The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7406: why you, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The battle to seize the source lasted for five days before it ended.

From the diamond-shaped light gate, monks came out one by one.

Compared with when they first entered, their condition was much worse. Almost everyone had blood on their bodies, and some even became disabled.

And the number of people who walked out in the end was only forty or fifty people, about half less.

It is not difficult to see that the five-day battle was extremely tragic.

More than half of the deaths!

Moreover, it does not mean that if you walk out alive, you will be able to obtain the Stone of Origin.

Those monks with joyful faces should have obtained the Stone of Origin, while the remaining ones with depressed faces naturally returned empty-handed.

Immediately after these monks appeared, their relatives and friends went up to greet them, gathered together and asked about their experiences with concern.

Some injuries were so severe that they were taken away by their companions for treatment without even having time to speak.

Finally, Tianzi Yue and Yuanzhu walked out side by side.

The two glanced around, and when Tianzi Yue saw Jiang Yun, the expression on his face was obviously relaxed, and he walked towards Jiang Yun.

Yuanzhu had a gloomy face, and said loudly to the monks around him, "I'll give you half an hour."

As the voice of the source master fell, a large number of monks rushed into the diamond-shaped light gate immediately.

These people naturally went to collect the corpses for their relatives and friends.

Moon Emperor came to Jiang Yun's side, Jiang Yun also stood up, just about to speak, but Yue Tianzi said first: "Let's go back to the moon first."

As he spoke, Yue Tianzi nodded to Xue Yunfei, and the latter understood, and with a wave of his sleeve, the snowbird had already appeared.

Jiang Yun also knew that this was not a place to talk, so he followed Yue Tianzi and Xue Yunfei, and stood on Snowbird's back.

At this time, the voice of the source master suddenly came from afar: "Son of Heaven, when are you going to the middle floor?"

The battle to seize the source is over, but all monks who have obtained the Stone of Origin will naturally go to the middle level.

Generally speaking, except for a few people who will act alone, most monks are willing to be with others.

Therefore, this time was also negotiated by Yue Tianzi and Yuanzhu, and then told all the monks who wanted to go to the middle level, when and where to gather.

Yue Tianzi also glanced at the surrounding people and said: "Let them rest and recuperate first, let's talk about it when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Tianzi ignored Yuanzhu and nodded to Xue Yunfei.

The latter reached out and patted Snowbird's head lightly. Snowbird immediately spread its wings, and accompanied by a clear and long cry, its figure had already soared into the sky and flew towards the middle of the moon.

"Sit down!" Yue Tianzi turned his head and smiled at Jiang Yun: "I just went to see the girl, did she not make things difficult for you?"

Jiang Yun was not surprised that Yue Tianzi, who was on the battlefield of seizing the source, knew that he was looking for the girl.

After all, the source master can transmit voice to the girl and give orders.

So, Jiang Yun repeated what he said to Xue Yunfei before.

After listening, Yue Tianzi did not express any doubts, nodded and said: "After we return to Yue Zhongtian, I will send someone to investigate the whereabouts of your senior brother and friends."

Jiang Yun said thanks.

Next, Yue Tianzi chatted with Jiang Yun, but he didn't mention any news about Situ Jing, the dispute between Taoism and Dharma, or Dingwai.

Jiang Yun speculated that it was probably because the Moon Emperor wanted to avoid some snowy clouds flying!

That is to say, Xue Yunfei is not qualified to know some secrets even if he is a trusted person of Emperor Yue.

However, after one day passed, Yue Tianzi suddenly said to Xue Yunfei: "Yunfei, our people have encountered some troubles in the Lanshan Starfield, you should go there."

Xue Yunfei immediately stood up and said, "Okay!"

After saying hello to Jiang Yun, Xue Yunfei left the snow bird, sprinted towards one direction, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Yue Tianzi explained to Jiang Yun: "Although we, Yue Zhongtian, don't take the initiative to conflict with the Yuanyuan people, the resources here are limited, and sometimes we still need to grab them."

Jiang Yun nodded clearly.

The law of the jungle is an undeniable truth everywhere.

Especially in this place of origin, if you don't fight or grab it, you can't survive at all.

"Okay!" Yue Tianzi continued: "Since Yunfei has left, there are some things we can talk about directly."

"I come from the Shadow Moon Great Realm. I am an ordinary monk. About tens of thousands of years ago, I was dragged into the space-time vortex and came here."

"At that time, my strength was not strong, and it was extremely difficult to survive here."

"Once, I almost died, thanks to meeting your senior sister."

"She not only saved my life, but also helped me improve my strength, and even secretly helped me become the leader of Yue Zhongtian."

"By the way, I didn't create the Mid-Moon Heaven. It already existed when I arrived, but it wasn't called that name at that time."

"I suspect that its real creator should be your senior sister!"

Listening to Yue Tianzi's words, Jiang Yun understood the other party's past and the relationship with his second senior sister.

Although Jiang Yun already knew that the origin of the second senior sister was from outside the cauldron, he was still a little surprised.

My second senior sister actually created Yue Zhongtian, rescued Yue Tianzi, and supported him to become a top powerhouse in the outer layer of this place of origin.

But, what is the purpose of Second Senior Sister doing this?

Is it just to fight the origin?

Yue Tianzi continued: "From your senior sister, I know something about... the truth about our existence."

"You should know some of these truths."

"To put it simply, it is nothing more than a dispute between Taoism and Dharma."

"And your senior sister didn't hide it from me. She said that the reason she saved me was because she suspected that I might be the leader of Daoist cultivators."

"She hopes that I can stay here and help Daoxiu fight against Faxiu."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's heart skipped a beat, remembering that the Second Senior Sister had been refined by the Earth Venerable to search for a monument.

In the past, Jiang Yun always believed that the ability to find the best monks among various types of monks when searching for the repair tablet was the ability of the earth lord.

But now it seems that the person who really has this ability should be the second senior sister!

Second Senior Sister's true identity, or her mission to enter the cauldron from outside the cauldron, is to find the leader of Daoxiu!

"Alas!" Yue Tianzi sighed leisurely and said, "It is conceivable that when I learned the truth, I was greatly shocked."

"And I ended up choosing to stay."

"From then on, even if I took root here, I led Yue Zhongtian to fight against the origin, and then sent batches of monks to the middle level."

"But one day later, your senior sister found me again and told me that she made a mistake and that I was not the guide of Daoxiu."

"If I want, I can put down the moon at any time."

"Like other monks, I can leave here and enter the middle and inner layers of the Land of Origin. She can even send me back to the Shadowmoon Realm."

"But I'm alone, it's the same everywhere, and I'm used to life here, so I just stayed and waited for the real leader to appear."

"About a few months ago, your senior sister contacted me suddenly, saying that her junior brother came here, and it is very likely that he is the leader of Daoxiu. Let me protect you."

"She also said that you are quite suspicious. In order to make you believe me, she specially told me some of your experiences and situations."

months ago!

Jiang Yun secretly guessed the time in his heart, it should be after he snatched the Stone of Origin from Shi Feng!

At that time, the second senior sister realized that she had entered the outer layer of the land of origin.

In order to protect herself, she deliberately contacted Yue Tianzi.

Just when Jiang Yun thought of this, Yue Tianzi's voice sounded again.

"I have always wondered what kind of conditions this leader needs to have?"

"Why can't I be the leader of Daoxiu?"

"Why, are you Jiang Yun?"

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