The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7047: ask sentient beings, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

When Jiang Yun first saw the Master of All Souls taking the red wolf, he thought of a question.

The identity and status of the red wolf are not comparable to ordinary monks outside the territory.

If he kills the red wolf, will it trigger an attack by the red wolf's Dao Realm against himself, or even against the entire Daoxing world?

If so, wouldn't it mean that he has become a sinner for the entire Taoist world! But now, listening to the words of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance, and looking at the two blurry figures above, Jiang Yun knew that his own problem was finally placed in front of him.

Even, the consequences that this problem may lead to are more serious than what I thought before.

It is no longer just the Dao world that the red wolf belongs to will take revenge, but all the monks outside the territory will attack Daoxing heaven and earth in a big way.

As for Dao Xingtiandi, although there is a super-strength Tianzun, he has himself who has entered the realm of Yin and Yang, and there are strong men such as Shura who are very likely to break through to the realm of supreme.

The overall strength is much stronger than before.

However, Jiang Yun never forgot the scene when he met Qingxin Daoist and showed him the strength of Qingxin Dao world.

There are hundreds or thousands of people in the Supreme Being alone.

If a single Qingxin Daojie wanted to attack Daoxing Tiandi, Daoxing Tiandi would have almost no resistance.

If it were an opponent against almost all the monks outside the territory, Daoxing Tiandi would be even less likely to be an opponent.

Therefore, how to choose between yourself and Tianzun now will be related to the safety of the entire Daoxing world and countless living beings.

In fact, Jiang Yun himself, he didn't want to hurt the red wolf.

But now, the Master of All Spirits has taken the red wolf, and if the two of them cannot be separated, letting go of the red wolf is equivalent to handing the Master of All Spirits to the lord of the Hongmeng.

As for the tree demon, Jiang Yun didn't care, he let it go.

Although the tree demon took away the treasure, the treasure was connected to Jiang Yun by the line of fate. Jiang Yun also worried that the other party would leave with the treasure. Therefore, Jiang Yun's eyes turned to Tianzun who had his back turned to him.

At this time, Jiang Yun can only hand over the final decision to Tianzun.

However, I didn't expect that Tianzun seemed to know what Jiang Yun was thinking, and her voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ear almost at the same time: "Jiang Yun, do you think we should let it go or not?"

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly in his heart, knowing that even Tianzun couldn't make a decision.

And he did not immediately respond to Tianzun, but said to Xia Ruliu: "Senior Xia, is there a way to separate the Master of All Souls and the Red Wolf?"

If Xia Ruliu could separate the two, Jiang Yun would not have a hard time making a choice.

"Give me a little more time 1

Xia Ruliu responded hastily.

No matter how simple she is, she naturally knows that what Jiang Yun and Tianzun are facing now is the fate of the entire Daoxing world.

Therefore, she also hopes that she can help the two share some of the pressure.

Jiang Yun did not urge Xia Ruliu to give her enough time.

And he also responded to Tianzun: "Tianzun, how would you choose?"

"I don't know 1

Tianzun's answer was very straightforward, looking up at the two people in the air, and continued: "I am the most troublesome to make choices, and the most troublesome to deal with various affairs, so I will acquiesce to the appearance of Earth and Human. "

"Although the two of them have bad personalities, they are quite capable of handling the affairs of Zhenyu."

Hearing Tianzun's words, Jiang Yun's eyes widened.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, he would have wanted to laugh out loud.

The reason why the dignified respect and the human respect can become the respected is just because the heavenly respect is unwilling to make choices and to deal with affairs?

"You think too much. The two of them appeared because of the request of Dao Zun. The three of us represent the meaning of three talents, and it can be regarded as a reminder to other monks."

"It's a pity that no one seems to be able to understand the intention of Dao Zun."

Jiang Yun nodded, and the Taoist Three Corpse also gave himself a similar explanation as to why there are only three gods in the real realm.

"Go away 1

Tianzun continued: "In short, today's matter is very important, how to choose, I don't care, the key is to see you 1

Tianzun doesn't care, Jiang Yun can understand.

With the strength of Tianzun, you can go anywhere! Even if there is no Dao Xingtiandi, she can still continue to be the supreme Heavenly Venerate.

I believe that even if Tianzun said that she was leaving now, I am afraid that the two above may not be able to stop her.

The question turned around and returned to Jiang Yun, which made Jiang Yun have to fall into contemplation.

Jiang Yun and Tianzun communicated secretly, and the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance and the Lord of Heavenly Stem were also communicating.

The deities of the two of them are still located in the immortal world, the world where Dao Zun is.

The reason why they can appear in Jiang Yun's Daoxingtian map in this way is naturally because Dao Zun used the real Daoxingtian map.

The Lord of Heavenly Stem said with emotion: "Fellow Daoist, I really didn't expect that the monks sent by you and I would be more than enough to win a Dao world."

"I didn't expect it to be planted in this Daoxing world."

"I don't know if it was Jiang Yun, Tianzun, or the Master of All Souls."

"Their strength is really not to be underestimated."

The leader of the Hongmeng League said with a blank face: "The strength of Tianzun and Jiang Yun is not weak, but with one enemy and many enemies, it is impossible to win."

"The reason why a large number of foreign monks were killed is because this vortex space was arranged by the Master of All Spirits."

"He should use the power of rules to kill a large number of foreign monks one by one."

The Heavenly Stem Lord touched his chin and said, "In this way, I don't think they dared to kill the tree demon and the red wolf."

The leader of the Hongmeng Alliance smiled slightly: "Since the chess game has been opened, as chess pieces, no matter what choice they make, they can't help it."

The implication is that regardless of whether Jiang Yun and Tianzun will spare the red wolf tree demon, the attacks of the monks outside the territory on Daoxing Tiandi will happen as usual.

The Heavenly Stem Lord nodded and said, "I have no opinion, but in any case, we need to ensure the safety of the tree demon and the red wolf first.

"After the two of them return safely, we will attack Daoxing Tiandi."

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng turned his head and glanced at the other party, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "I take the liberty to ask, what is the relationship between the tree demon and fellow Taoist."

"It seems that fellow Daoist cares about his safety very much.

The Lord of Heavenly Stem sighed and said, "He is my disciple and the only bloodline of an old friend of mine."

"Back then, in order to obtain this sacred tree, I joined hands with that old friend."

"As a result, my old friend sacrificed himself to save me."

"In order to repay his life-saving grace, I accepted his son as a disciple."

"Over the years, I have treated him as my own, and naturally I can't bear to let him lose his life here."

"So, I hope fellow Daoists will be more considerate. I must not let him have any accidents."

For the reason given by the Lord of Heavenly Stem, the Alliance Leader of Hongmeng nodded again and again: "Understood, fellow Daoist is a person who values ​​love and righteousness."

However, in the heart of the Hongmeng Alliance Leader, he did not believe the other party's words at all.

"The tree demon is his secret chess. He refused to appear before because the tree demon made a move."

"Now, he is in such a hurry that he even wants to save the tree demon at all costs. It should be the tree demon who has obtained something valuable."

"In the vortex space opened up by the Master of All Spirits, the most valuable is nothing more than the memory of the Master of All Spirits, and the treasure."

"There is no trace of the Master of All Spirits. Only the red wolf was caught by Jiang Yun, and it is most likely hidden in the red wolf's body."

"Then, what the tree demon gets can only be that treasure.

After a while, seeing that Jiang Yun was still unable to make a decision, Tianzun suddenly said: "Since this decision concerns all living beings in the entire Daoxing world, it is indeed difficult for you and me to make this decision."

"Why don't we ask all sentient beings and let all the living beings in the whole world make a decision. 1

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