The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7029: What a coincidence, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Xia Ruliu was stunned for a moment, and her divine sense looked beyond the Taoist realm. The tree demon hiding in the dark far away nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

"However, I need an opportunity for him to use the treasure."

"Understood!" Jiang Yun responded.

Xia Ruliu took a deep breath and temporarily buried many complicated thoughts in the bottom of her heart. In her eyes, countless runes of the law of fate appeared. preparation.

At this time, the Master of All Spirits also calmed down, stared at Jiang Yun with cold eyes, and said lightly: "Even if you and I are in the same realm, I really don't believe that your strength can be stronger than me."

The voice fell, and the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits had reached out and pointed at Jiang Yunyi.

There are still endless runes of rules, appearing out of thin air, forming a sea of ​​runes, turbulent and boiling, to completely swallow Jiang Yun.

Before, Jiang Yun and Bingyi were blocked by a sea of ​​runes, and it was only by luck that they showed their magical powers.

Although the area of ​​this sea of ​​runes is much smaller now, the power of the endless chaotic rules is even stronger.

Once they touch Jiang Yun, they will rush in and burst Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun smiled coldly and did not speak. The guardian avenue completely formed by Dao patterns had appeared behind him, and he opened his arms to protect Jiang Yun's body.

All the regular runes began to collide one after another on the guardian avenue.

Every time it hits, a certain dao pattern on the guardian avenue flashes, and the rule rune disappears without a trace.

For a time, the huge body surface of Guardian Avenue was like countless gorgeous fireworks blooming, and rays of light of various colors appeared one after another.

Gradually, there are some regular runes, which finally poured into the body of the guardian avenue, but the number is too rare, it is impossible to burst the body of the guardian avenue.

As for more regular runes, under the impact, large swaths of them disappeared, unable to pour into the body of the guardian avenue.

And the guardian avenue has kept his arms open from the beginning to the end, and there has been no movement at all.

Even Jiang Yun, who was protected by the Guardian Avenue, had already closed his eyes and stood there with a calm expression, also motionless.

It seems that Jiang Yun has absolute confidence that these rule runes cannot pose too much threat to the guardian avenue.

"How is this going!"

Looking at this scene, the pupils of the Master of All Spirits could not help but shrink slightly.

He really couldn't understand why Jiang Yun was suddenly not afraid of these rules and runes of his own.

Although Jiang Yun's realm has indeed improved, before, even the middle-level powerhouses in the source realm like Bingyi and Zhige did not dare to let these runes enter the body.

Only the red wolf and the Jiayi or two high-level powerhouses in the source realm can ignore the attacks of these rule runes.

And no matter how Jiang Yun's realm is improved, it will definitely not reach the high level of the source realm.

The Master of All Souls didn't know what was going on, but in the darkness, the old man who appeared in the pen at an unknown time nodded and said, "This kid has such a deep understanding of the way of yin and yang."

"Everything, in fact, has Yin and Yang, including rules."

"Then, as long as the opposite power is used to deal with the corresponding power of the rules, it will naturally be easily resolved."

"However, this approach is simple to say, but extremely difficult to actually do."

"Even if it is me, I am afraid that I can't do it in the same way."

What the old man in charge said was true.

Although Jiang Yun has just stepped into the realm of yin and yang, but because he has the perception of touching the edge of enlightenment, his understanding of yin and yang has exceeded his own realm.

To put it simply, Jiang Yun's improvement in realm this time is not just stepping into Yin-Yang Dao Realm, but standing at the pinnacle of Yin-Yang Dao Realm in one step.

The next realm is only one step away.

It seems that he is calm, just protecting himself by guarding the avenue, and doing nothing.

But in fact, he completely integrated his divine consciousness into the guardian avenue, carefully sensed every regular rune he touched, and controlled his countless dao dao lines!

He must first judge the power of the rules contained in the rule runes, and then use the opposite power of the Dao to resolve them.

The Master of All Souls has many rules, but the number of avenues Jiang Yun has come into contact with is also huge.

In addition, he is able to multi-purpose, and the control of power is extremely precise, so he can not be affected by the sea of ​​runes.

And the few rule runes that break through and enter the guardian avenue are naturally something Jiang Yun has never come into contact with.

For example, the rules of the prisoner of dragons, and the rules of war similar to the way of war, and so on.

As the number of regular runes became less and less, the Master of All Souls' complexion became more and more gloomy.

However, his expression remained calm.

Obviously, this Sea of ​​Runes attack was not his trump card.

After all the rule runes disappeared, the guardian avenue also loosened his arms, revealing Jiang Yun inside.

Seeing Jiang Yun open his eyes, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Master of All Souls: "Jiang Yun, how much do you know about your master?"

Jiang Yun said lightly: "If you want to provoke the relationship between me and Master, then I advise you not to bother."

"No, no, no!" The Master of All Souls shook his head and said, "What I want to say is that your master himself doesn't know what kind of skills the Master of All Souls had back then."

"Because, he took out his memory, and naturally he even forgot all his magical powers."

"But I still remember!"

"Now, I will let you see the strongest magical power of the master of all spirits."

Having said that, the Master of All Spirits' expression suddenly became solemn, and under the gentle wave of his big sleeves, endless rules and runes appeared again around him.

Jiang Yun didn't respond to the words of the Master of All Spirits, but Xia Ruliu's expression changed suddenly, and she hurriedly said to Jiang Yun, "Be careful, he is going to cast the sword of nine rules."

"The sword of nine rules contains all the rules of Dao Xing Tian and Earth, and is aimed at all living beings of Dao Xing Tian and Earth."

"Even, it should also include non-territorial monks."

"In short, apart from Dao Zun, no one can..."

Before Xia Ruliu could finish speaking, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits spoke again and interrupted: "I am in charge of the rules, so I have formulated nine rules for all things in this world, turning them into nine swords, guarding the Tao and prospering the world!"

"The first rule, the rule of heaven!"


As the voice of the Master of All Spirits fell, some of the rules suddenly flew out of the rule runes that appeared around him, and at an extremely fast speed, they condensed into a sword with a size of 100 feet.

Although it is just a sword, in Jiang Yun's eyes, it is simply a vast sky, releasing a powerful pressure.


What's even weirder is that Jiang Yun wanted to rush over and interrupt the casting of the Master of All Spirits, but under the pressure of the sword, he couldn't get close at all.

The Master of All Spirits continued: "The second rule, the rule of the earth!"

Another part of the regular runes condensed into a sword, which was still suspended in the air.

"The third rule, the rule of man!"

"The fourth rule, the rule of demons!"

"The fifth rule, the rule of spirit!"

"The eighth rule, the rule of all things!"

"The ninth rule, my rule!"

Nine kinds of rules, nine swords of rules with a size of 100 feet, surround the Master of All Spirits, quietly suspended in the air.

At this moment, the Master of All Souls actually gives people a feeling of dignity and dignity without being angry and arrogant.

In particular, the nine swords of rules seem to form a net of rules. As long as you are in the world of Daoxing, you will be affected by them and must abide by the rules.

"Jiang Yun, the sword of nine rules!"

The Master of All Spirits waved his sleeves, and the nine swords of rules immediately flew towards Jiang Yun in unison.

Facing the nine-handed sword, Jiang Yun suddenly laughed and said, "What a coincidence!"

You have your rules, and I have mine. "

"And my rule is to break all the rules!"

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