The Young Master is a Girl

Chapter 1146: The beginning of strength to protect his wife

  Chapter 1146 The beginning of strength to protect his wife

  Lance's words made Yi Shisan seem a little silent.

  Lance knew what Lance said.

   He knows how special Dongfang Yue's identity is.

   It's not just other people who want Dongfang Yue's life, even the so-called relatives and family members can't see her well.

  Perhaps it was because of this environment that she had to disguise herself as a man, and she had to become so indifferent to others.

   Facing Yi Shisan's silence, Lance knew that he had listened.

"No matter how strong she is, she is still a woman and a mother. She also hopes to have extra time to spend with her children, but the current situation forces her to become a warrior in armor, fighting the enemy on the battlefield , so I hope you can think about her more sometimes."

   Patted Yi Shisan on the shoulder, then turned around and left.

   Lance's departure.

  Yi Shisan remained silent, making the room very quiet.

   This kind of quietness seems a bit depressing.

   I don’t know how long I stood there.

  Yi Shisan took a step forward.

   That was going to the lounge.

  Hold the doorknob and turn it.

  The closed door then opened.

  The face of Dongfang Yue, who was lying on the bed and sleeping with her eyes closed, also caught Yi Shisan's eyes.

  The steps are so light, I am afraid that Dongfang Yue will wake her up.

Step by step.

  Start approaching the Eastern Moon.

  Looking straight at the tightly closed face, shadow whiskers were pulled out from the closed eyes because of the eyelashes, the tiredness on the face was so deep.

   It can be seen that Lance is not lying.

  She Dongfang Yue really didn't rest for three days and three nights.

   My heart ached.

   There was even more suffocation in his chest.

  It seems to be angry at Dongfangyue for not cherishing herself, and also seems to be angry at all the idiot reactions she has made during this period.

  He should have thought that Dongfang Yue was not that kind of person.

  There is no time to rest, so how can I have time to answer the phone.

  Bending down, his hands gently caressed the face that he had been thinking about for a long time.

  Maybe she was too tired, maybe she instinctively felt that the people around her could reassure her. The sleeping Dongfang Yue didn't respond to Yi Shisan's actions.

  Always extremely alert, this moment also disappeared.

   A stoop.

  The lips lightly landed on Dongfang Yue's forehead.

"You didn't avoid me on purpose, it was because you were too busy. In fact, you don't like being so busy at all, right? It's all those people, and it's all those people's faults, right? So, as long as those people who hinder you don't Now, then you will have time to spend with your children, and you will also have time with me, right?"

   The whispering voice was so gentle, but the usually harmless eyes were stained with a dull color.

  Dongfangyue in her sleep didn't respond to Yi Shisan's words.

   After all, his voice is so soft, and now she is sleeping so deeply.

  By the time Dongfang Yue woke up, three full hours had passed.

   Before going to bed, her body automatically set the body alarm clock, and she woke up naturally after three hours.

  Compared with the tired look just now.

   At this time, she is obviously more energetic.

  Yi Shisan, who originally appeared in the office, has long since disappeared.

  The room was so quiet that he seemed to have never been here before.

   After receiving the documents and materials handed over by the assistant, he went to the conference room with one step.

   Today will be another busy day.

  (end of this chapter)

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