The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6936: Seal old seal, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the huge cemetery, only Jiang Yun was standing here alone.

Jiang Yun finally knew where the other monks who entered the vortex were going.

They all entered the grave!

Real Man Xiaoyu and Di Zun, Ren Zun, three people, entered three tombs respectively.

Jiang Yun's eyes swept across the cemetery again, and finally stopped on the tombstone where Xiaoyu Zhenren stood before disappearing.

"This is my way..."

Jiang Yun repeated the words that Xiaoyu Zhenren said before disappearing, and also walked to the front of the tomb.

Divine consciousness covered the tomb, and Jiang Yun carefully inspected it.

Apart from not being able to see the inside of the tomb, Jiang Yun still didn't notice anything wrong.

In any way, this is just an ordinary tomb.

Then, Jiang Yun's eyes turned to the tomb that stood before the Earth Zun and the Human Zun disappeared.

The three tombs are all very ordinary, and there is nothing special about their arrangement, and there is no connection.

"The way of the real Xiaoyu is the way of the wind."

Jiang Yun frowned and said to himself: "That is to say, he should have felt the way of the wind in this tomb."

"Could it be that these tombs are really buried with the Great Dao?"

"But Earth Zun and Human Respect, they are not Taoist cultivators, so what did they feel in the tomb."

"Why, their faces show excitement and anticipation?"

"And I can't feel anything?"

Jiang Yun believed that with the experience of respecting the strength of the three of them, it was absolutely impossible to reach out and touch the graves at will before they figured out what these graves were.

At most, just like myself, check it with eyes and consciousness.

Even if the real Xiaoyu was a little careless, he reached out and touched the grave.

However, after he disappeared inexplicably, Earth Zun and Human Zun should not touch the tomb anymore.

Even, with the prudence of these two, they should stay away from all graves at once.

Jiang Yun thoughtfully said: "Is it possible that at that moment, they were actually lost in a state of mind."

"What they do is not under their control at all."

"No, it's not just them, most of the monks who enter here should be the same as them."

"When I saw these graves, I lost my mind and touched the graves and was sucked into the graves."

"I was not affected, could it be because of my ancient mark!"

Although the imprint of the ancients did not appear on its own, Jiang Yun knew that the imprint of the ancients played a role silently and protected him many times.

Since this cemetery was opened up by Master, no matter what mechanism Master has set up here, he who has the imprint of the ancients should not be affected.

After thinking about this clearly, Jiang Yun then began to think about what was buried in these tombs!

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun finally thought of a possibility.

"An old rule!"

Jiang Yun said word by word: "In these tombs, buried should be ancient rules, or dead ancient rules, the source of rules!"

Since Dao can die, then the rules will naturally fall.

The rules and the avenues, in Jiang Yun's view, the essence of the two is actually the same.

There are thousands of avenues and countless rules.

For each type of avenue, there are corresponding rules.

Even, according to Jiang Yun's understanding, the Dao can be regarded as the evolution of the rules and the origin of the rules.

"It should be. Master can control all kinds of ancient rules, and he also uses the source of ancient rules to always neutralize the negative aura emanating from the Taoist Three Corpse."

"Then, it is reasonable and reasonable for Master to open up such a cemetery that belongs to the rules, echoing the realm of ancient rules, and continuing to suppress the Taoist Three Corpse and prevent him from getting out of trouble."

"At the same time, because Master still retains some remnants of his memories as the Master of All Souls, even after reincarnation, in the Dao Domain, he imitated this cemetery and opened up Dao Ruins!"

"After all, the first person to create Taoism is also Master!"

"Shenzhen Xiaoyu, Di Zun, Ren Zun, and other monks who entered here, they were in different tombs, and they noticed the same rules as their cultivation way, so they were affected by their minds and touched the tombs. And thus be sucked into the grave."

So far, Jiang Yun finally sorted out his general thoughts, and also speculated what kind of place the cemetery in the whirlpool was.

Jiang Yun's gaze swept over the graves that could not be seen at all, and he simply stepped forward and shuttled through the cemetery, trying to find some clues.

As he walked, Jiang Yun frowned and said: "It's just, I don't know what will be inside each of these tombs."

"Is there another universe, a world, a space, or is it like a prison, imprisoning those who enter?"

"Or, are all tombs really just a portal to other spaces?"

"When you enter the tomb, will you enter another larger space?"

After Jiang Yun turned around, he stopped before returning to the tomb where Zhenren Xiaoyu was inhaled.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun finally stretched out his hand and touched the tomb where Zhenren Xiaoyu was inhaled.

Although Jiang Yun couldn't be sure what was inside the tomb, since he couldn't see anything from the outside, he had to enter it as well.

Jiang Yun's fingers gently touched the grave in front of him.


However, the tomb did not react in the slightest, but the imprint of the ancients in Jiang Yun's eyebrows emerged on its own!

The imprint of the ancients exudes four-color rays of light, covering Jiang Yun's body, making Jiang Yun feel a sense of security.

Jiang Yun waited quietly for a while, without any abnormality, he slowly retracted his fingers from the tomb.

And the imprint of the ancients disappeared immediately.

Turning his head again and looking at the countless tombs around him, Jiang Yun knew that his previous speculation was almost completely correct.

It is precisely because of the protection of the imprint of the ancients that in this cemetery, he will not be affected in the slightest, and will not have the feelings of Zhenren Xiaoyu and the others.

In other words, the cemetery that I saw should not be the same as what other people saw.

And in the tomb, there must be a great danger, so that the imprint of the ancients manifests itself, protects itself, and prevents itself from entering the tomb.

This cemetery containing unknown dangers opened up by the former master of all spirits.

However, the ancient imprint given to him by the reincarnated master prevented him from stepping into this cemetery.

Such contradictory things, placed in front of Jiang Yun, made it a little difficult for him to choose.

After a while, a smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Yun's face, and he said softly, "Master, you are you, the teacher of all spirits is the teacher of all spirits!"

"I know, you don't want me to take a risk, but I have to take this risk!"

"Feng, the imprint of the ancients!"

All the power in Jiang Yun's body suddenly condensed into a seal, which sealed the ancient seal given to him by the master!

In order to enter the tomb and find out what secrets are in the tomb, and even the entire cemetery, Jiang Yun's only way is to seal the imprint of the ancients and prevent it from actively protecting himself.

Although the imprint of the ancients is powerful, it only targets all powers related to the ancients, and the ancients cannot be hurt.

Jiang Yun's strength has already surpassed the original ancient age, so it is not difficult to seal the imprint of the ancients.

With the disappearance of the imprint of the ancients, Jiang Yun waited quietly for a while, and the cemetery that was dead in front of him suddenly seemed to be alive!

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