The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7010: square inch rule, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The rules of this vortex space, if you want to continue to move forward, you must absorb enough power of the rules and perceive a certain number of rule runes.

In this regard, Jiang Yun has long suspected that these rule runes are deliberately done by the Master of All Spirits in order to control the monks who enter here.

At this moment, the Master of All Souls took the initiative to say that Jiang Yun was not surprised.

However, Jiang Yun himself is not worried.

Because of these rule runes, they should have no effect on themselves.

Otherwise, where would the Master of All Spirits do so many things, just control himself directly through the runes.

Jiang Yun's eyes turned to the red wolf.

I'm not worried, but Red Wolf is not necessarily.

Jiang Yun even doubted that the master of all spirits, which was formed by the treasure, was able to inflict heavy damage on Jiayi with the power of self-destruction. Is it because he secretly used the rule rune to control Jiayi.

If the red wolf is also controlled, the next situation will be really bad for him.

Fortunately, the red wolf sneered: "You think I don't know there is something wrong with those rule runes!"

"With my strength, at most, you are limiting part of my cultivation."

"It's impossible to use the runes to control me!"

"Also, even if my cultivation is limited, you may not be my opponent!"

"Then I'll give it a try!" The Master of Ten Thousand Spirits smiled coldly, and pointed at the red wolf and Jiang Yun at the same time.

"The rule of square inches!"

As the voice of the Master of All Spirits fell, the surface of the body of the red wolf and Jiang Yun suddenly appeared one after another of regular runes.

Each rune is shining with light, and all the rays of light are connected together, condensing into two runes of different shapes.

A perfect circle and a square.

After the square rune appeared, it rushed directly towards Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun can clearly feel that this square rune has released countless threads in his body, and all his various powers and parts, including the soul, are all connected together.

Jiang Yun thoughtfully said: "With various rules, the corresponding forces are bound, and each other is restrained, so that the cultivation base, even the soul, is controlled by it."

Thinking of this, the mark of the ancients appeared on Jiang Yun's eyebrows!

Immediately after the imprint of the ancients appeared, more powerful forces rushed towards Jiang Yun from all directions, apparently preventing the imprint of the ancients.

The Master of All Souls stared deeply at the imprint of the ancients in Jiang Yun's eyebrows, with greed and resentment on his face.

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth, endured the force coming towards him, watching the imprint of the ancients bloom slowly, without his own guidance at all, he has actively released the power of the four ancients.

The power of the Four Ancients is like turning into countless sharp knives, easily cutting off all the silk threads spread out from the square rune.

The square rune also dissipated immediately, as if it were a plant that had lost its nutrient supply.

Even the round runes that shrouded his body disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yun let out a sigh of relief, the mark of the ancients really could protect himself from the influence of the regular rune.

Jiang Yun hurriedly turned to look at the red wolf.

The square rule is also submerged in the body of the red wolf.

And the circular rune shrouded the whole person of the red wolf.

From a distance, it was like adding a shield to the red wolf.

However, the red wolf inside had a painful expression on his face.

And Jiang Yun could feel it even more, and the aura emanating from the red wolf began to gradually weaken.

Liu Ruxia's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "There are no rules, there is no square, the sky is round, the square is the rule!"

"This is a kind of magical power that the Master of All Souls used to use. Like a seal, it can seal everything about the living beings!"

"However, just like the Red Wolf, his strength is too strong. Even if he absorbs a lot of power of rules, he will only be blocked at most."

"It seems that the realm of the red wolf should have fallen to the middle level of the source realm!"

Hearing Liu Ruxia's explanation of this magical power, Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he thought of the Taoist Three Corpse.

Could it be that the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits used this rule to seal the Daoist Three Corpse.

Even the Three Corpse Daoist once said that in the Guantian Palace, almost all living beings have rune marks left by the Master of All Spirits in their bodies.

Is this rune imprint also the rule of square inches?

Jiang Yun asked in a low voice, "Besides the imprint of the ancients, is there any other way to crack it?"

Jiang Yun didn't think that by using the power of the Four Ancients, he would be able to decipher the regular runes in the red wolf's body.

If it was so simple, the Master of All Souls would not be able to display this magical power in front of him.

"I don't know." Liu Ruxia shook her head and said, "Back then, even Dao Zun was extremely jealous of his rules of square inch, so it should be difficult to crack."

Jiang Yun thought for a while, and then asked, "Then do you have a similar rule of thumb in your body?"

This time, Liu Ruxia did not answer.

At this moment, the red wolf let out a stern roar, and the long hairs on the body stood up and walked slowly towards the Master of All Spirits.

However, the Master of All Souls waved his sleeves and said, "Your opponent is not me!"

In front of the red wolf, there are two more figures!

It was the Di Zun Ren Zun who broke contact with Jiang Yun after stepping into the vortex space!

These two supreme beings who have been in charge of the real realm for countless years are exuding powerful aura fluctuations at this moment.

At least it is also the primary level of the source realm.

Obviously, they have been secretly taken away by the Master of All Souls, and they have also forcibly improved their strength.

However, in the eyes of these two people, it is clear and clear, and they have not lost their minds.

After the two appeared, they did not look at the oncoming red wolf, but looked at Jiang Yun.

Di Zun even said coldly: "Master, didn't you say that you want to hand Jiang Yun over to us!"

Hearing Earth Venerable's name for the Master of All Spirits, Jiang Yun couldn't help raising his eyebrows and sneered.

In fact, the title of Di Zun is not wrong.

Anyway, in the entire Dao Xing Tian and Earth, except for the Dao Zun, there is one who counts as one, and they are all disciples of the Master of All Spirits.

The Master of All Souls smiled slightly: "Although your strength has become stronger now, you are still not his opponent."

"When I catch him, I will naturally hand it over to you."

"Your mission now is to kill this wolf!"

"If you do it well, then the wolf's cultivation base, I can also give you two some, so that your strength can go to the next level!"

Hearing these words, Di Zun and Ren Zun turned their eyes to the red wolf, and their eyes lit up.

The next moment, the two of them swayed in unison and rushed out.

Ren Zun raised his fist directly and smashed at the red wolf.

Di Zun quickly formed several seals with both hands and broke into the earth around the red wolf.

The red wolf raised its claws and faced Ren Zun, but under the body, there were countless thorns rising from the ground and stabbing his body.

Jiang Yun can easily see that the Red Wolf is not only suppressed in realm, but he has been beaten till now, and his body is injured, and his strength is also consumed a lot.

Therefore, in the face of the Di Zun Ren Zun, who could not have been his opponent at first, now he can at most be able to draw a tie.

"Don't look at them, think about yourself first!"

The voice of the Master of All Spirits sounded.

Jiang Yun looked at the Master of All Souls walking towards him, and the source of the five elements in his body had been combined again.

Jiang Yun's doubts analyzed by Liu Ruxia and the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance were correct!

When Jiang Yun turned into an ancient demon, he didn't use his full strength at all, in order to lure out the Master of All Spirits.

After being knocked down by Jia, he immediately dispersed the origin of the five elements, so now he can still temporarily raise his realm to the false realm of Yin and Yang.

The Master of All Souls looked at Jiang Yun coldly: "I have blocked this world, and you have nowhere to escape."

"Today I'm going to clear the portal!"

"Come on, rebel, let me see how talented you are!"

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