The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6997: chess player, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the Immortal Realm, the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance was in that pavilion, looking at the chessboard in front of him, his brows furrowed.

However, on the chessboard, there are only nine pieces in total.

Among them, five white chess pieces, four black chess pieces.

Although the number of black pieces is smaller, four black pieces are surrounded by five white pieces.

And in his hand, there are still two chess pieces.

One black and one white.

It seems that he is thinking about where the two pieces are going to be placed.

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded in his ears: "Haha, I have heard for a long time that the Taoist friend has a clever plan, and he knows everything, but now facing a game of chess, how can you be a little undecided!"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance was not at all surprised by the sudden sound. He didn't even lift his head, his eyes still fixed on the chessboard, and he said lightly, "Do you know chess too?"

As his voice fell, a figure appeared out of thin air on the empty stone chair opposite him.

This man looks middle-aged, with a bronze complexion and a smile on his face, giving people a simple and honest feeling.

The middle-aged man smiled and waved his hand: "I am a rough person, and I can't compare with fellow Daoists. How can I have the leisure to think about such elegant things."

"Do not know do not know!"

The man just glanced at the chessboard, and sure enough, he stopped looking at it, and turned his eyes to the leader of the Hongmeng.

At a glance, he suddenly restrained the smile on his face, showing a look of surprise: "I haven't seen you for a few days, how come fellow Daoist is a little old, and the temples are already white."

"Fellow Daoist, listen to my advice. It's okay to play chess once in a while, but if you play it with your life, it won't be worth it."

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng suddenly stretched out his hand, not only did not drop the black stone in his hand, but took away a white stone on the chessboard.

The middle-aged man asked inexplicably, "Fellow Daoist, can you tell me what kind of chess you are playing?"

"Now that Bai Zi has the advantage, and Hei Zi has the disadvantage, why is Bai Zi losing a son now?"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance shook his head and said, "This son has been abandoned. Although it is still in the game, it has no effect. Instead, it will affect my judgment of the game, so I naturally have to take it away."

Listening to these words, the middle-aged man's face showed a thoughtful look, and then he looked at the palm of the Hongmeng Alliance Leader and said, "Then why don't you dare to drop the black and white two sons in your hands?"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance looked at the chess pieces in his hand and said solemnly: "These two chess pieces are not afraid to fall, but they cannot be dropped."

"Because, I don't have full confidence to judge whether they also entered the chess game."

"Since there is no certainty, if you blindly drop it, it may mess up the entire chess game!"

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said, "This is really new."

"As a chess player, you don't even know if a certain piece is in the chess game?"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance finally raised his head slowly, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said calmly, "I am not the only one in charge of chess."

"Fellow Daoist, he is also a chess player."

"This game of chess should be regarded as you and I playing chess together!"

"Hahaha!" The middle-aged man raised his head and laughed again and said, "Yes, yes, fellow Daoist, I almost forgot, I also participated in this game of chess."

"Since you and I are playing chess together, then the Taoist friend doesn't need to hesitate and frown."

"You and I join forces. In this world, apart from those who have disappeared, no one is our opponent at all."

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng shook his head and said, "It's good for fellow daoists to have confidence, but the reality is not necessarily what fellow daoists think."

"Now, we may even lose this game of chess."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man's face showed interest, and he pointed at the chessboard and said, "Put other things aside, I really don't believe that we will lose this game of chess."

"Like this, I'll study this game and see how to win."

"By the way, fellow Daoist, please give some pointers. Are we holding on to Heizi or Baizi?"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance did not laugh at the other party because he didn't even know what Heizi and Baizi were holding, but calmly turned his attention to the chessboard and said, "Baizi!"

Because the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance just took away a white stone, now, on the chessboard, the number of white stones and the number of black stones have been equal.

The middle-aged man grinned and said, "Even if it's four-on-four, we are sure to win!"

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng suddenly smiled and said, "Whether I can win or not, I've said it now, it's up to fellow Daoists."

"How do you say it?" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand towards the chessboard with great interest, and gestured to take a chess piece: "Fellow Daoist, do you want me to take the next step?"

"Yes!" The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance nodded and said: "There is only one son left by me."

"The other three are all held by fellow Daoists!"

"As long as fellow Daoists don't touch my dick, the other white **** can go as you please!"

The words of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance made the middle-aged man's outstretched palm freeze in the air.

After a while, he slowly raised his head, looked at the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, and said, "Fellow Daoist is joking, I don't have so many chess pieces."

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance pointed out his white hair on his temples and said, "I play chess with my life, if I don't even know how many pieces my fellow Taoist has, isn't my life too worthless."

Speaking of this, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng suddenly laughed at himself again, shook his head and said, "Bragging, bragging."

"My life is indeed worthless. In fact, I still can't be sure how many chess pieces my fellow Taoist has."

"So, this chess piece is still handed over to fellow Daoists, and it's up to fellow Daoists to decide whether to drop it or not."

As he spoke, the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance gently placed the white child in his hand in front of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn't even look at the white stone at all. The hand, which was fixed in the air, pointed to the four black stones on the chessboard and said, "Can you be sure about these four stones?"

The head of the Hongmeng Alliance nodded, raised the only sunspot in his hand and said, "Except for this one, all other sunspots can be identified."

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he continued: "Among these four black spots, there are two, should they count as one?"

The leader of the Hongmeng first nodded, then shook his head: "Yes, no!"

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "Okay, even if it is four sons, but fellow Daoist thinks that these four black sons really have the possibility to fight against our four white sons?"

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance stretched out his hand again, tapped the entire chessboard lightly, and said, "This is Heizi's chessboard, so it is still possible!"

The middle-aged man stared at the chessboard and fell into silence, but after just a moment, his expression suddenly changed slightly, he stretched out his hand, and took another white stone from the chessboard.

"This son, it's already obsolete!"

On the chessboard, there are three white stones and four black stones!

The middle-aged man said softly, "Fellow Daoist, as I said, I don't know how to play chess."

"So, you just say, what exactly are we going to do so that we can win this game?"

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng also fell into silence. When the middle-aged man was about to lose his patience, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "It seems that fellow Daoist really wants to win this game."

"However, I think fellow Daoists should put their eyes on a more long-term perspective, rather than just staring at the game of chess in front of you."

The leader of the Hongmeng alliance suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed the remaining three white stones on the chessboard with one palm.

When he raised his hand again, the three white sons were crushed into pieces by him.

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance then retracted his palm and said word by word: "My idea is to break the cauldron and sink the boat, sacrifice these three chess pieces, and lose this game."

"However, we can use this game of chess to lose in exchange for a bigger game of chess to win!"

"Of course, the prerequisite is that we have to ensure that the other party will not fall off the chessboard!"

"This point, I have no way, I don't know fellow Daoist, is there any way?"

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