The World That Tao Rules

: announcement, explain, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

I rarely make announcements, but because of the recent release of a new book, many Taoist friends have questioned, some think I will end the old book in a hurry, and some think that I deliberately reduce the update, so I will explain it to you here.

First, as a web writer, income and updates are directly linked.

The more I write, the more I earn, so if it's not for a special reason, I won't get along with the money and intentionally reduce the amount of updates.

Secondly, the old book already has 17 million words, and the current results are fairly stable. Moreover, it has reached this number of words, and it is impossible for it to end in a hurry. It is still a while before the book is finished.

Finally, the reason for opening a new book is that as the child grows, so does the personal pressure.

Although the results of the old book are stable, for example, I have more than enough food and clothing, and I have no hope of going to a well-off life, so I can only hope that the new book will help me embark on the road to prosperity!

In short, no matter whether it is a new book or an old book, it is not a painstaking effort, but it is written word by word, so you can rest assured that you will not favor one over the other, and you will definitely work hard to write it well!

As for the update issue, as long as both books are stable, I will definitely try to have more!

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