The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6974: Tiangan Jiayi, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Blood wolf!"

Seeing this red wolf, Jiang Yun couldn't help but let out a small exclamation.

Although Jiang Yun has met many people in Hongmeng, this blood wolf is definitely one of the strongest people standing at the top.

Because, the blood wolf is the prison that sits in the chaotic airspace all the year round.

In that prison, even a strong man like Haotian was imprisoned in it.

Not to mention, Shi Tiangan must also be curious about that prison, but there was only one Ding Yi wandering around the teleportation array, and he didn't dare to go to the prison to make trouble.

It is conceivable how powerful the blood wolf sitting there is!

This time, Jiang Yun really did not expect that even he would come.

"He's not called a blood wolf, but a red wolf!" Liu Ruxia's voice sounded: "Although he is only a clone, since he is here, it seems that the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance is bound to win here!"

Hearing Liu Ruxia's words, Jiang Yun frowned.

He didn't care that the other party knew the true identity of the red wolf, but suddenly remembered that he and the red wolf met and met in that prison.

Even, he didn't even have a quarter of an hour to stay with the red wolf.

At that time, only Haotian should have known about his arrival, knowing that he had chatted with Red Wolf, and even Jiang Shan didn't know about it.

Although it is possible that the Red Wolf will tell the story later, there are definitely not many people who are qualified to be told this by him.

Then, how could Liu Ruxia know?

Is she also from Hongmeng?

Just when Jiang Yun was puzzled, other people in the darkness naturally saw the red wolf.

Zhi Ge's reaction was the strongest. Not only did he stand up from the ground under great pressure, but also that face that had no other expression except for anger, even showed a smile and said loudly at the red wolf. : "Senior, I am here!"


The words Zhi Ge shouted out shocked the other monks who didn't know the red wolf!

The seniority and title among monks are actually quite confusing.

Generally speaking, as long as they are of the same realm, they are basically peers.

The senior in the mouth of the source realm powerhouse, what degree of existence should be.

Even Jiang Yun was taken aback.

He knew that the status and strength of the Red Wolf must be very high, but he didn't expect it to be so high that Zhi Ge could be called a senior.

Bingyi and Soul Clone, although these two can't see the expressions on their faces, but their bodies are suddenly slightly tense, it is not difficult to see the tension in their hearts.

Hearing Zhige's greeting, the red wolf did not rush over, but turned his huge head and glanced around.

When he saw Jiang Yun, he nodded at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's mood was a little complicated, but he responded under pressure.

Then, the red wolf took a slow step and walked towards Zhige.

Although the coercion released by Gu Ling and Gu Xiu still exists at this moment, the red wolf seems to be unable to sense it.

Only those unintelligible regular undead wanted to rush towards each other, but they should have been suppressed by the three Gu Ling.

At this time, Liu Ruxia said again: "The red wolf is extremely low-key, or in other words, the monks in their Taoist world are very low-key."

"I have inquired about the identity of the red wolf. It is said that he and the detached powerhouse in their Taoist world, one person and one demon, have known each other since they were young, and then grew up together."

"Even the leader of the Hongmeng is very polite to see the red wolf."

Jiang Yun suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the Red Wolf's strength and status are so high.

However, Jiang Yun's heart was also worried.

Now that the red wolves are here, even if he uses all his cards, he cannot be his opponent.

At that time, how can I compete with him for the memory of the Master of All Spirits.

Don't talk about yourself, ten days, including the Master of All Souls himself, it is almost impossible to fight with the red wolf.

At this moment, the red wolf has walked to Zhi Ge's side.

And Zhi Ge's lips were wriggling, apparently using sound transmission to tell the other party everything that happened here.

The red wolf always listened quietly, until after Zhige finished speaking, he looked up at the triangular shape above, surrounded everyone, and released the coercive Gu Xiu and Gu Ling.

Just when most people thought that the red wolf should ignore these three and directly enter the next world, the red wolf slowly fell down and even closed his eyes!

Obviously, this means that he agrees with the practices of Gu Lingxiu and the others, and is willing to wait for their agreement here.

This time, everyone was quiet, and even their hearts felt a lot more comfortable.

Even a strong man like Red Wolf is obediently abiding by the rules here, and there is nothing to complain about himself and others.

It's just that they don't know how long this wait will last!

As time passed, another day passed, and a smiling voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "I said why is there no one everywhere!"

"It turns out that you are all gathered here!"

The sound is Lang Lang, clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

Everyone hurriedly followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man with a big belly and extremely wealthy step into the darkness.

Seeing this man, the faces of everyone present were blank.

Because no one knows this person.

Only when Jiang Yun saw the man, he recognized it at a glance.

The other party was the cultivator who competed with him for the rune of the rules of the cloud and instigated others to deal with him in the third world.

At that time, Jiang Yun still wanted to kill the other party, but the other party had runes hidden on his body and slipped away first.

Unexpectedly, the other party has entered this darkness now.

It's just that, looking at the calm demeanor of the other party, compared to before, it's simply a different person.

However, the strength of the other party is only supreme, so Jiang Yun didn't care about it, and he didn't see it. The red wolf, who had always closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the man. There was an extra touch of vigilance. meaning.

Fortunately, Liu Ruxia's solemn voice sounded: "Be careful of this person."

"If it's not bad, this person should be the boss of ten days, Jiayi!"

Jiang Yun's pupils condensed suddenly, his eyes hurriedly moved to Cingyi's body, and he found that he was also full of blankness.

Jiang Yun asked in a low voice, "Did you make a mistake?"

"At that time in the world of clouds, he and I comprehended the rules and runes together, and you have seen them."

"At that time, you didn't say he was Jiayi!"

"Besides, even Bingyi obviously doesn't know each other. How do you know that he will be Ayi?"

Liu Ruxia replied, "That was then, and now is now."

"Don't worry, I won't be mistaken."

"People who work in ten days are used to being ghosts, and they don't know each other at all."

"And Jiayi's identity is even more noble, how can he casually reveal his true colors."

"He must have changed his face. In this case, it is more convenient for him to be mixed in the crowd."

"In short, except for the red wolf, this is the person you have to be careful of."

"If he really shoots at you, then throw as many hole cards as you have, and then run quickly, don't have any hesitation!"

Ever since Liu Ruxia stopped disguising, she has always been calm, even when she saw the red wolf, she didn't show any nervousness.

But at this moment, in the face of this powerhouse who may be Jiayi, even she has become so cautious, and even pointed out Jiang Yun.

It is not difficult to see that she is really afraid of this person.

After this wealthy man arrived, he glanced around, opened his mouth, and just wanted to speak, but at this moment, the red wolf suddenly stood up and rushed out into the depths of darkness without saying a word.

The red wolf's rush made everyone a little puzzled at first, but immediately everyone discovered that the coercion covering him had disappeared.

Even Gu Ling, Gu Xiu and the other three were also missing.

Everyone suddenly understands that this means that this space has no restrictions on everyone!

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