The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6946: be prepared, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

What Jiang Yun saw was not just an ordinary member of Ten Tiangan, but also a Tiangan with a black light on his face!

Because the ten heavenly stems are all dressed in exactly the same way, it is impossible to distinguish their specific identities from the appearance alone.

But Jiang Yun knew that when Ding Yi had already perished with Tianzun, if he sent someone after ten days, his strength must be higher than Ding Yi.

And as the leader of the ten days of dryness, it is unlikely that Jiayi will come in person, so the one that he sees is either the second one or the third one!

In Jiang Yun's view, Ding Yi's strength is at least the primary level of the source realm, and either B Yi or C Yi is only strong but not weak.

In short, even if you imitate the Yin-Yang Dao Realm with the help of the Five Elements, you cannot be the opponent's opponent.

At this moment, this heavenly stem is sitting on the edge of this world, with darkness ahead.

It is equal to him and Jiang Yun, who are at the two poles of this world.

Therefore, he did not perceive Jiang Yun's consciousness, nor did he know the previous fight between Jiang Yun and the tree demon.

He was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, three runes floating between his eyebrows.

But he is still absorbing the power of the rules here.

The rules here are the rules of fire, one of the five elements!

And there are two other ten-days who are not far from him, protecting the law for him.

In addition, Jiang Yun also saw more than ten corpses scattered all over the world.

Most of the corpses are dead, and there is a big **** hole between the eyebrows.

This also proves that what the tree demon said is true.

They are all runes that have been taken away from perception.

Jiang Yun finally understood why the tree demon had run so far just now to wait for the rabbit.

The tree demon is obviously a member of Hongmeng.

Although Shi Tiangan and Hongmeng secretly cooperated with Dao Zun, how could Shi Tiangan care about this cooperation without the slightest foundation of trust.

Moreover, the secret cooperation between Hongmeng members and Dao Zun is also tantamount to violating the purpose of Hongmeng.

Jiang Yun also knew that there were only three people from Hongmeng who really came to the whirlpool this time.

Therefore, even if the tree demon just met someone from the real Hongmeng, he did not dare to seek shelter.

It's just that Jiang Yun has two questions that he can't understand. Since that goddess already has three runes, why should he absorb the rules of perception here?

Furthermore, it stands to reason that the time for ten Tiangan to enter here should not be short. With the strength of this Tiangan, shouldn't he have entered the deeper world long ago, why is he still here?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's consciousness entered his Tao world again, looked at the dying tree demon and said, "Answer me a few questions, I can let you live for a while longer, or I will kill you now."

The tree demon already knew that he was powerless to resist, so he could only resign his fate and nodded: "You ask!"

"In this world, who is that Tiangan?"

"Bingyi!" The tree demon gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, if it wasn't for him here, I wouldn't have to hide here and wait for the rabbits."

Bingyi, this is in line with Jiang Yun's speculation.

Jiang Yun then asked: "I think that Bingyi already has three runes, why is he still comprehending the rules here?"

The tree demon raised its head and said with a cold smile: "This is just the second world, and you need a rune to leave."

"No one knows the next world, the next world, and how many runes are needed to continue."

"So, of course, they have to prepare as many runes as possible here, so that they are prepared!"

Jiang Yun suddenly realized!

Indeed, the first world can leave only by absorbing the power of rules,

In the second world, it became necessary to have regular runes, which obviously increased the difficulty.

Then, the third world, it is really possible to need two runes, or more runes.

It was precisely because he thought of this possibility that Bingyi was not in a hurry to continue to go to other worlds, but always stayed in this second world, also waiting for other monks who entered here from the first world, so as to **** their rune.

It was not until no other monks appeared that he realized the runes here.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun then asked, "Which rule world did you come from before?"

The tree demon gritted his teeth and said, "Naturally it is the rules of wood."

Jiang Yunxin said, that is to say, this world is not only connected to the realm of blood rules, but is connected to multiple realms of rules.

Jiang Yun continued: "Then have you, or other monks, tried, with a monk with runes and a monk without runes, can you successfully pass through the darkness and go to the next world?"

Jiang Yun's question made the tree monster laugh and said, "You are referring to my current situation, right?"

"Do you think that if I hadn't been injured by you and had no strength to fight back, would I willingly enter your magic weapon?"

From the tree demon's point of view, the place he was in was a magic weapon, and he never thought that this would be Jiang Yun's Dao world.

However, what he said is true!

If a cultivator enters into the spatial instruments of other cultivators, then it is equivalent to handing his life into the hands of the other cultivator.

In case the opponent destroys the magic weapon directly, the cultivator inside it, no matter how strong it is, will be destroyed along with the magic weapon.

Therefore, even if they are as close as father and son to master and apprentice, they cannot trust each other and dare not do so.

As for touching the other party's body and taking the other party through the darkness, I believe that these non-territorial monks have not done it either, so Jiang Yun doesn't need to ask any more.

Jiang Yun looked at the tree demon and said, "You are among the cultivators outside the realm, so you should have some status, right?"

The tree demon was slightly startled and said, "How did you know?"

"who are you?"

Jiang Yun felt the power of prohibition in the tree demon's soul.

And this kind of prohibition should only be available to members of the Supreme Being of ten days, in order to prevent Jiang Yun from being controlled by Daoyin.

Hongmeng will not leave such a powerful restriction in the souls of its members.

The tree demon is not even the supreme, so the restriction in his soul can only be left by his elders.

Even Jiang Yun couldn't break this restriction, and the person who left the restriction should also be in the source realm.

There is a sect family with strong people in the source realm. It stands to reason that the disciples of the clansmen do not need to take risks, and secretly cooperate with Dao Zun.

Jiang Yun just asked casually, the tree demon didn't answer, he didn't care, just glanced at the tree demon and said, "Whether Rune can take you away, we will know soon."

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Yun ignored the tree demon, and withdrew his consciousness from the Taoist realm, leaving behind a dead tree demon with a gray face.

Jiang Yun said to Liu Ruxia, "Miss Liu, the situation is a bit grim now."

"Here, there is a strong person in the source realm, that is, much stronger than the supreme."

"I may not be his opponent, so the best way is to get out of here now and go to the next world."

"It's just that I can't be sure now whether you can take me away with you."

"Let's try it first. If you can, it's naturally the best. If you can't, then you go first."

Liu Ruxia had a pale complexion, but now she has completely lost her blood, and said nervously: "Senior, what should you do if you stay, isn't it inevitable that you will die?"

"Otherwise, senior, just take my rune."

"Anyway, with my strength, even if I can reach the next world, it's probably the end of my life there."

"Instead of letting my runes be taken away by others, it is better to be taken away by seniors."

"The strength of the predecessors should be able to continue on!"

What Liu Ruxia said was true.

If Jiang Yun hadn't followed, then her rune had been snatched by the tree demon, and it was impossible to go to the third world at all.

But how could Jiang Yun do such a thing, stealing the rune is equivalent to killing Liu Ruxia.

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "If I stay, I may not die."

"Although I'm not the opponent of the C-1, he still has two subordinates, and I can try to steal their runes."

"And if you go to the next world, you may not necessarily be killed by someone."

"It's been a long time for other monks to enter here. Maybe the next world will have no one, just an empty world."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's try it first, in case you can still take me to the next world!"

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