you feel, fellow Daoist?"

"Very strong!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "That is indeed a net. Every step you take, the pressure released by the net will double."

"According to my speculation, I am afraid that only the peak of the source realm can break through."

"No!" Wooden Xing Dao Ling shook his head and said, "If it is only by pure power, it is indeed possible only at the peak of the source realm."

"But as far as I know, there should be a trick."

"A tricky method?" Jiang Yun asked inexplicably: "Is it using the formation method to pass by breaking the formation?"

In the state of Jiang Yun just now, although his own power has been sublimated into two attributes of yin and yang, it does not mean that other powers are completely gone.

Other powers still exist, and there is no need to deliberately convert them.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's power of assimilation, power of virtual reality, power of protection, and other powers can't resist the coercion of the avenue network.

Then, it can only be used to break through the net of the avenues with the help of the formation technique.

However, when Jiang Yun asked this question, Mu Xing Dao Ling was stunned again, and his brows were wrinkled, exactly the same as when Jiang Yun asked him how to know the place outside the law!

Naturally, the same is true for the other four spirits!

Mu Xing Dao Ling reached out and tapped his head gently, making a "bangbang" sound, and muttered: "It's not a formation, it's not a formation."

"Strange, I clearly remember that there is a trick!"

"Why can't I remember?"

Looking at the strange reaction of the Five Elements Dao Ling, Jiang Yun's mind flashed a flash of light, and suddenly thought that he seemed to have seen a similar situation before!

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