The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6981: The world is armor, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Ji Kongfan's reminder made Jiang Yun's heart move, and he hurriedly turned his eyes to the world behind him.

It is true that what Ji Kongfan said is very reasonable!

In this world, there are no rules, it is purely a dead world.

According to the rules in this vortex space, this world should have completely self-destructed and destroyed when the power of rules disappeared.

But precisely because Jiang Yun incorporated it into his own Dao Realm, it could not be affected by the rules of this space, and it still existed without self-destruction.

Then, if you condense it infinitely, it's like making a battle armor, wrapping it outside your body, and letting it absorb those rune fragments, it can indeed last for a while.

Now, the question is whether I can cross this million-mile sea of ​​runes and step into the black hole that represents the tenth floor before this world is completely destroyed!

Then there is whether he can completely separate this world from this space.

The worlds in the vortex space seem to be independent tombs, but there must be some kind of connection between them.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun can directly bring this world into the Dao world and take it away.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was in deep thought, Ji Kongfan did not speak any more.

He just gave suggestions, but he didn't know how strong Jiang Yun was now, and whether he was sure to go deep into the sea of ​​runes, so in the end he still needed Jiang Yun to make his own decision.

Bingyi and the soul clone, their eyes almost always stayed on Jiang Yun's body, and their lips were squirming, obviously they were discussing something through sound transmission.

Zhige has no one to talk to, but he has to beware of Jiang Yun and Bingyi, so his attention will be scattered from time to time to pay attention to them.

Naturally, in addition to guarding against each other and wanting to kill each other, the three groups also need to consider how they can cross this sea of ​​runes and enter that black hole.

When a quarter of an hour passed, Jiang Yun finally recovered from his contemplation and said to Ji Kongfan, "Senior Ji, you and I should enter this world first!"

Ji Kongfan hesitated for a moment and said, "No."

"If you think my method is feasible, then you can go to the tenth floor by yourself, and I will think of other methods!"

Using the world as a shield to protect one person and two people may seem like no difference, but in fact, there are some differences.

In the sea of ​​runes, a little carelessness, or the world's persistence for a short time, is likely to be the result of death.

Therefore, Ji Kongfan didn't want Jiang Yun to divide half of the world's protective power to himself.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "If you don't come with me, then we'll think of another way."

Although Jiang Yun had immense trust in Ji Kongfan, and knew that he was resourceful and had many methods, he did not think that with his pseudo-respect's strength, he would be able to cross this sea of ​​runes with his own strength.

Staying here is even more uncertain.

Therefore, he must use this world with Ji Kongfan to enter the tenth floor!

"Okay!" Ji Kongfan, who was familiar with Jiang Yun's character, naturally understood that Jiang Yun's insistence could not be changed, smiled and nodded simply.

The two stepped into the world.

But C, Yi and three people, who were watching them, did not follow.

After all, they didn't know what the **** Jiang Yun was doing.

Standing in the world, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves, brought Liu Ruxia and the tree demon out of the Taoist world, looked at the two and said, "I have decided to use this world as a battle armor and try to go Come and see this sea of ​​runes."

"It's just that I'm not sure if I'll be successful in the end."

"And once you fail, the consequences are certain to die, so the two of you can decide for yourself."

"If you are willing to take risks with me, then you will continue to stay in my Dao world."

"If you don't want to, then we will part ways here."

"I still have more than 100 runes here, and I can give them to you!"

Regarding the appearance of Liu Ruxia and the tree demon, Ji Kongfan just raised his eyebrows without showing too much surprise, and didn't even ask who the two were.

There are so many secrets on Jiang Yun's body, and he has long been taken for granted.

After the tree demon and Liu Ruxia looked at each other, Liu Ruxia said without thinking, "Of course I'll be with you."

After hesitating for a while, the tree demon said with a wry smile: "I'm actually a little scared, but if the seniors leave me here alone, the probability of my death should be the same as entering the sea of ​​runes."

"So, I am also willing to continue to follow the seniors."

"Okay!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Since I agreed, then life and death will be settled."

"Now, wait a moment, I will try to shrink the world first."

The area of ​​the world is too large, and Jiang Yun cannot directly drive the whole world into the sea of ​​runes. Only by reducing it to the size of clothes can it be convenient to travel in the sea of ​​runes.

After speaking, Jiang Yun sat down cross-legged and began to shrink the world.

As Jiang Yun's identity as the world's master, it is reasonable to say that it is extremely simple to want to shrink the world.

But when he really started to try, he found that he couldn't do it at all.

The reason is because there are some invisible connections between this world and other worlds in the entire vortex space.

Unless these connections can be broken, Jiang Yun can neither shrink the world nor take it away.

However, just when Jiang Yun was about to tell everyone about the situation and see if they could do anything, suddenly, the world began to shrink!

At first, Jiang Yun thought it was an illusion, and hurriedly tried again.

Sure enough, the world began to shrink rapidly according to its own requirements.

Jiang Yun paused and slowly opened his eyes. Instead of looking at the world, he looked at the three people around him.

"What's wrong?" Facing Jiang Yun's scrutinizing gaze, Ji Kongfan asked.

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Just now, did anyone secretly help me?"

"Shoot to help you?" Liu Ruxia said with a dazed expression: "No one shot."

"But I was bored just now, and I rubbed my foot into the ground to create a small pit. Does that count?"

Jiang Yun looked at Liu Ruxia's feet, and sure enough, there was a small round pit there.

And Liu Ruxia's toe cap was also stained with some dust.

Ji Kongfan also followed closely and said: "The three of us have not moved, nor have any aura fluctuations."

"What do you feel?"

"Is it possible that it is the three people outside?"

Jiang Yun didn't believe what others said, but he believed Ji Kongfan's words unconditionally.

Since Ji Kongfan said that no one really shot, it must be no one.

However, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little strange.

This world originally had a connection with the surrounding world, but suddenly, the connection was broken.

Moreover, the time to break is when you are going to use the world as a battle armor and shuttle into the sea of ​​runes?

"It's possible that because most of the other worlds have collapsed, their connection to each other has been greatly weakened,"

"And here I am continuously trying to urge this world to condense, and finally it is completely disconnected from other worlds."

Jiang Yun used this reason to convince himself, so he stopped thinking about it.

At this time, this world is completely owned by Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun can control it at will.

However, before the official start of shrinking the world, Jiang Yun was urging the five elements to combine together, and at the same time, he quickly fired 100,000 seals and sent them into the Bone-Crushing Vine Seed!

Looking at Jiang Yun's actions and feeling the rising breath of Jiang Yun's body, Ji Kongfan and the three knew very well that Jiang Yun was going to cross the sea of ​​runes with all his strength in the strongest state.

When Jiang Yun stepped into the yin and yang realm again and put the Bone-Bone Vine seeds on hand, Jiang Yun said to Liu Ruxia and the tree demon, "You two, see you on the tenth floor!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yun sent the two into the Taoist world.

The next moment, the world suddenly began to shrink rapidly.

In an instant, the world has shrunk to an area of ​​about a zhang, just enveloping Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan, like a large battle armor!

Jiang Yun nodded to Ji Kongfan and said, "Senior, let's go!"

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