The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7290: disappear forever, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Looking at Xie Daozi's eyebrows, the candle mark that is forming, the cold light in Jiang Yun's eyes skyrocketed, and he suddenly realized!

No wonder Ye Bai didn't care about Xie Daozi's escape at all, and he didn't seem to know that he was here to delay time with him, and even accompanied him.

Because he has left his candle mark on Xie Daozi's body, turning Xie Daozi into the same clansmen of the four major races and controlling it.

Obviously, this candle mark was just when the five candles trapped Xie Daozi and absorbed his vitality and power in his body, and somehow quietly stayed in his body.

And the evil Daozi at this moment is naturally under the control of Ye Bai and has to come back!

After understanding all this, Jiang Yun didn't say a word, and took one step forward, appearing beside Xie Daozi.

He wanted to see if there was any way to help Xie Daozi erase the candle mark.

However, as soon as he appeared, Xie Daozi suddenly raised his hand, and under the surging of countless evil Dao patterns, he turned into a huge black dragon and roared towards Jiang Yun.

"Brother, it's me!"

Jiang Yun naturally knew that attacking himself was not Xie Daozi's original intention, but Ye Bai's actions.

But he hoped that Xie Daozi could still stay awake as much as possible, at least resist Xia Yebai's control a little and give himself some time.

So Jiang Yun roared loudly and sent his voice into Xie Daozi's mind.

The voice was thunderous, and the body of Xie Daozi stopped temporarily.

He stood on the spot, holding his head in his hands, shaking it vigorously, and roaring like a wild beast in his mouth, obviously affected by some influence.

Jiang Yun smashed the black dragon with a punch and came to Xie Daozi's side. At the same time that his consciousness disappeared into the opponent's body, he also said again, "Brother, I am Jiang Yun."

"I know your situation, don't worry, I will save you."

"Now I want to see if I can help you erase Ye Bai's mark, don't resist."

It's a pity that Jiang Yun's consciousness has just entered Xie Daozi's body, and a strong resistance has appeared.

It was as if an indestructible high wall stood in the soul of the evil Daozi, forcibly blocking Jiang Yun's consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, this resistance turned into thrust, forcibly pushing Jiang Yun's consciousness out of Xie Daozi's body.

As a former peak source powerhouse, when Xie Daozi's heart was not damaged, his strength was only higher than that of Jiang Yun now.

Although the Dao Heart is damaged now, his soul is still strong.

Jiang Yun wants to search his soul, unless he agrees, otherwise, even if Jiang Yun tries hard, he will not be able to enter.

What's more, in the thrust that appeared later, Jiang Yun faintly saw a burning candle.

This made Jiang Yun's heart sink to the bottom of the valley!

Because, even if Xie Daozi can regain his temporary sobriety and resist Ye Bai's control, as long as Jiang Yun's consciousness enters his soul, Ye Bai's mark can still be blocked.

This means that Jiang Yun has no way to erase Ye Bai's imprint in the soul of the evil Daozi.

Unless, Xie Daozi can do it himself.

After pondering for a while, behind Jiang Yun, the guardian avenue has appeared.

A guardian Dao print condensed in the palm of the guardian avenue, and suddenly hit the evil Daozi.

Since the consciousness cannot enter, Jiang Yun can only change the way.

See if you can replace Yebai's candle mark with your own guardian Dao mark.


At this moment, an endless cold air suddenly came over the sky.

In an instant, all the space within a radius of at least ten thousand zhang behind Jiang Yun was frozen and turned into ice and snow.

It is even more majestic and ghostly, wrapping a large number of dark monsters that are not human but not ghosts, and make various strange sounds, rushing towards Jiang Yun and Xie Daozi.

The four peak powerhouses of the source, although people are entangled by Jiang Yun's source Dao body, but their attacks have been divided into two, one part attacks the source Dao body, and the other part attacks Jiang Yun's deity.

Moreover, this time, they no longer focus on temptation, but use their real strength.

It is not difficult to see that Ye Bai really had a murderous intention towards Jiang Yun.

He even took Xie Daozi as his target of attack, but he had to see if Jiang Yun could save Xie Daozi.

If Jiang Yun saves him, his strength will also be divided into two, and it is even more difficult for him to protect himself.

If Jiang Yun didn't save him and Xie Daozi died, there would be no loss to Ye Bai.

I have to say, Ye Bai's mind is really incomparably vicious!

Jiang Yun also clearly knew Ye Bai's thoughts, but he couldn't do it without saving Xie Daozi.

"Bei Ming!"

Jiang Yun roared and summoned Bei Ming to return at the same time, guarding the avenue directly opened his arms, firmly protecting the evil Daozi.

And he himself displayed all kinds of Dao Qi to counter the attacks of the four peaks of origin.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of dull crashing sounds came from Jiang Yun's body, causing his figure to stagger backwards in the air.

Although he forcibly resisted the joint attack of the four Origin Peaks, he was naturally injured.

The guardian avenue also collapsed suddenly!

But the evil Daozi protected by him was unscathed.

Xie Daozi opened his mouth and grinned at Jiang Yun: "You are such a good person!"

"Then I know what to do with you!"

When the words fell, Xie Daozi stomped his feet and rushed towards Jiang Yun.

At this time, Jiang Yun felt that the guardian Dao seal that he had just penetrated into the body of the evil Daozi was gone.

Looking at the evil Daozi who rushed towards him with a grin on his face, Jiang Yun was really at a loss.

He didn't know how to save the evil Daozi at all!

Fortunately, at this time, a huge darkness instantly appeared in front of Jiang Yun, and it skyrocketed again, reaching a distance of a million meters in an instant, easily pulling Jiang Yun and Xie Daozi away.

Jiang Yun can also take this opportunity to escape.

However, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he took the initiative to step forward, left Beiming's body, and reappeared in front of Xie Daozi.

With a wave of Jiang Yun's sleeves, the power of countless avenues turned into a rope, wrapped the evil Daozi and said, "Brother, I will take you away first, and then find a way to unlock Ye Bai's mark."

"Okay!" Xie Daozi smiled and didn't resist at all, letting Jiang Yun's Dao power entangle himself.

Since the evil Daozi at this moment has the mark of Ye Bai in his soul, even if Jiang Yun takes him away, for Jiang Yun, it is equivalent to taking Ye Bai with him.

But Jiang Yun's character made him unable to leave Xie Daozi just like that, and watched him become Ye Bai's thug.

Therefore, Jiang Yun still decided to leave together with the evil Daozi,

There is no way for him to erase Ye Bai's mark, but perhaps the elders of the Black Soul Clan have a way.

As the power of the Dao entangled Xie Daozi, a shrill roar suddenly erupted in Xie Daozi's mouth.

In the roar, his body bent down, trembling violently, and a large number of evil dao patterns permeated out, wrapping his whole body.

It is not difficult for Jiang Yun to see that Xie Daozi is resisting Yebai's candle mark.

After a few breaths, Xie Daozi's body was completely covered by the black Dao pattern, making him seem to be in a black fog.

At this moment, Xie Daozi slowly straightened his body and raised his head.

The candle mark in his eyebrows actually disappeared!

This made Jiang Yun happy and just wanted to speak, but Xie Daozi looked at Jiang Yun with a smile on his face, and said with a look of reluctance in his eyes: "Brother, I will only swoop in my whole life. past your brother."

"Promise me a request, that is, you must become a detached powerhouse!"

"Come on!"

When the words fell, Xie Daozi suddenly pointed like a knife, directly cutting off Jiang Yun's power of the Dao, and his body turned towards the rear and appeared beside Ye Bai. The next moment, a huge cloud shaped like a mushroom, covering almost the entire Chuanyuan star field, suddenly rose into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and also made the figure of the evil Daozi disappear from Jiang Yun's eyes forever!

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