The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7073: The name of the treasure, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

All the apertures seem to be suspended in the air, but in fact, there is a light below them, which is connected to the earth formed by the colorful rays of light under Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Jiang Yun will feel that these apertures are like growing out of the earth.

Those rays are the branches, and the aperture is the fruit.

Jiang Yun is no stranger to these apertures.

Because, in the vortex space, when he met the Sand Spirit and the Prisoner Dragon, the treasure he saw there was such an aperture.

Jiang Yun touched two apertures one after another, and even obtained two different powers of thunder and wood from them, thus further condensing his own origin.

It's just that the apertures in the prison dragon and the sand spirit exist independently, there is only one.

Unlike now, the number of apertures is so large that if you look around, you can't see the end, and all of them grow on the ground.

Before, Jiang Yun and Xia Ruliu also discussed, that the treasure is not only a whole, but also can be separated separately.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Yun has also understood that he should be in the interior of the treasure now.

After all, all those individual apertures actually originate from the treasure.

In other words, they originally grew within this treasure, for some special reasons, or after they are fully mature, they can be separated from the treasure like dandelions.

Although Jiang Yun figured out where this place is, for the sake of safety, he decided to touch another aperture to see if his guess was correct.

The light circle closest to Jiang Yun, suspended in the air, was only about the height of one person, the size of a watermelon.

Jiang Yun came to this aperture and spread out his consciousness.

As a result, the consciousness cannot enter the aperture at all.

After a slight hesitation, Jiang Yun carefully stretched out his finger and touched the aperture lightly.

In an instant, Jiang Yun felt a huge force coming out of the aperture, absorbing his body, so that he had no resistance at all, and was sucked into the aperture.

From the outside, the aperture is only the size of a watermelon, but when you are inside the aperture, there is another world here, a boundless world, just like a vast world.

However, in this world, there is no sky, no earth, there are only endless, all kinds of winds.

Gale, breeze, whirlwind, gust of wind, all the wind seems to be tireless, blowing back and forth in this world.

With the arrival of the uninvited guest Jiang Yun, all the winds immediately fell into a state of stillness.

Originally, Jiang Yun was still a little worried about whether these winds would take the initiative to attack him, but soon, the wind continued to blow, ignoring him at all.

However, there was a small amount of wind, like a naughty child, very curious about the intrusion of a stranger like Jiang Yun.

They will pass by Jiang Yun's side, whirling past, making a whirring sound.

Jiang Yun stood in the same place, neither releasing his consciousness to sense these winds, nor moving at will, letting these winds pass by his side, just looking at them quietly with his eyes.

Gradually, Jiang Yun discovered that whether it was the winds that he did not exist or the winds that passed by him, it seemed that they were blowing randomly.

But in fact, they all have their own unique flight trajectories.

Every gust of wind, no matter how fast it blows, will never collide.

Moreover, their flight trajectories all spread forward.

Jiang Yun's gaze followed behind a wisp of wind and looked into the distance.

Although it was flooded by the endless wind, it did not block the line of sight, allowing Jiang Yun to see extremely far places.

At the end of Jiang Yun's line of sight, that is, where the wind's trajectory ends, there is a huge eye of the wind.

All the wind will eventually disappear into the eye of the wind.

However, there is also a large amount of wind, which will blow out from the eye of the wind and not enter this world.

In short, there is both the end of the wind and the beginning of the wind.

The wind comes from the eye of the wind, the wind comes out from the eye of the wind, the cycle goes back and forth, endlessly,

At this time, there was suddenly a daring wind, no longer satisfied with just passing by Jiang Yun's side, but lightly bumped into Jiang Yun's body, and then quickly ran away.

Jiang Yun looked back, looking at the wind that had gone away, a smile appeared on his face.

But then, more wind had roared in, wrapping Jiang Yun's body, even taking him, flying towards the direction of the wind eye.

Jiang Yun didn't struggle and didn't make a move.

Because he could feel that these winds did not have the slightest malice towards him.

It seems that they just want to take themselves to see that eye.

Under the wrapping of many winds, Jiang Yun's speed is also extremely fast.

Looking at the winds that were still floating around in all directions, Jiang Yun finally said softly, "The Avenue of Winds!"

He can clearly sense the world, and even the aura of the Great Dao contained in all winds, without using his divine sense.

As for the treasure, Jiang Yun should be the one who knows the most apart from the Master of All Souls.

He has long speculated that the function of the treasure is to nurture the Dao.

Now, he is naturally certain that all his speculations are correct.

I was brought into the treasure.

And the light groups standing on the earth are the places where the avenues are nurtured.

Each light group represents a kind of avenue.

The light group that he is in is the birthplace of the Dao of Wind.

The eye of the wind may be the same as the thunder tire, the immortal tree, etc., representing the specific things that symbolize the great way.

Even, it symbolizes the avenue itself.

Naturally, the voice that couldn't tell the difference between men and women just now also came from Zhibao.

The treasure can speak and be conscious, Jiang Yun is not surprised at all.

It's just that he can't think of whether the treasure belongs to Daoxing heaven and earth, or Daoxing heaven and earth, which is also bred from the treasure.

Soon, Jiang Yun had come to the eye of the storm.

And the numerous winds also stopped, loosening the wrapping of Jiang Yun.

It seems that they know that Jiang Yun and themselves are not of the same kind and cannot enter the eye of the wind.

Jiang Yun naturally turned his gaze to Fengyan.

At close range, he can see more clearly.

The eye of the wind is a hundred feet in size, like an eye, surrounded by countless wind threads.

The inside of the wind eye is not very clear, as if there is a huge vortex faintly,

"Come on, you already know who I am."

At this moment, the voice that could not distinguish between male and female sounded again.

The flower in front of Jiang Yun's eyes had actually escaped from the light circle of the Avenue of the Winds, and stood again on the ground condensed by the light.

Because the sound came from all directions, Jiang Yun couldn't tell where the treasure was, so he didn't look for it at all, he just sat on the ground and said, "I see, the senior should be the treasure. "

The treasure's voice continued to sound: "You are really welcome!"

Jiang Yun said with a wry smile: "It's not that senior doesn't know, I was seriously injured, and senior took my soul out by itself. I really can't hold on."

What Jiang Yun said is true.

The arrival of Tianzun helped him clear the siege, and the treasure shot to separate his soul from his physical body, but it did not mean that his injury was cured and his strength was restored.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's soul is still very weak now.

The treasure's voice resounded again: "What treasure, how ugly!"

"You creatures, you just randomly give me names."

"I'm not called Zhibao, my name is - Daorang!"

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