Therapy Planet No. 13

Chapter 61: Chamber of Secrets

It's like an exhibition dedicated to the human body as the main body, and it's also like some kind of great art that is integrated into one.

"what is this?"

Jessica couldn't help but murmured.

"Do you think this is like a laboratory?"

Locke stretched out his hand and poked the book composed of a string of scarlet data floating in front of him, but the moment he touched it, the closed book quickly spread out in front of him into pieces of electronic paper full of specific content.

He just glanced at it, and the sloppy look on his face instantly turned serious.

"You can understand?"

The text above is pitiful. Ninety-nine percent of the content is composed of a large amount of data and charts. The pictures next to it are the internal compositions of the human brains with different structures on various planets, even Angel and He Heng. Bing, there is no way to fully understand what this is.

"I think it's like some kind of experimental data." He Xiangbin frowned and looked at the numbers above and suggested.

"You know what this is."

But after confirming that he couldn't read it, Angel put his attention on Locke's focused face, trying to read something from his micro-expression.

"It's... a human experiment."

Locke took a deep breath, his eyes drawn back from his obsessive state.

"I took a look at it. It's all about the technical terms of brain science. Here are all human experimental data on the brain and mental network!"

Locke didn't know what to think, his brows frowned slightly, and he suddenly started to flip through all the unopened data around him: "Will it be—"

The piles of charts and numbers spread out like a wave, and quickly changed from a huge wave to a fine snowflake. The numbers became more and more broken, and it was simply overwhelming and dazzling.

Locke was scratching like a cat in his heart, wishing to import all these data into his brain in an instant, but no matter how much he looked at it, he knew that it was impossible.

No matter how curious he is about these data, Locke knows that now is not the time for research.

"Is there a way to get this data out of here!"

Locke suddenly looked at Jessica, and the person who has the most say over electronic devices here is undoubtedly this underage kid.

There was a tinge of enthusiasm unique to researchers in his eyes. Jessica recognized this passion for devotion. Although Locke has neither morality, nor is he usually vicious, he has always done his part when it comes to human experiments.

"…I have no idea."

Jessica kept her attention on the two concave carvings, "The system here is unknown, and I can't find any outreach interface, and I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Dawn quickly asked.

"This should be a secret base in Almy Star, a place that ordinary soldiers don't know about, otherwise they wouldn't be entangled with us here just now."

Angel's analysis is straightforward: "And from the appearance of this passage, it looks like an ordinary place. The design of the dead end is also to let ordinary soldiers put down their guard against it, and block the road in disguise to prevent people from walking. As for why Dawn can unlock the data hidden here - that's still unknown."

"If someone wants to hide something at home, he will put it in the safe." Angel pointed to the surrounding data and the blood-red walls and said, "We are now in the 'safe'."

"Another point."

He Xiangbin's face was quite ugly: "In addition to the safe, an alarm device is often set up. We can still hold on because we have blocked the communication channel to the outside world, but if this alarm facility operates alone..."

"But isn't Dawn's identity suitable?" Jessica asked ignorantly, "It shouldn't attract—"

"Identity mismatch."

Li Ming's face also changed: "It said at the time that the identification did not match, not that the identification was successful!"

She has a good memory, and when she was on Planet 13, she didn't have any storage device to record what she learned, so Dawn had to memorize everything He Xiangbin taught by rote in her mind.

Maybe she didn't realize that her memory development has far exceeded that of 90% of the children in the universe.

"It's saying that the genes match the data collected by the database!"

Dawn screamed.

Not identification, but matching data.

Such words are very interesting.

If there is no identification, what if the database controller is alerted?

more importantly-


Where is the database from?

She stayed on Planet 13 until dawn, and who collected the data from her?

The the database number 13?

Or is the connection between Almi and Planet 13 far beyond their conjecture?

After the data is collected, what kind of human experiment is it?

Dawn only felt a chill down the back of his spine.


Almi didn't take Rhode's request to heart. In his eyes, this was just another dirty internal task of the federal government.

He disdains to participate in the conspiracy of the rookies of the federal government. For Armi, strong military strength is a prerequisite for him to stand arrogantly in the forest of the universe.

is the only condition.

Other than that, he doesn't need to think about anything else.

Therefore, even though Rhodes emphasized the importance of capturing Enron to him, he only symbolically mentioned this task on the agenda of the urgent task.

But whether it is an urgent task or a routine task, these are only specifications based on external judgment standards. In Armi's mind, there is not much difference between the two.

It was just at this moment that he suddenly became very interested in the "rogue" who made Rhodes so cautious.

Because he saw the gadgets that had been in the office for a long time without movement, suddenly there was movement and an alarm was issued.

Armi looked at the bunch of cloud wood rattan bells raised by the windowsill, regardless of its name, this is a bionic alarm device cultivated by the Military Weapons Department.

It has excellent concealment performance, and the color can be integrated with the environment, making it an excellent camouflage color. Climbing on the window sill, the color and size will change with the change of light like ordinary plants, just like a most ordinary plant.

The first-generation cloud wood vine bell was just an ornamental plant brought back from a certain plant planet. Later, Almistar discovered that it could be used for special military purposes like the thorn flower. After hundreds of years of artificial cultivation, it was finally cultivated. Variant species.

The Armies are top-notch in military weapons, not to mention the military supplies that are specially supplied to the high-level?

A cloud tree vine bell is unheard of in the black market of Xingwang, even among the few high-level federal officials who know about it, if they want to ask for one, it will be priceless.

Its daughter plants can be replicated infinitely and can be integrated into any building material. As long as it is placed in the keyhole, the daughter plant will actively integrate into the protection device, and then the mother plant will correspondingly grow a flower or fruit representing the corresponding "lock". , once there is an illegal invasion, the mother plant will be marked by blooming flowers or ripe fruit.

And now, the cloud wood rattan bell is in full bloom.

The existence of the secret room was built for the private task that Rhodes gave him. The only two people who entered the legal genes were him and Rhodes.

This entire cloud tree vine bell exists for this secret room.

One was melted in the carving, and one seed was melted on the four walls and the floor and ceiling.

In order to keep secrets, once other people trigger the mechanism, they will be instantly destroyed by the particle anti-aircraft guns embedded in the wall within 0.01 seconds.

If it was just an illegal invasion and instant destruction, it would only touch the first sub-stalk that melted into the keyhole, but now the whole vine bell is exuding a cold fragrance.

Then there is only one explanation:

Someone trespassed and survived.

Armi stretched out his hand and hooked a rose-red petal with a playful touch. The pulp of his finger slid slightly along the edge of the petal, and his hand was stained with a little pollen.

Rhodes is in the capital star, and he is here. There is only one reason to be able to enter without being shot -

The other's genes have been identified by the system.

Armi looks through the window to countless square and neat buildings. His office is on a high floor. Looking down from a high place, the neatly planned green spaces, streets and buildings leave only a carpet-like visual color. piece.

The petri dishes he often saw in the research institute suddenly flashed across his mind, and it was the same, neat and uniform, and each equivalent site was labeled with a different label to distinguish it.

All the data of the petri dish will be collected on the fixed data rack, and it is not surprising that some experimental products escaped and the gene matching was successful.


A short message from Rhodes came from the communicator:

"I sent someone to take the fastest transport ship to deliver a 'gift' to you. It should be arriving at your place soon. Remember to sign for it."

Hmm, boring.

Armie didn't even have to think about what Rhodes shipped him.

Before there is no result, the things that come out of the petri dish are all defective products.

He ignored the news from Rhodes, stretched out his hand and flicked the petals that were fluttering in the wind. Those petals instantly shook off the branches, were swept up in the wind, and disappeared into the air.

At the same time, the data light in the data room where Angel and others were staying suddenly shrank.

Countless red lights condensed into bundles of rays, scurrying wantonly in the space.

Soon, the red lines solidified into straight lines that cut the entire space, dividing the space into pieces, like a huge spider web with no rules.

"do not move!"

Angel stopped in time and reached out to touch Jessica, who was changing light, with a bad expression on her face.

She turned the snake into a dagger, carefully put down a corner of her clothes, and gently placed it on the red light.

Clothing shattered into powder in an instant.

The secret room was deadly quiet.

"We are surrounded."

Angel looked at the dense red death laser rays around him and said in a deep voice.



Almi ignored Rhode's news and directly connected to Marta's communication network.

"I'll send you an address, and come back to report in three hours."

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